FREMANTLE, WA 100,833 enrolled, 93,024 (92.3%) voted ==================================================================== Perth: Coolbelup, Fremantle, Jandakot, Willagee -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Labor 05.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard McNaught KAP 1,061 01.2 Jordon Steele-John Grn 10,354 11.9 -05.8 Owen Mulder 1,163 01.3 Teresa van Lieshout 205 00.2 Vashil Sharma PUP 3,451 04.0 Matthew Hanssen Lib 33,219 38.1 -00.4 Jim McCourt FF 811 00.9 -00.8 Ron Rowlands 131 00.2 Philip Scott 416 00.5 Sam Wainwright 743 00.9 Hon Melissa Parke * ALP 35,554 40.8 +01.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,916 (06.4%) informal 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Rowlands's 131 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McNaught 9 06.9 1,070 01.2 Steele-John 8 06.1 10,362 11.9 Mulder 2 01.5 1,165 01.3 van Lieshout 11 08.4 216 00.3 Sharma 20 15.3 3,471 04.0 Hanssen 11 08.4 33,230 38.2 McCourt 23 17.6 834 01.0 Scott 27 20.6 443 00.5 Wainwright 4 03.1 747 00.9 Parke * 16 12.2 35,570 40.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 131 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: van Lieshout's 216 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McNaught 29 13.4 1,099 01.3 Steele-John 25 11.6 10,387 11.9 Mulder 19 08.8 1,184 01.4 Sharma 30 13.9 3,501 04.0 Hanssen 30 13.9 33,260 38.2 McCourt 25 11.6 859 01.0 Scott 27 12.5 470 00.5 Wainwright 6 02.8 753 00.9 Parke * 25 11.6 35,595 40.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 216 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Scott's 470 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McNaught 51 10.9 1,150 01.3 Steele-John 49 10.4 10,436 12.0 Mulder 50 10.6 1,234 01.4 Sharma 56 11.9 3,557 04.1 Hanssen 54 11.5 33,314 38.2 McCourt 85 18.1 944 01.1 Wainwright 68 14.5 821 00.9 Parke * 57 12.1 35,652 40.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 470 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Wainwright's 821 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McNaught 30 03.7 1,180 01.4 Steele-John 393 47.9 10,829 12.4 Mulder 20 02.4 1,254 01.4 Sharma 43 05.2 3,600 04.1 Hanssen 46 05.6 33,360 38.3 McCourt 58 07.1 1,002 01.2 Parke * 231 28.1 35,883 41.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 821 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: McCourt's 1,002 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McNaught 107 10.7 1,287 01.5 Steele-John 169 16.9 10,998 12.6 Mulder 179 17.9 1,433 01.7 Sharma 159 15.9 3,759 04.3 Hanssen 203 20.3 33,563 38.5 Parke * 185 18.5 36,068 41.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,002 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: McNaught's 1,287 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Steele-John 658 51.3 11,656 13.4 Mulder 199 15.5 1,632 01.9 Sharma 202 15.7 3,961 04.6 Hanssen 121 09.4 33,684 38.7 Parke * 107 08.3 36,175 41.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,287 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Mulder's 1,632 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Steele-John 324 19.9 11,980 13.8 Sharma 293 18.0 4,254 04.9 Hanssen 774 47.4 34,458 39.6 Parke * 241 14.8 36,416 41.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,632 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Sharma's 4,254 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Steele-John 1,533 36.0 13,513 15.5 Hanssen 1,464 34.4 35,922 41.2 Parke * 1,257 29.6 37,673 43.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 4,254 87,108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Steele-John's 13,513 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hanssen 3,481 25.8 39,403 45.2 PARKE * 10,032 74.2 47,705 54.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 13,513 87,108 04.8 00.9 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Parke (born 1966): Elected 2007, 2010, 2013 Minister for International Development to 18 September 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Parke will retire at the 2016 election. --------------------------------------------------------------------