HIGGINS, Vic 98,452 enrolled, 90,546 (92.0%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Carnegie, Malvern, Prahran, Toorak -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Liberal 06.8 Effect of 2010 redistribution: 01.4 shift to Labor 2013 notional two-party majority: Liberal 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly O'DWYER * Lib 47,467 54.4 +03.9 Jamie Baldwin FF 742 00.9 -00.2 Wesa Chau ALP 21,027 24.1 -05.2 Leanne Price 354 00.4 Phillip Dall PUP 1,385 01.6 James Harrison Grn 14,669 16.8 -01.0 Graeme Weber 1,663 01.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,239 (03.6%) informal 87,307 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Price's 354 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'DWYER * 61 17.2 47,528 54.4 Baldwin 81 22.9 823 00.9 Chau 69 19.5 21,096 24.2 Dall 60 17.0 1,445 01.7 Harrison 45 12.7 14,714 16.9 Weber 38 10.7 1,701 02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 354 87,307 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Baldwin's 823 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'DWYER * 341 41.4 47,869 54.8 Chau 137 16.7 21,233 24.3 Dall 93 11.3 1,538 01.8 Harrison 109 13.2 14,823 17.0 Weber 143 17.4 1,844 02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 823 87,307 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Dall's 1,538 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'DWYER * 487 31.7 48,356 55.4 Chau 288 18.7 21,521 24.7 Harrison 350 22.8 15,173 17.4 Weber 413 26.9 2,257 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,538 87,307 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Weber's 2,257 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'DWYER * 920 40.8 49,276 56.4 Chau 427 18.9 21,948 25.1 Harrison 910 40.3 16,083 18.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,257 87,307 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Harrison's 16,083 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'DWYER * 3,047 19.0 52,323 59.9 Chau 13,036 81.1 34,984 40.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 16,083 87,307 09.9 04.5 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly Megan O’Dwyer (born 1967): Elected 2009 by, 2010, 2013 Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer from 23 December 2014 to 21 September 2015 Minister for Small Business from 21 September 2015 Assistant Treasurer from 21 September 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------