CALWELL, Vic 102,685 enrolled, 93,370 (90.9%) voted ==================================================================== Melbourne: Broadmeadows, Keilor, Roxburgh Park, Taylors Lakes -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 two-party majority: Labor 19.7 Effect of 2010 redistribution: 00.4 shift to Labor 2013 notional two-party majority: 20.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brett Watson KAP 1,915 02.2 Paul Graham FF 2,175 02.5 -02.1 Bryce Letcher PUP 3,728 04.3 Maria Vamvakinou * ALP 42,819 49.8 -07.8 Nevena Spirovka ASP 2,367 02.8 Ali Khan Lib 24,490 28.5 +03.0 Maria Bengtsson 2,121 02.5 Charles Rozario 415 00.5 Omar Omar DLP 1,310 01.5 Joanna Nevill Grn 4,632 05.4 -05.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,398 (07.9%) informal 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Rozario's 415 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Watson 44 10.6 1,959 02.3 Graham 68 16.4 2,243 02.6 Letcher 27 06.5 3,755 04.4 Vamvakinou * 34 08.2 42,853 49.9 Spirovka 30 07.2 2,397 02.8 Khan 48 11.6 24,538 28.5 Bengtsson 68 16.4 2,189 02.6 Omar 63 15.2 1,373 01.6 Nevill 33 08.0 4,665 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 415 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Omar's 1,373 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Watson 73 05.3 2,032 02.4 Graham 104 07.6 2,347 02.7 Letcher 48 03.5 3,803 04.4 VAMVAKINOU * 305 22.2 43,158 50.2 Spirovka 81 05.9 2,478 02.9 Khan 321 23.4 24,859 28.9 Bengtsson 96 07.0 2,285 02.7 Nevill 345 25.1 5,010 05.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,373 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Watson's 2,032 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham 1,139 56.1 3,486 04.1 Letcher 341 16.8 4,144 04.8 VAMVAKINOU * 197 09.7 43,355 50.4 Spirovka 108 05.3 2,586 03.0 Khan 90 04.4 24,949 29.0 Bengtsson 59 02.9 2,344 02.7 Nevill 98 04.8 5,108 05.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,032 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Bengtsson's 2,344 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham 992 42.3 4,478 05.2 Letcher 132 05.6 4,276 05.0 VAMVAKINOU * 414 17.7 43,769 50.9 Spirovka 112 04.8 2,698 03.1 Khan 420 17.9 25,369 29.5 Nevill 274 11.7 5,382 06.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,344 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Spirovka's 2,698 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham 534 19.8 5,012 05.8 Letcher 421 15.6 4,697 05.5 VAMVAKINOU * 741 27.5 44,510 51.8 Khan 407 15.1 25,776 30.0 Nevill 595 22.1 5,977 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,698 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Letcher's 4,697 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham 1,949 41.5 6,961 08.1 VAMVAKINOU * 1,281 27.3 45,791 53.3 Khan 871 18.5 26,647 31.0 Nevill 596 12.7 6,573 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 4,697 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Nevill's 6,573 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham 1,886 28.7 8,847 10.3 VAMVAKINOU * 3,311 50.4 49,102 57.1 Khan 1,376 20.9 28,023 32.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 6,573 85,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Graham's 8,847 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- VAMVAKINOU * 5,804 65.6 54,906 63.9 Khan 3,043 34.4 31,066 36.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 8,847 85,972 13.9 06.2 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria Vamvakinou (born 1959): Elected 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------