COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 2 JULY 2016 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission THE SENATE ==================================================================== AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 282,126 +06.3 Votes cast: 260,521 92.3 -02.5 Informal votes: 5,754 02.2 +00.2 Formal votes: 254,767 97.8 -00.2 Quota for election: 84,923 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt Donnelly LDP 7,371 02.9 Group A Cawley Hennings LDP 89 00.0 Q:0.0878 David Edwards Sec 1,322 00.5 Group B Denis Mihaljevic Sec 56 00.0 Q:0.0162 Katy GALLAGHER * ALP 95,749 37.6 ELECTED 1 David Smith ALP 918 00.4 Group C > Q:1.1383 Sandie O'Connor RUA 2,455 01.0 Group D Jess Wyatt RUA 68 00.0 Q:0.0297 John Haydon SustA 2,557 01.0 Group E Martin Tye SustA 121 00.1 Q:0.0315 Zed Seselja * Lib 82,932 32.6 Group F Jane Hiatt Lib 1,683 00.7 Q:0.9964 Deborah Field AJP 4,150 01.6 Group G Jessica Montagne AJP 101 00.0 Q:0.0501 Christina Hobbs Grn 40,424 15.9 Group H Dr Sue Wareham Grn 582 00.2 Q:0.4829 Dr David Kim CDP 3,011 01.2 Group I Elizabeth Tadros CDP 76 00.0 Q:0.0364 Steven Bailey ASP 9,744 03.8 Group J Robbie Swan ASP 352 00.1 Q:0.1189 Michael Hay 698 00.3 Q:0.0082 Anthony Hanson Mature 308 00.1 Q:0.0036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,754 02.2%) informal 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Smith, see Appointments -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Gallagher’s 10,826 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 12 00.1 7,383 02.9 Hennings 2 00.0 91 00.0 Edwards 4 00.0 1,326 00.5 Mihaljevic 1 00.0 57 00.0 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 10,335 95.5 11,253 04.4 O'Connor 11 00.1 2,466 01.0 Wyatt 2 00.0 70 00.0 Haydon 14 00.1 2,571 01.0 Tye 2 00.0 123 00.1 Seselja * 68 00.6 83,000 32.6 Hiatt 18 00.2 1,701 00.7 Field 10 00.0 4,160 01.6 Montagne 2 00.0 103 00.0 Hobbs 294 02.7 40,718 16.0 Wareham 12 00.1 594 00.2 Kim 4 00.0 3,015 01.2 Tadros 0 76 00.0 Bailey 17 00.2 9,761 03.8 Swan 4 00.0 356 00.1 Hay 2 00.0 700 00.3 Hanson 2 00.0 310 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 10 10 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 10,826 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Mihaljevic’s 57 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 1 01.8 7,384 02.9 Hennings 1 01.8 92 00.0 Edwards 28 50.0 1,354 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 7 12.5 11,260 04.4 O'Connor 0 2,466 01.0 Wyatt 2 03.6 72 00.0 Haydon 0 2,571 01.0 Tye 2 03.6 125 00.1 Seselja * 2 03.6 83,002 32.6 Hiatt 1 01.8 1,702 00.7 Field 1 01.8 4,161 01.6 Montagne 2 03.6 105 00.0 Hobbs 2 03.6 40,720 16.0 Wareham 1 01.8 595 00.2 Kim 0 3,015 01.2 Tadros 0 76 00.0 Bailey 1 01.8 9,762 03.8 Swan 1 01.8 357 00.1 Hay 2 03.6 702 00.3 Hanson 2 03.6 312 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 1 11 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 57 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Wyatt’s 72 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 0 7,384 02.9 Hennings 1 01.4 93 00.0 Edwards 0 1,354 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 1 01.4 11,261 04.4 O'Connor 51 72.9 2,517 01.0 Haydon 5 07.1 2,576 01.0 Tye 4 05.7 129 00.1 Seselja * 1 01.4 83,003 32.6 Hiatt 1 01.4 1,703 00.7 Field 1 01.4 4,162 01.6 Montagne 1 01.4 106 00.0 Hobbs 0 40,720 16.0 Wareham 0 595 00.2 Kim 0 3,015 01.2 Tadros 1 01.4 77 00.0 Bailey 0 9,762 03.8 Swan 2 02.9 359 00.1 Hay 1 01.4 703 00.3 Hanson 0 312 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 13 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 72 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Tadros’s 77 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 1 01.3 7,385 02.9 Hennings 0 93 00.0 Edwards 0 1,354 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 1 01.3 11,262 04.4 O'Connor 3 03.9 2,520 01.0 Haydon 1 01.3 2,577 01.0 Tye 1 01.3 130 00.1 Seselja * 3 03.9 83,006 32.6 Hiatt 2 02.6 1,705 00.7 Field 0 4,162 01.6 Montagne 0 106 00.0 Hobbs 1 01.3 40,721 16.0 Wareham 0 595 00.2 Kim 59 76.6 3,074 01.2 Bailey 1 01.3 9,763 03.8 Swan 1 01.3 360 00.1 Hay 1 01.3 704 00.3 Hanson 2 02.6 314 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 0 13 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 77 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Hennings’s 93 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 54 59.3 7,439 02.9 Edwards 7 00.8 1,361 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 12 13.2 11,274 04.4 O'Connor 1 01.1 2,521 01.0 Haydon 1 01.1 2,578 01.0 Tye 3 03.3 133 00.1 Seselja * 4 04.4 83,010 32.6 Hiatt 2 02.2 1,707 00.7 Field 0 4,162 01.6 Montagne 0 106 00.0 Hobbs 2 02.2 40,723 16.0 Wareham 0 595 00.2 Kim 0 3,074 01.2 Bailey 2 02.2 9,765 03.8 Swan 0 360 00.1 Hay 2 02.2 706 00.3 Hanson 1 01.1 315 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 15 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 93 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Montagne’s 106 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 1 01.0 7,440 02.9 Edwards 1 01.0 1,362 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 2 01.9 11,276 04.4 O'Connor 1 01.0 2,522 01.0 Haydon 2 01.9 2,580 01.0 Tye 1 01.0 134 00.1 Seselja * 1 01.0 83,011 32.6 Hiatt 1 01.0 1,708 00.7 Field 70 67.3 4,232 01.7 Hobbs 8 07.7 40,731 16.0 Wareham 1 01.0 596 00.2 Kim 1 01.0 3,075 01.2 Bailey 8 07.7 9,773 03.8 Swan 5 04.8 365 00.1 Hay 0 706 00.3 Hanson 1 01.0 316 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 17 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 106 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Tye’s 134 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 2 01.5 7,442 02.9 Edwards 0 1,362 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 3 02.3 11,279 04.4 O'Connor 3 02.3 2,525 01.0 Haydon 95 72.0 2,675 01.0 Seselja * 5 03.8 83,016 32.6 Hiatt 4 03.0 1,712 00.7 Field 2 01.5 4,234 01.7 Hobbs 5 03.8 40,736 16.0 Wareham 3 02.3 599 00.2 Kim 2 01.5 3,077 01.2 Bailey 2 01.5 9,775 03.8 Swan 4 03.0 369 00.1 Hay 1 00.8 707 00.3 Hanson 1 00.8 317 00.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 19 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 134 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Hanson’s 317 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 12 03.8 7,454 02.9 Edwards 5 01.6 1,367 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 15 04.8 11,294 04.4 O'Connor 21 06.7 2,546 01.0 Haydon 29 09.2 2,704 01.1 Seselja * 20 06.3 83,036 32.6 Hiatt 12 03.8 1,724 00.7 Field 15 04.8 4,249 01.7 Hobbs 14 04.4 40,750 16.0 Wareham 5 01.6 604 00.2 Kim 12 03.8 3,089 01.2 Bailey 19 06.0 9,794 03.8 Swan 16 05.1 385 00.2 Hay 120 38.1 827 00.3 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 21 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 317 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Swan’s 385 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 5 01.3 7,459 02.9 Edwards 6 01.6 1,373 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 17 04.4 11,311 04.4 O'Connor 3 00.8 2,549 01.0 Haydon 7 01.8 2,711 01.1 Seselja * 6 01.6 83,042 32.6 Hiatt 5 01.3 1,729 00.7 Field 7 01.8 4,256 01.7 Hobbs 22 05.7 40,772 16.0 Wareham 11 02.9 615 00.2 Kim 1 00.3 3,090 01.2 Bailey 286 74.7 10,080 04.0 Hay 7 01.8 834 00.3 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 23 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 385 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Wareham’s 615 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 4 00.7 7,463 02.9 Edwards 6 01.0 1,379 00.5 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 30 04.9 11,341 04.4 O'Connor 1 00.2 2,550 01.0 Haydon 3 00.5 2,714 01.1 Seselja * 5 00.8 83,047 32.6 Hiatt 5 00.8 1,734 00.7 Field 5 00.8 4,261 01.7 Hobbs 525 85.6 41,297 16.2 Kim 3 00.5 3,093 01.2 Bailey 17 02.8 10,097 04.0 Hay 9 01.5 843 00.3 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 25 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 615 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Hay’s 843 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 28 03.3 7,491 02.9 Edwards 86 10.2 1,465 00.6 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 63 07.5 11,404 04.5 O'Connor 33 03.9 2,583 01.0 Haydon 63 07.5 2,777 01.1 Seselja * 36 04.3 83,083 32.6 Hiatt 21 02.5 1,755 00.7 Field 39 04.6 4,300 01.7 Hobbs 207 24.6 41,504 16.3 Kim 35 04.2 3,128 01.2 Bailey 230 27.3 10,327 04.1 (exhausted 0 0 ) (lost by fraction 2 27 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 843 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th count: Edwards’s 1,465 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 84 05.8 7,575 03.0 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 240 16.6 11,644 04.6 O'Connor 127 08.8 2,710 01.1 Haydon 142 09.8 2,919 01.1 Seselja * 73 05.0 83,156 32.6 Hiatt 9 00.6 1,764 00.7 Field 83 05.7 4,383 01.7 Hobbs 264 18.2 41,768 16.4 Kim 7 00.5 3,135 01.2 Bailey 421 29.0 10,748 04.2 (exhausted 13 13 ) (lost by fraction 2 29 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,465 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th count: Hiatt’s 1,764 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 147 08.3 7,722 03.0 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 189 10.7 11,833 04.6 O'Connor 20 01.1 2,730 01.1 Haydon 57 03.2 2,976 01.2 Seselja * 993 56.4 84,149 33.0 Field 41 02.3 4,424 01.7 Hobbs 167 09.5 41,935 16.4 Kim 47 02.7 3,182 01.2 Bailey 101 05.7 10,849 04.3 (exhausted 1 14 ) (lost by fraction 1 30 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1,764 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th count: O'Connor’s 2,730 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 205 07.7 7,927 03.1 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 266 09.9 12,099 04.7 Haydon 543 20.3 3,519 01.4 Seselja * 421 15.7 84,570 33.2 Field 259 09.7 4,683 01.8 Hobbs 80 03.0 42,015 16.5 Kim 493 18.4 3,675 01.4 Bailey 412 15.4 11,261 04.4 (exhausted 49 63 ) (lost by fraction 2 32 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2,730 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th count: Haydon’s 3,519 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Donnelly 324 09.3 8,251 03.2 GALLAGHER * E 84,923 33.3 ELECTED 1 Smith 494 14.2 12,593 04.9 SESELJA * 430 12.4 85,000 33.4 ELECTED 2 Field 736 21.2 5,419 02.1 Hobbs 667 19.2 42,682 16.8 Kim 208 06.0 3,883 01.5 Bailey 596 17.2 11,857 04.7 (exhausted 46 109 ) (lost by fraction 0 32 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- > 3,519 254,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Katy Ruth Gallagher (born 1970): Appointed 2015. Elected 2016 Resigned place 9 May 2018 (see Appointments) Later career: See Senate ACT 2019 > Zdenko Matthew Seselja (born 1977): Elected 2013, 2016 Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs 19 July 2016 to 20 December 2017 Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation 20 December 2017 to 28 August 2018 Assistant Minister for Treasury and Finance from 28 August 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher resigned because she believed she had been ineligible for election in 2016 under Section 44 of the Constitution, because of her eligibility for British citizenship. The High Court confirmed this on 9 May 2018. -------------------------------------------------------------------