BOOTHBY, SA 107,325 enrolled, 99,662 (92.9%) voted ==================================================================== Adelaide: Belair, Brighton, Mitcham, Seacliff -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 two-party majority: Liberal 07.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Karen Hockley NXT 19,688 20.7 Mark Ward ALP 23,366 24.5 -06.3 Jamie Armfield 664 00.7 Gary Wheatcroft FF 2,477 02.6 -01.3 Evelyn Carroll AJP 1,356 01.4 Jane Bange Grn 8,001 08.4 -03.6 Nicolle Flint + Lib 39,298 41.2 -09.1 Robert De Jonge 438 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,374 (04.2%) informal 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: De Jonge's 438 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockley 68 15.5 19,756 20.7 Ward 37 08.5 23,403 24.6 Armfield 146 33.3 810 00.9 Wheatcroft 18 04.1 2,495 02.6 Carroll 31 07.1 1,387 01.5 Bange 40 09.1 8,041 08.4 Flint + 98 22.4 39,396 41.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 438 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Armfield's 810 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockley 217 26.8 19,973 21.0 Ward 133 16.4 23,536 24.7 Wheatcroft 101 12.5 2,596 02.7 Carroll 121 14.9 1,508 01.6 Bange 115 14.2 8,156 08.6 Flint + 123 15.2 39,519 41.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 810 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Carroll's 1,508 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockley 363 24.1 20,336 21.3 Ward 197 13.1 23,733 24.9 Wheatcroft 199 13.2 2,795 02.9 Bange 583 38.7 8,739 09.2 Flint + 166 11.0 39,685 41.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,508 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Wheatcroft's 2,795 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockley 610 21.8 20,946 22.0 Ward 333 11.9 24,066 25.3 Bange 354 12.7 9,093 09.5 Flint + 1,498 53.6 41,183 43.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,795 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Bange's 9,093 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockley 3,283 36.1 24,299 25.4 Ward 5,011 55.1 29,077 30.5 Flint + 799 08.8 41,982 44.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 9,093 95,288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Hockley's 24,299 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ward 15,231 62.9 44,308 46.5 FLINT + 8,998 37.1 50,980 53.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 24,299 95,288 03.8 03.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolle Jane Flint (born 1978): Elected 2016 Born: 15 July 1978, Kingston South-East SA Career: Educated Flinders University. Solicitor. Newspaper columnist. Staffer to Hon Dr Brendan Nelson MP, Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP. Research Fellow, Menzies Research Centre. --------------------------------------------------------------------