HUME, NSW 102,321 enrolled, 97,136 (94.9%) voted ==================================================================== Southern NSW: Goulburn, Picton, Yass, Young -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Liberal 08.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay Cosgrove 1,273 01.4 Bruce Nicholson KAP 1,658 01.8 James Harker-Mortlock 2,096 02.3 Michael Pilbrow ALP 23,711 26.1 -05.8 Angus TAYLOR + Lib 49,105 54.0 +00.4 Jason Cornelius PUP 4,015 04.4 Adrian van der Byl CDP 1,397 -1.5 -00.2 Zaza Chevalier Grn 5,218 05.7 -01.9 Lynette Styles ON 2,521 02.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,142 (06.3%) informal 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Cosgrove's 1,273 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicholson 658 51.7 2,316 02.6 Harker-Mortlock 200 15.7 2,296 02.5 Pilbrow 145 11.4 23,856 26.2 TAYLOR + 101 07.9 49,206 54.1 Cornelius 37 02.9 4,052 04.5 van der Byl 26 02.0 1,423 01.6 Chevalier 34 02.7 5,252 05.8 Styles 72 05.7 2,593 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,273 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: van der Byl's 1,423 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicholson 75 05.3 2,391 02.6 Harker-Mortlock 116 08.2 2,412 02.7 Pilbrow 155 10.9 24,011 26.4 TAYLOR + 793 55.7 49,999 55.0 Cornelius 103 07.2 4,155 04.6 Chevalier 76 05.3 5,328 05.9 Styles 105 07.4 2,698 03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,423 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Nicholson's 2,391 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Harker-Mortlock 1,078 45.1 3,490 03.8 Pilbrow 362 15.1 24,373 26.8 TAYLOR + 313 13.1 50,312 55.3 Cornelius 313 13.1 4,468 04.9 Chevalier 103 04.3 5,431 06.0 Styles 222 09.3 2,920 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,391 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Styles's 2,920 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Harker-Mortlock 563 19.3 4,053 04.5 Pilbrow 516 17.7 24,889 27.4 TAYLOR + 660 22.6 50,972 56.0 Cornelius 651 22.3 5,119 05.6 Chevalier 530 18.2 5,961 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,920 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Harker-Mortlock's 4,053 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilbrow 1,665 41.1 26,554 29.2 TAYLOR + 913 22.5 51,885 57.0 Cornelius 972 24.0 6,091 06.7 Chevalier 503 12.4 6,464 07.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 4,053 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Cornelius's 6,091 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilbrow 2,469 40.5 29,023 31.9 TAYLOR + 2,249 36.9 54,134 59.5 Chevalier 1,373 22.5 7,837 08.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 6,091 90,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Chevalier's 7,837 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilbrow 6,033 77.0 35,056 38.5 TAYLOR + 1,804 23.0 55,938 61.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 7,837 90,994 11.5 02.8 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Angus James Taylor (born 1966): Elected 2013 Born: 30 September 1966, Nimmitabel, NSW Career: Educated University of Sydney, Oxford University. Economist and lawyer. Company director. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation from 18 February 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------