COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 21 MAY 2022 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission THE SENATE ==================================================================== AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 314,329 +06.2 Votes cast: 290,308 92.4 -01.1 Informal votes: 5,091 01.8 -00.5 Formal votes: 285,217 98.3 +00.5 Quota for election: 95,073 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Katy Gallagher * ALP 94,630 33.2 Group A Maddy Northam ALP 554 00.2 Q:1.0012 Joy Angel SAP 1,563 00.5 Group B John Haydon SAP 75 00.0 Q:0.0172 James Savoulidis UAP 5,983 02.1 Group C Tracey Page UAP 129 00.0 Q:0.0643 Hon Zed Seselja * Lib 69,562 24.4 Group D Kacey Lam Lib 1,177 00.4 Q:0.7440 David Pocock Pocock 60,313 21.1 Group E Clare Doube Pocock 93 00.0 Q:0.6354 Dr Kim Rubenstein KFC 12,463 04.4 Group F Kim Huynh KFC 159 00.1 Q:0.1328 Therese Faulkner Prog 678 00.2 Group G Stephen Lin Prog 48 00.0 Q:0.0076 Tjanara Goreng Goreng Green 28,870 10.1 Group H James Cruz Green 490 00.2 Q:0.3088 Andrew Katelaris LCA 4,440 01.6 Group I Michelle Stanvic LCA 76 00.0 Q:0.0475 Yana Del Valle AJP 1,852 00.7 Group J Jannah Fahiz AJP 37 00.0 Q:0.0199 Michael Simms IMOP 1,380 00.5 Group K Mary-Janes Liddicoat IMOP 78 00.0 Q:0.0153 Fuxin Li 567 00.2 Q:0.0060 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Fahiz's 37 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 0 94,630 33.2 Northam 1 02.7 555 00.2 Angel 1 02.7 1,564 00.5 Haydon 0 75 00.0 Savoulidis 0 5,983 02.1 Page 1 02.7 130 00.0 Seselja * 0 69,562 24.4 Lam 0 1,177 00.4 Pocock 2 05.4 60,315 21.1 Doube 1 02.7 94 00.0 Rubenstein 0 12,463 04.4 Huynh 0 159 00.1 Faulkner 0 678 00.2 Lin 1 02.7 49 00.0 Goreng Goreng 1 02.7 28,871 10.1 Cruz 1 02.7 491 00.2 Katelaris 1 02.7 4,441 01.6 Stanvic 1 02.7 77 00.0 Del Valle 22 59.5 1,874 00.7 Simms 0 1,380 00.5 Liddicoat 3 08.1 81 00.0 Li 1 02.7 568 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 37 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Lin's 49 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 1 02.0 94,631 33.2 Northam 0 555 00.2 Angel 1 02.0 1,565 00.5 Haydon 1 02.0 76 00.0 Savoulidis 0 5,983 02.1 Page 0 130 00.0 Seselja * 1 02.0 69,563 24.4 Lam 2 04.1 1,179 00.4 Pocock 2 04.1 60,317 21.1 Doube 1 02.0 95 00.0 Rubenstein 0 12,463 04.4 Huynh 3 06.1 162 00.1 Faulkner 21 42.9 699 01.0 Goreng Goreng 3 02.7 28,874 10.1 Cruz 1 02.0 492 00.2 Katelaris 3 06.1 4,444 01.6 Stanvic 0 77 00.0 Del Valle 1 02.0 1,875 00.7 Simms 0 1,380 00.5 Liddicoat 0 81 00.0 Li 8 16.3 576 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 49 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Haydon's 76 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 3 03.9 94,634 33.2 Northam 1 01.3 556 00.2 Angel 56 73.7 1,621 00.6 Savoulidis 4 05.3 5,987 02.1 Page 0 130 00.0 Seselja * 1 01.3 69,564 24.4 Lam 0 1,179 00.4 Pocock 4 05.3 60,321 21.1 Doube 0 95 00.0 Rubenstein 2 02.6 12,465 04.4 Huynh 0 162 00.1 Faulkner 0 699 00.2 Goreng Goreng 0 28,874 10.1 Cruz 0 492 00.2 Katelaris 0 4,444 01.6 Stanvic 2 02.6 79 00.0 Del Valle 1 01.3 1,876 00.7 Simms 1 01.3 1,381 00.5 Liddicoat 0 81 00.0 Li 1 01.3 577 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Stanvic's 79 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 2 02.5 94,636 33.2 Northam 1 01.3 557 00.2 Angel 2 02.5 1,623 00.6 Savoulidis 0 5,987 02.1 Page 1 01.3 131 00.0 Seselja * 0 69,564 24.4 Lam 2 02.5 1,181 00.4 Pocock 3 03.8 60,324 21.1 Doube 0 95 00.0 Rubenstein 1 01.3 12,466 04.4 Huynh 2 02.5 164 00.1 Faulkner 2 02.5 701 00.2 Goreng Goreng 1 01.3 28,875 10.1 Cruz 3 03.8 495 00.2 Katelaris 51 64.6 4,495 01.6 Del Valle 2 02.5 1,878 00.7 Simms 1 01.3 1,382 00.5 Liddicoat 3 03.8 84 00.0 Li 2 02.5 579 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 79 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Liddicoat's 84 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 0 94,636 33.2 Northam 0 557 00.2 Angel 3 03.6 1,626 00.6 Savoulidis 0 5,987 02.1 Page 1 01.2 132 00.0 Seselja * 1 01.2 69,565 24.4 Lam 0 1,181 00.4 Pocock 1 01.2 60,325 21.1 Doube 1 01.2 96 00.0 Rubenstein 2 02.4 12,468 04.4 Huynh 0 164 00.1 Faulkner 0 02.5 701 00.2 Goreng Goreng 1 01.2 28,876 10.1 Cruz 1 01.2 496 00.2 Katelaris 1 01.2 4,496 01.6 Del Valle 2 02.4 1,880 00.7 Simms 67 79.8 1,449 00.5 Li 3 03.6 582 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 84 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Doube's 96 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 5 05.2 94,641 33.2 Northam 3 03.1 560 00.2 Angel 1 01.0 1,627 00.6 Savoulidis 0 5,987 02.1 Page 1 01.0 133 00.0 Seselja * 0 69,565 24.4 Lam 2 02.1 1,183 00.4 Pocock 55 57.3 60,380 21.2 Rubenstein 6 06.3 12,474 04.4 Huynh 9 09.4 173 00.1 Faulkner 4 04.2 705 00.2 Goreng Goreng 3 03.1 28,879 10.1 Cruz 4 04.2 500 00.2 Katelaris 1 01.0 4,497 01.6 Del Valle 0 1,880 00.7 Simms 0 1,449 00.5 Li 2 02.1 584 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 96 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Page's 133 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 3 02.3 94,644 33.2 Northam 0 560 00.2 Angel 2 01.5 1,629 00.6 Savoulidis 97 72.9 6,084 02.1 Seselja * 3 02.3 69,568 24.4 Lam 6 04.5 1,189 00.4 Pocock 7 05.3 60,387 21.2 Rubenstein 1 00.8 12,475 04.4 Huynh 1 00.8 174 00.1 Faulkner 1 00.8 706 00.2 Goreng Goreng 0 28,879 10.1 Cruz 0 500 00.2 Katelaris 2 01.5 4,499 01.6 Del Valle 1 00.8 1,881 00.7 Simms 7 05.3 1,456 00.5 Li 2 01.5 586 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 133 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Huynh's 174 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 12 06.9 94,656 33.2 Northam 6 03.4 566 00.2 Angel 1 00.6 1,630 00.6 Savoulidis 1 00.6 6,085 02.1 Seselja * 9 05.2 69,577 24.4 Lam 8 04.6 1,197 00.4 Pocock 27 15.5 60,414 21.2 Rubenstein 86 49.4 12,561 04.4 Faulkner 3 01.7 709 00.2 Goreng Goreng 7 04.0 28,886 10.1 Cruz 6 03.4 506 00.2 Katelaris 1 00.6 4,500 01.6 Del Valle 0 1,881 00.7 Simms 1 00.6 1,457 00.5 Li 6 00.3 592 00.2 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 174 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Cruz's 506 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 46 09.1 94,702 33.2 Northam 4 00.8 570 00.2 Angel 0 1,630 00.6 Savoulidis 3 00.6 6,088 02.1 Seselja * 2 00.4 69,579 24.4 Lam 7 01.4 1,206 00.4 Pocock 50 09.9 60,464 21.2 Rubenstein 14 02.8 12,575 04.4 Faulkner 2 00.4 711 00.2 Goreng Goreng 366 72.5 29,252 10.3 Katelaris 6 01.2 4,506 01.6 Del Valle 3 00.6 1,884 00.7 Simms 1 00.2 1,458 00.5 Li 1 00.2 593 00.2 (exhausted 1 1 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 506 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Northam's 570 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher * 340 59.8 95,042 33.2 Angel 20 03.5 1,650 00.6 Savoulidis 10 01.8 6,098 02.1 Seselja * 23 04.0 69,602 24.4 Lam 30 05.3 1,236 00.4 Pocock 75 13.1 60,539 21.2 Rubenstein 18 03.2 12,593 04.4 Faulkner 5 00.9 716 00.3 Goreng Goreng 31 05.4 29,283 10.3 Katelaris 4 00.7 4,510 01.6 Del Valle 4 00.7 1,888 00.7 Simms 4 00.7 1,462 00.5 Li 5 00.9 598 00.2 (exhausted 1 2 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 570 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Li's 598 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * 195 59.8 95,237 33.4 ELECTED 1 Angel 16 03.5 1,666 00.6 Savoulidis 11 01.8 6,109 02.1 Seselja * 53 04.0 69,655 24.4 Lam 33 05.3 1,267 00.4 Pocock 75 13.1 60,614 21.3 Rubenstein 57 03.2 12,650 04.4 Faulkner 22 00.9 738 00.3 Goreng Goreng 43 05.4 29,326 10.3 Katelaris 27 00.7 4,537 01.6 Del Valle 22 00.7 1,910 00.7 Simms 44 00.7 1,506 00.5 (exhausted 1 2 ) (lost by fraction 0 0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 598 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th count: Gallagher's 164 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Angel 5 03.2 1,671 00.6 Savoulidis 3 01.9 6,112 02.1 Seselja * 16 10.3 69,671 24.4 Lam 0 1,267 00.4 Pocock 78 50.3 60,692 21.3 Rubenstein 12 07.7 12,662 04.4 Faulkner 0 738 00.3 Goreng Goreng 38 24.5 29,364 10.3 Katelaris 3 01.9 4,540 01.6 Del Valle 2 01.3 1,912 00.7 Simms 0 1,506 00.5 (exhausted 1 3 ) (lost by fraction 6 6 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 164 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th count: Faulkner's 738 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Angel 75 10.2 1,746 00.6 Savoulidis 28 03.8 6,140 02.2 Seselja * 37 05.0 69,708 24.4 Lam 3 00.4 1,270 00.4 Pocock 165 22.5 60,857 21.3 Rubenstein 138 18.8 12,800 04.5 Goreng Goreng 193 26.3 29,557 10.4 Katelaris 39 05.3 4,579 01.6 Del Valle 32 04.4 1,944 00.7 Simms 32 03.3 1,530 00.5 (exhausted 4 7 ) (lost by fraction 0 6 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 738 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th count: Lam's 1,270 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Angel 36 02.9 1,782 00.6 Savoulidis 48 03.8 6,188 02.2 Seselja * 704 56.0 70,412 24.7 Pocock 279 22.2 61,136 21.4 Rubenstein 99 07.9 12,899 04.5 Goreng Goreng 34 02.7 29,591 10.4 Katelaris 26 02.1 4,605 01.6 Del Valle 14 11.1 1,958 00.7 Simms 18 14.3 1,548 00.5 (exhausted 12 19 ) (lost by fraction 0 6 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,270 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th count: Simms's 1,548 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Angel 114 07.5 1,896 00.7 Savoulidis 540 35.6 6,728 02.4 Seselja * 69 04.5 70,481 24.7 Pocock 115 07.6 61,251 21.5 Rubenstein 64 04.2 12,963 04.5 Goreng Goreng 60 04.0 29,651 10.4 Katelaris 334 22.0 4,939 01.7 Del Valle 221 15.6 2,179 00.8 (exhausted 31 50 ) (lost by fraction 0 6 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,548 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17th count: Angel's 1,896 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Savoulidis 277 14.8 7,005 02.5 Seselja * 251 13.4 70,732 24.8 Pocock 457 24.3 61,708 21.6 Rubenstein 237 12.6 13,200 04.6 Goreng Goreng 314 16.7 29,965 10.5 Katelaris 156 08.3 5,095 01.8 Del Valle 185 09.9 2,364 00.8 (exhausted 17 67 ) (lost by fraction 2 8 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,896 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18th count: Del Valle's 2,364 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Savoulidis 152 06.5 7,157 02.5 Seselja * 202 08.7 70,934 24.8 Pocock 406 17.5 62,114 21.8 Rubenstein 265 11.4 13,465 04.7 Goreng Goreng 677 29.1 30,642 10.7 Katelaris 623 26.8 5,718 02.0 (exhausted 37 104 ) (lost by fraction 2 10 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,364 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19th count: Katelaris's 5,718 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Savoulidis 976 06.5 8,133 02.9 Seselja * 800 08.7 71,734 25.2 Pocock 1,479 17.5 63,593 22.3 Rubenstein 576 11.4 14,041 04.9 Goreng Goreng 1,682 29.1 32,324 11.3 (exhausted 204 308 ) (lost by fraction 1 11 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,718 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20th count: Katelaris's 8,133 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Seselja * 3,676 48.6 75,410 26.4 Pocock 2,207 29.2 65,800 23.1 Rubenstein 1,103 14.6 15,144 05.3 Goreng Goreng 576 07.6 32,900 11.5 (exhausted 572 880 ) (lost by fraction -1 10 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,133 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21st count: Rubenstein's 15,144 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Seselja * 1,426 09.8 76,836 26.9 Pocock 9,801 67.5 75,601 26.5 Goreng Goreng 3,290 22.7 36,190 12.7 (exhausted 627 1,507 ) (lost by fraction 0 10 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,144 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22nd count: Goreng Goreng's 36,190 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLAGHER * E 95,073 33.3 ELECTED 1 Seselja * 4,649 14.2 81,485 28.6 POCOCK 28,017 85.7 103,618 36.3 ELECTED 2 (exhausted 3,479 4,986 ) (lost by fraction 0 10 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36,190 285,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Katy Ruth Gallagher (born 1970): Appointed 2015. Elected 2016. Resigned 2018. Elected 2019, 2022 Minister for Finance from 23 May 2022 Attorney-General 23 May 2022 to 1 June 2022 Minister for Women 23 May 2022 to 1 June 2022 > Zdenko Matthew Seselja (born 1977): Elected 2013, 2016, 2019. Defeated 2022 Minister for International Development and the Pacific to 23 May 2022 > David Willmer Pocock (born 1988): Elected 2022 Born: 23 April 1988, South Africa Career: Grew up in Zambabwe. To Australia 2002. Professional rugby union player 2006-20. Educated Charles Sturt University. -------------------------------------------------------------------