COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 21 MAY 2022 ======================================================================================== Figures as at 4 June 2022 THE SENATE ======================================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 17,228,900 +04.9 Votes cast: 14,452,966 83.9 -08.6 Informal votes: 640,751 04.4 +00.6 Formal votes: 13,812,215 95.6 -00.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats Party Votes % 2019 2022 Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal-National Coalition 4,788,163 34.7 -03.3 17 16 32 -4 Australian Labor Party 4,178,640 30.3 +01.5 11 15 26 Australian Greens 1,719,491 12.5 +02.3 6 6 12 +3 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 589,601 04.3 -01.1 1 1 2 United Australia Party 472,586 03.4 +01.1 - 1 1 +1 Legalise Cannabis Australia 448,999 03.3 +01.5 - - - Liberal Democratic Party 302,509 02.2 +01.0 - - - David Pocock 57,925 00.4 - 1 1 +1 Xenophon group 30,549 00.2 - - - -1 Jacqui Lambie Network 29,296 00.2 1 1 2 +1 Rex Patrick Team 21,988 00.2 - - - -1 Others 1,225,005 08.9 - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,812,215 36 40 76 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Liberal Party lost seats in Vic, Qld, WA, Tas and the ACT, and gained a seat in SA. Labor lost a seat in NSW and gained a seat in WA. The Greens gained seats in NSW, Qld and SA. The Xenophon group and the Rex Patrick Team lost seats in SA. The Jacquie Lambie Network gained a seat in Tas. The United Australia Party gained a seat in Vic. An independent gained a seat in the ACT. VOTING BY STATE AND TERRITORY ======================================================================================== NEW SOUTH WALES (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 5,472,469 +03.2 Votes cast: 4,602,109 84.1 -08.5 Informal votes: 259,142 05.6 +01.4 Formal votes: 4,342,967 94.4 -01.4 Quota for election: 620,424 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal-National Coalition 1,612,566 37.1 -01.4 2.5991 3 Australian Labor Party 1,326,611 30.6 +00.7 2.1382 2 -1 Australian Greens 496,655 11.4 +02.7 0.8005 1 +1 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 178,790 04.1 -00.8 0.2882 - United Australia Party 143,739 03.3 +01.8 0.2317 - Legalise Cannabis Australia 108,014 02.5 +00.4 0.1741 - Animal Justice Party 89,073 02.1 +01.0 0.1436 - Liberal Democratic Party 87,149 02.0 +00.1 0.1405 - Others 300,370 06.9 0.4842 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,342,967 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hon Marise Payne * (Liberal) 2. Deborah O'Neill * (Labor) 3. Ross Cadell (National) 4. Jennifer McAllister * (Labor) 5. James Molan * (Liberal) 6. David Shoebridge (Greens) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICTORIA (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 4,344,208 +03.8 Votes cast: 3,686,032 84.9 -08.3 Informal votes: 155,282 04.2 +00.2 Formal votes: 3,530,750 95.8 -00.2 Quota for election: 504,393 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal-National Coalition 1,165,782 33.0 -02.9 2.3113 2 -1 Australian Labor Party 1,118,420 31.7 +00.6 2.2174 2 Australian Greens 473,242 13.4 +02.8 0.9382 1 United Australia Party 139,032 03.9 +01.5 0.2756 1 +1 Legalise Cannabis Australia 103,630 02.9 +01.4 0.2055 - Pauline Hanson's One Nation 102,576 02.9 +00.1 0.2034 - Liberal Democratic Party 82,318 02.3 +01.4 0.1632 - Others 345,700 09.8 0.0980 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,530,750 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hon Sarah Henderson * (Liberal) 2. Linda White (Labor) 3. Hon Bridget McKenzie * (Nationals) 4. Jana Stewart * (Labor) 5. Lidia Thorpe * (Greens) 6. Ralph Babet (UAP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUEENSLAND (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 3,503,609 +07.4 Votes cast: 2,972,945 84.9 -07.1 Informal votes: 110,216 03.7 +00.5 Formal votes: 2,862,729 96.3 -00.5 Quota for election: 408,962 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal National Party 1,021,592 35.7 -03.2 2.4980 2 -1 Australian Labor Party 714,285 25.0 +02.4 1.7466 2 Australian Greens 352,522 12.3 +02.4 0.8620 1 +1 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 207,520 07.3 -03.0 0.5074 1 Legalise Cannabis Australia 149,469 05.2 +03.5 0.3655 - United Australia Party 118,423 04.1 +00.6 0.2896 - Liberal Democratic Party 70,226 02.5 +01.6 0.1717 - Others 228,692 08.0 0.5592 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,862,729 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hon James McGrath * (Liberal) 2. Murray Watt * (Labor) 3. Hon Matthew Canavan * (Nationals) 4. Anthony Chisholm * (Labor) 5. Penny Allman-Payne (Greens) 6. Pauline Hanson * (One Nation) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 1,773,969 +07.8 Votes cast: 1,339,525 75.5 -15.5 Informal votes: 52,117 03.9 +00.5 Formal votes: 1,287,408 96.1 -00.5 Quota for election: 183,916 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australian Labor Party 452,969 35.2 +07.6 2.4629 3 +1 Liberal Party 408,540 31.7 -09.2 2.2213 2 -1 Australian Greens 176,621 13.7 +01.9 0.9603 1 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 44,560 03.5 -02.4 0.2423 - Legalise Cannabis Australia 42,675 03.3 +01.6 0.2320 - Australian Christians 28,020 02.2 +00.5 0.1524 - United Australia Party 27,405 02.1 +00.4 0.1490 - Others 106,618 08.3 0.5798 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,287,408 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Susan Lines * (Labor) 2. Hon Michaelia Cash * (Liberal) 3. Glenn Sterle * (Labor) 4. Dean Smith (Liberal) 5. Fatima Payman (Labor) 6. Dorinda Cox * (Greens) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH AUSTRALIA (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 1,272,047 +05.1 Votes cast: 1,107,941 87.1 -06.6 Informal votes: 42,721 03.9 +00.4 Formal votes: 1,065,220 96.1 -00.4 Quota for election: 152,175 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal Party 364,113 34.2 -03.6 2.3927 3 +1 Australian Labor Party 346,200 32.5 +02.1 2.2750 2 Australian Greens 126,494 11.9 +01.0 0.8312 1 +1 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 42,284 04.0 -00.9 0.2779 - United Australia Party 32,058 03.0 -00.0 0.2107 - Xenophon group 30,549 02.9 +00.1 0.2007 - -1 Legalise Cannabis Australia 24,291 02.3 +00.2 0.1596 - Liberal Democratic Party 22,898 02.2 +01.5 0.1505 - Rex Patrick Team 21,988 02.1 0.1445 - -1 Others 54,345 05.1 0.3572 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,065,220 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hon Simon Birmingham * (Liberal) 2. Hon Penny Wong * (Labor) 3. Andrew McLachlan * (Liberal) 4. Hon Don Farrell * (Labor) 5. Kerrynne Liddle (Liberal) 6. Dr Barbara Pocock (Greens) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TASMANIA (Six senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 402,331 +04.2 Votes cast: 355,450 88.4 -06.3 Informal votes: 13,585 03.8 +00.2 Formal votes: 341,865 96.2 -00.2 Quota for election: 48,838 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal Party 109,438 32.0 +00.6 2.2408 2 -1 Australian Labor Party 93,525 27.4 -03.2 1.9150 2 Australian Greens 52,523 15.4 +02.8 1.0755 1 Jacqui Lambie Network 29,296 08.6 -00.4 0.5999 1 +1 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 13,124 03.8 +00.4 0.2687 - Legalise Cannabis Australia 10,439 03.1 +01.9 0.2137 - Others 33,520 09.8 0.0981 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 341,865 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hon Jonathon Duniam * (Liberal) 2. Anne Urquhart * (Labor) 3. Wendy Askew * (Liberal) 4. Carol Brown * (Labor) 5. Peter Whish-Wilson * (Greens) 6. Tammy Tyrrell (Jacqui Lambie Network) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 314,329 +06.2 Votes cast: 280,693 89.3 -04.2 Informal votes: 5,111 01.8 -00.5 Formal votes: 275,582 98.2 +00.5 Quota for election: 91,861 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australian Labor Party 92,056 33.4 -06.0 1.0021 1 Liberal Party 69,205 25.1 -07.3 0.7534 - -1 David Pocock 57,925 21.0 0.6306 - Australian Greens 28,013 10.2 -07.5 0.3049 1 +1 Kim for Canberra 12,038 04.4 0.1310 - United Australia Party 5,900 02.1 -00.1 0.0642 - Others 10,445 03.8 0.1137 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 275,582 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Katy Gallagher Labor) 2. David Pocock (Independent) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 145,938 +04.8 Votes cast: 96,588 66.2 -12.0 Informal votes: 3,260 03.4 -00.3 Formal votes: 93,328 96.6 +00.3 Quota for election: 31,110 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Quotas Seats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australian Labor Party 30,931 33.1 -04.3 0.9942 1 Country Liberal Party 29,308 31.4 -05.3 0.9421 1 Australian Greens 11,868 12.7 +02.5 0.3815 - Liberal Democratic Party 8,605 09.2 0.2766 - Legalise Cannabis Australia 5,748 06.2 +02.3 0.1848 - Great Australian Party 4,068 04.4 0.1308 - Others 2,800 03.0 0.0900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 93,328 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators elected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Malarndirri McCarthy (Labor) 2. Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (Country Liberal) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------