MELBOURNE PORTS, Vic 93,518 enrolled, 84,296 (90.1%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Caulfield, Port Melbourne, South Melbourne, St Kilda -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Labor 07.6 Effect of 2010 redistribution: 00.3 shift to Labor 2013 notional two-party majority: Labor 07.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Star ASP 3,089 03.8 +01.6 Hon Michael Danby * ALP 25,676 31.7 -06.6 Robert Keenan FF 490 00.6 -00.1 Toby Stoddart PUP 1,122 01.4 Vince Stefano DLP 540 00.7 Ann Birrell Grn 16,353 20.2 -00.8 Kevin Ekendahl Lib 33,278 41.1 +03.7 Margaret Quinn 201 00.3 Steven Armstrong 324 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,223 (03.8%) informal 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Quinn's 201 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Star 18 09.0 3,107 03.8 Danby * 21 10.5 25,697 31.7 Keenan 24 11.9 514 00.6 Stoddart 13 06.5 1,135 01.4 Stefano 22 11.0 562 00.7 Birrell 27 13.4 16,380 20.2 Ekendahl 28 13.9 33,306 41.1 Armstrong 48 23.9 372 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 201 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Armstrong's 372 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Star 91 24.5 3,198 03.9 Danby * 39 10.5 25,736 31.7 Keenan 25 06.7 539 00.7 Stoddart 34 09.1 1,169 01.4 Stefano 25 06.7 587 00.7 Birrell 75 20.2 16,455 20.3 Ekendahl 83 22.3 33,389 41.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 372 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Keenan's 539 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Star 67 12.4 3,265 04.0 Danby * 118 21.9 25,854 31.9 Stoddart 62 11.5 1,231 01.5 Stefano 72 13.4 659 00.8 Birrell 101 18.7 16,556 20.4 Ekendahl 119 22.1 33,508 41.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 539 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Stefano's 659 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Star 52 07.9 3,317 04.1 Danby * 210 31.9 26,064 32.2 Stoddart 112 17.0 1,343 01.7 Birrell 126 19.1 16,682 20.6 Ekendahl 159 24.1 33,667 41.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 659 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Stoddart's 1,343 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Star 340 25.3 3,657 04.5 Danby * 299 22.3 26,363 32.5 Birrell 265 19.7 16,947 20.9 Ekendahl 439 32.7 34,106 42.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,343 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Star's 3,657 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Danby * 1,509 41.3 27,872 34.5 Birrell 1,447 39.5 18,392 22.7 Ekendahl 703 19.2 34,809 42.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 3,657 81,073 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Birrell's 18,392 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- DANBY * 15,547 84.5 43,419 53.6 Ekendahl 2,845 15.5 37,364 46.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 18,392 81,073 03.6 04.3 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael David Danby (born 1955): Elected 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts to 18 September 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------