DEAKIN, Vic 97,327 enrolled, 92,229 (94.8%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Blackburn, Heathmont, Mitcham, Ringwood -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Labor 02.4 Effect of 2010 redistribution: 01.8 shift to Lib 2013 notional two-party majority: Labor 00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Dobby 1,698 01.9 Yasmin De Zilwa 327 00.4 Toni Smith 261 00.3 Michael Sukkar Lib 40,482 45.9 +02.0 Mario Guardiani PUP 1,949 02.2 Steve Raskovy KAP 293 00.3 John Carbonari 212 00.2 Mike Barclay 1,519 01.7 Stephen Barber ASP 1,856 02.1 Hannah Westbrook FF 1,200 01.4 -02.1 Brendan Powell Grn 9,560 10.8 -01.9 Mike Symon * ALP 28,883 32.7 -05.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,989 (04.3%) informal 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Carbonari's 212 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 14 06.6 1,712 01.9 De Zilwa 14 06.6 341 00.4 Smith 8 03.8 269 00.3 Sukkar 22 10.4 40,504 45.9 Guardiani 13 06.1 1,962 02.2 Raskovy 31 14.6 324 00.4 Barclay 37 17.5 1,556 01.8 Barber 15 07.1 1,871 02.1 Westbrook 27 12.7 1,227 01.4 Powell 9 04.3 9,569 10.8 Symon * 22 10.4 28,905 32.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 212 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Smith's 269 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 39 14.5 1,751 02.0 De Zilwa 38 14.1 379 00.4 Sukkar 63 23.4 40,567 46.0 Guardiani 18 06.7 1,980 02.2 Raskovy 27 10.0 351 00.4 Barclay 16 06.0 1,572 01.8 Barber 15 05.6 1,886 02.1 Westbrook 19 07.1 1,246 01.4 Powell 17 06.3 9,586 10.9 Symon * 17 06.3 28,922 32.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 269 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Raskovy's 351 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 21 06.0 1,772 02.0 De Zilwa 21 06.0 400 00.5 Sukkar 60 17.1 40,627 46.0 Guardiani 108 30.8 2,088 02.4 Barclay 41 11.7 1,613 01.8 Barber 27 07.7 1,913 02.2 Westbrook 21 06.0 1,267 01.4 Powell 19 05.4 9,605 10.9 Symon * 33 09.4 28,955 32.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 351 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: De Zilwa's 400 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 153 38.3 1,925 02.2 Sukkar 94 23.5 40,721 46.2 Guardiani 47 11.8 2,135 02.4 Barclay 13 03.3 1,626 01.8 Barber 17 04.3 1,930 02.2 Westbrook 40 10.0 1,307 01.5 Powell 11 02.8 9,616 10.9 Symon * 25 06.3 28,980 32.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 400 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Westbrook's 1,307 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 572 43.8 2,497 02.8 Sukkar 221 16.9 40,942 46.4 Guardiani 53 04.1 2,188 02.5 Barclay 79 06.0 1,705 01.9 Barber 82 06.3 2,012 02.3 Powell 146 11.2 9,762 11.1 Symon * 154 11.8 29,134 33.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,307 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Barclay's 1,705 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 284 16.7 2,781 03.2 Sukkar 295 17.3 41,237 46.7 Guardiani 161 09.4 2,349 02.7 Barber 234 13.7 2,246 02.6 Powell 389 22.8 10,151 11.5 Symon * 342 20.1 29,476 33.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,705 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Barber's 2,246 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 127 05.7 2,908 03.3 Sukkar 315 14.0 41,552 47.1 Guardiani 379 16.9 2,728 03.1 Powell 912 40.6 11,063 12.5 Symon * 513 22.8 29,989 34.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,246 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Guardiani's 2,728 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby 570 20.9 3,478 03.9 Sukkar 950 34.8 42,502 48.2 Powell 611 22.4 11,674 13.2 Symon * 597 21.9 30,586 34.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,728 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Dobby's 3,478 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUKKAR 2,507 72.1 45,009 51.0 Powell 528 15.2 12,202 13.8 Symon * 443 12.7 31,029 35.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 3,478 88,240 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Powell's 12,202 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUKKAR 1,917 15.7 46,926 53.2 Symon * 10,285 84.3 41,314 46.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 12,202 88,240 03.2 03.8 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Michael Stuart Symon (born 1965): Elected 2007, 2010. Defeated 2013 * Michael Sukkar (born 1981): Elected 2013 Born: 11 September 1981, Melbourne Career: Educated Deakin University, University of Melbourne. Lawyer. Senior Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers. --------------------------------------------------------------------