DUNKLEY, Vic 104,957 enrolled, 95,444 (90.9%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Frankston, Karingal, Mornington, Mt Eliza -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 two-party majority: Liberal 05.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruth Stanfield DHJP 5,510 06.2 Jeanette Swain Grn 8,616 09.7 +00.3 Chris Crewther + Lib 38,158 42.7 -06.0 Michael Rathbone FF 1,393 01.6 -00.4 Peta Murphy ALP 29,620 33.2 +02.3 Sally Baillieu 542 00.6 Lin Tregenza RUA 682 00.8 +00.2 Tyson Jack AJP 1,926 02.2 Dr Joseph Toscano 1,132 01.3 Tim Wilms LDP 1,037 01.2 Jeff Reaney AC 677 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,151 (06.4%) informal 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Baillieu's 542 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 57 10.5 5,567 06.2 Swain 138 25.5 8,754 09.8 Crewther + 53 09.8 38,211 42.8 Rathbone 42 07.8 1,435 01.6 Murphy 89 16.4 29,709 33.3 Tregenza 23 04.2 705 00.8 Jack 90 16.6 2,016 02.3 Toscano 32 05.9 1,164 01.3 Wilms 8 01.5 1,045 01.2 Reaney 10 01.9 687 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 542 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Reaney's 687 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 39 05.7 5,606 06.3 Swain 28 04.1 8,782 09.8 Crewther + 91 13.3 38,302 42.9 Rathbone 317 46.1 1,752 02.0 Murphy 36 05.2 29,745 33.3 Tregenza 48 07.0 753 00.8 Jack 26 03.8 2,042 02.3 Toscano 46 06.7 1,210 01.4 Wilms 56 08.2 1,101 01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 687 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Tregenza's 753 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 202 26.8 5,808 06.5 Swain 22 02.9 8,804 09.9 Crewther + 69 09.2 38,371 43.0 Rathbone 193 25.6 1,945 02.2 Murphy 58 07.7 29,803 33.4 Jack 84 11.2 2,126 02.4 Toscano 75 10.0 1,285 01.4 Wilms 50 06.6 1,151 01.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 753 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Wilms's 1,151 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 144 12.5 5,952 06.7 Swain 63 05.5 8,867 09.9 Crewther + 350 30.4 38,721 43.4 Rathbone 250 21.7 2,195 02.5 Murphy 93 08.1 29,896 33.5 Jack 98 08.5 2,224 02.5 Toscano 153 13.3 1,438 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,151 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Toscano's 1,438 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 349 24.3 6,301 07.1 Swain 245 17.0 9,112 10.2 Crewther + 148 10.3 38,869 43.5 Rathbone 145 10.1 2,340 02.6 Murphy 281 19.5 30,177 33.8 Jack 270 18.8 2,494 02.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,438 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Rathbone's 2,340 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 601 25.7 6,902 07.7 Swain 278 11.9 9,390 10.5 Crewther + 814 34.8 39,683 44.4 Murphy 310 13.3 30,486 34.1 Jack 337 14.4 2,831 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,340 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Jack's 2,831 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanfield 858 30.3 7,760 08.7 Swain 1,022 36.1 10,412 11.7 Crewther + 312 11.0 39,995 44.8 Murphy 639 22.6 31,126 34.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,831 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Stanfield's 7,760 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swain 2,859 36.8 13,271 14.9 Crewther + 2,417 31.2 42,412 47.5 Murphy 2,484 32.0 33,610 37.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 7,760 89,293 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Swain's 13,271 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREWTHER + 3,512 26.5 45,925 51.4 Murphy 9,758 73.5 43,368 48.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 13,271 89,293 01.4 04.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher John Crewther (born 1983): Elected 2016 Born: 6 August 1983, Melbourne Career: Educated Australian National University, University of Canberra. Lawyer, public servant. Staffer to Senator Hon Michael Ronaldson. CEO, Mildura Development Corporation. Liberal candidate for Mallee 2013. --------------------------------------------------------------------