MELBOURNE, Vic 99,013 enrolled, 89,899 (90.8%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Ascot Vale, Carlton, Collingwood, Richmond -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-candidate majority: Greens over Labor 06.0 Effect of 2010 redistribution: 00.1 shift to Labor 2013 notional two-candidate majority: Greens over Labor 05.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anthony Main 1,140 01.4 Sean Armistead Lib 19,301 22.8 +01.4 Kate Borland 443 00.5 Noelle Walker FF 453 00.5 Dr Adam Bandt * Grn 36,035 42.6 +07.0 Cath Bowtell ALP 22,490 26.6 -11.5 Martin Vrbnjak PUP 780 00.9 Michael Bayliss 173 00.2 Michael Murphy DLP 442 00.5 Nyree Walshe 628 00.7 John Davidson 297 00.4 Joyce Khoo 165 00.2 Royston Wilding 230 00.3 James Mangisi ASP 1,621 01.9 +00.1 Frazer Kirkman 183 00.2 Paul Cummins 170 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,348 (06.0%) informal 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Khoo's 165 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 4 02.4 1,144 01.4 Armistead 16 09.7 19,317 22.9 Borland 3 01.8 446 00.5 Walker 28 17.0 481 00.6 Bandt * 18 10.9 36,053 42.6 Bowtell 20 12.1 22,510 26.6 Vrbnjak 7 04.2 787 00.9 Bayliss 8 04.9 181 00.2 Murphy 10 06.1 452 00.5 Walshe 10 06.1 638 00.8 Davidson 14 08.5 311 00.4 Wilding 6 03.6 236 00.3 Mangisi 17 10.3 1,638 01.9 Kirkman 0 183 00.2 Cummins 4 02.4 174 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 165 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Cummins's 174 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 7 04.0 1,151 01.4 Armistead 11 06.3 19,328 22.9 Borland 13 07.5 459 00.5 Walker 4 02.3 485 00.6 Bandt * 13 07.5 36,066 42.7 Bowtell 10 05.8 22,520 26.6 Vrbnjak 3 01.7 790 00.9 Bayliss 2 01.2 183 00.2 Murphy 4 02.3 456 00.5 Walshe 3 01.7 641 00.8 Davidson 4 02.3 315 00.4 Wilding 9 05.2 245 00.3 Mangisi 14 08.1 1,652 02.0 Kirkman 77 44.3 260 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 174 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bayliss's 183 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 9 04.9 1,160 01.4 Armistead 19 10.4 19,347 22.9 Borland 4 02.2 463 00.6 Walker 14 07.7 499 00.6 Bandt * 21 11.5 36,087 42.7 Bowtell 9 04.9 22,529 26.7 Vrbnjak 20 10.9 810 01.0 Murphy 17 09.3 473 00.6 Walshe 25 13.7 666 00.8 Davidson 5 02.7 320 00.4 Wilding 16 08.7 261 00.3 Mangisi 16 08.7 1,668 02.0 Kirkman 8 04.4 268 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 183 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Wilding's 261 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 5 01.9 1,165 01.4 Armistead 11 04.2 19,358 22.9 Borland 5 01.9 468 00.6 Walker 2 00.8 501 00.6 Bandt * 72 27.6 36,159 42.8 Bowtell 18 06.9 22,547 26.7 Vrbnjak 2 00.8 812 01.0 Murphy 3 01.2 476 00.6 Walshe 11 04.2 677 00.8 Davidson 20 07.7 340 00.4 Mangisi 98 37.6 1,766 02.1 Kirkman 14 05.4 282 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 261 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Kirkman's 282 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 17 06.0 1,182 01.4 Armistead 14 05.0 19,372 22.9 Borland 71 25.2 539 00.6 Walker 5 01.8 506 00.6 Bandt * 48 17.0 36,207 42.8 Bowtell 17 06.0 22,564 26.7 Vrbnjak 3 01.1 815 01.0 Murphy 12 04.3 488 00.6 Walshe 14 05.0 691 00.8 Davidson 12 04.3 352 00.4 Mangisi 69 24.5 1,835 02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 282 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Davidson's 352 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 17 04.8 1,199 01.4 Armistead 34 09.7 19,406 23.0 Borland 19 05.4 558 00.7 Walker 14 04.0 520 00.6 Bandt * 72 20.5 36,279 42.9 Bowtell 36 10.2 22,600 26.7 Vrbnjak 13 03.7 828 01.0 Murphy 18 05.1 506 00.6 Walshe 55 15.6 746 00.9 Mangisi 74 21.0 1,909 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 352 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Murphy's 506 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 35 06.9 1,234 01.5 Armistead 73 14.4 19,479 23.0 Borland 59 11.7 617 00.7 Walker 48 09.5 568 00.7 Bandt * 70 13.8 36,349 43.0 Bowtell 99 19.6 22,699 26.9 Vrbnjak 43 08.5 871 01.0 Walshe 53 10.5 799 00.9 Mangisi 26 05.1 1,935 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 506 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Walker's 568 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 47 08.3 1,281 01.5 Armistead 170 29.9 19,649 23.2 Borland 76 13.4 693 00.8 Bandt * 91 16.0 36,440 43.1 Bowtell 79 13.9 22,778 26.9 Vrbnjak 38 06.7 909 01.1 Walshe 43 07.6 842 01.0 Mangisi 24 04.2 1,959 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 568 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Borland's 693 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 128 18.5 1,409 01.7 Armistead 172 24.8 19,821 23.4 Bandt * 166 24.0 36,606 43.3 Bowtell 94 13.6 22,872 27.1 Vrbnjak 56 08.1 965 01.1 Walshe 34 04.9 876 01.0 Mangisi 43 06.2 2,002 02.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 693 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Walshe's 876 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 52 05.9 1,461 01.7 Armistead 82 09.4 19,903 23.5 Bandt * 326 37.2 36,932 43.7 Bowtell 110 12.6 22,982 27.2 Vrbnjak 87 09.9 1,052 01.2 Mangisi 219 25.0 2,221 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 876 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Vrbnjak's 1,052 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main 120 11.4 1,581 01.9 Armistead 259 24.6 20,162 23.9 Bandt * 252 24.0 37,184 44.0 Bowtell 224 21.3 23,206 27.5 Mangisi 197 18.7 2,418 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,052 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th count: Main's 1,581 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armistead 742 46.9 20,904 24.7 Bandt * 517 32.7 37,701 44.6 Bowtell 169 10.7 23,375 27.7 Mangisi 153 09.7 2,571 03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,581 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th count: Mangisi's 2,571 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armistead 590 23.0 21,494 25.4 Bandt * 1,173 45.6 38,874 46.0 Bowtell 808 31.4 24,183 28.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,571 84,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th count: Armistead's 21,494 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- BANDT * 7,858 36.6 46,732 55.3 Bowtell 13,636 63.4 37,819 44.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 21,494 84,551 05.3 00.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Paul Bandt (born 1972): Elected 2010, 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Notional 15th count: Bandt's 38,874 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armistead 4,501 11.6 25,996 30.7 BOWTELL 34,373 88.4 58,555 69.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 38,874 84,551 19.3 04.0 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- This count was conducted for informational purposes only.