PATERSON, NSW 97,107 enrolled, 91,863 (94.6%) voted ==================================================================== NSW North Coast: Dungog, Forster, East Maitland, Nelson Bay -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Liberal 05.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anna Balfour CDP 1,854 02.1 +01.1 Jayson Packett PUP 5,451 06.3 Peter Davis 390 00.5 Bob Holz 877 01.0 John Brown 5,812 06.7 +00.7 Bay Marshall ALP 25,811 29.6 -08.6 Hon Bob BALDWIN * Lib 46,922 53.9 +02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,746 (05.2%) informal 87,118 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Davis's 390 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Balfour 47 12.1 1,901 02.2 Packett 99 25.4 5,550 06.4 Holz 98 25.1 975 01.1 Brown 49 12.6 5,861 06.7 Marshall 48 12.2 25,859 29.7 BALDWIN * 49 12.6 46,971 53.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 390 87,118 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Holz's 975 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Balfour 235 24.1 2,126 02.5 Packett 270 27.7 5,820 06.7 Brown 186 19.1 6,047 06.9 Marshall 140 14.4 25,999 29.8 BALDWIN * 144 14.8 47,115 54.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 975 87,118 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Balfour's 2,126 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Packett 771 36.1 6,591 07.6 Brown 148 06.9 6,195 07.1 Marshall 211 09.9 26,210 30.1 BALDWIN * 1,006 47.1 48,121 55.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,126 87,118 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Brown's 6,195 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Packett 900 14.5 7,491 08.6 Marshall 4,474 72.2 30,684 35.2 BALDWIN * 821 13.3 48,942 56.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 6,195 87,118 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Packett's 7,491 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marshall 4,353 58.1 35,037 40.2 BALDWIN * 3,138 41.9 52,080 59.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 7,491 87,118 09.8 04.5 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Charles Baldwin (born 1955): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998. Elected 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry 18 September 2013 to 23 December 2014 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment 23 December 2014 to 21 September 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Baldwin will retire at the 2016 election. --------------------------------------------------------------------