COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 3 OCTOBER 1998 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ==================================================================== VOTING BY DIVISION ==================================================================== VICTORIA ==================================================================== ASTON, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Knox, Scoresby, Vermont, Wantirna -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 05.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,512 +05.8 Votes cast: 82,020 97.0 00.0 Informal votes: 2,324 02.8 +00.4 Formal votes: 79,696 97.2 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Darrell Stosegan AD 6,000 07.5 -01.4 Peter Lockwood ALP 30,689 38.5 -00.2 Peter Nugent * Lib 38,645 48.5 -03.1 Paul Rigoni 685 00.9 Ian Cameron ON 2,306 02.9 Guosheng Chen 1,371 01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 79,696 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lockwood was Vic MLA for Bayswater 2002-06. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Rigoni's 685 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stosegan 91 13.3 6,091 07.6 Lockwood 61 08.9 30,750 38.6 Nugent * 124 18.1 38,769 48.6 Cameron 375 54.7 2,681 03.4 Chen 34 05.0 1,405 01.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 685 79,696 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Chen's 1,405 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stosegan 317 22.6 6,405 08.0 Lockwood 781 55.6 31,531 39.6 Nugent * 262 18.6 39,031 49.0 Cameron 45 03.2 2,726 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,405 79,696 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Cameron's 2,726 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stosegan 609 22.3 7,017 08.8 Lockwood 993 36.4 32,524 40.8 NUGENT * 1,124 41.2 40,155 50.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,726 79,696 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Stosegan's 7,017 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lockwood 3,945 56.2 36,469 45.8 NUGENT * 3,072 43.8 43,227 54.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,017 79,696 04.2 01.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Edward Nugent (1938-2001): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Died 24 April 2001 (see By-elections) -------------------------------------------------------------------- BALLARAT, Vic ==================================================================== Central Victoria: Avoca, Ballan, Ballarat, Stawell -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,864 +00.8 Votes cast: 79,139 97.9 +01.1 Informal votes: 2,809 03.5 +01.4 Formal votes: 76,330 96.5 -01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank Colosimo CDP 840 01.1 -01.2 Hon Michael Ronaldson * Lib 34,527 45.2 -03.8 John Blanchard ON 3,738 04.9 Peta Price AD 2,824 03.7 -00.5 John Wiley 1,569 02.1 Margaret Taylor 182 00.2 Ian Harrison 188 00.2 Alex Graham 147 00.2 Malcolm Campbell Grn 1,083 01.4 Margaret Card ALP 31,232 40.9 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Graham's 147 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Colosimo 2 01.4 842 01.1 Ronaldson * 16 10.9 34,543 45.3 Blanchard 4 02.7 3,742 04.9 Price 8 05.4 2,832 03.7 Wiley 8 05.4 1,577 02.1 Taylor 5 03.4 187 00.2 Harrison 38 25.9 226 00.3 Campbell 24 16.3 1,107 01.5 Card 42 28.6 31,274 41.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 147 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Taylor's 187 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Colosimo 10 05.3 852 01.1 Ronaldson * 24 12.8 34,567 45.3 Blanchard 5 02.7 3,747 04.9 Price 15 08.0 2,847 03.7 Wiley 21 11.2 1,598 02.1 Harrison 32 17.1 258 00.3 Campbell 28 15.0 1,135 01.5 Card 52 27.8 31,326 41.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 187 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Harrison's 258 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Colosimo 14 05.4 866 01.1 Ronaldson * 36 14.0 34,603 45.3 Blanchard 9 03.5 3,756 04.9 Price 41 15.9 2,888 03.8 Wiley 28 10.9 1,626 02.1 Campbell 67 26.0 1,202 01.6 Card 63 24.4 31,389 41.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 258 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Colosimo's 866 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ronaldson * 549 63.4 35,152 46.1 Blanchard 102 11.8 3,858 05.1 Price 67 07.7 2,955 03.9 Wiley 27 03.1 1,653 02.2 Campbell 32 03.7 1,234 01.6 Card 89 10.3 31,478 41.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 866 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Campbell's 1,234 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ronaldson * 138 11.2 35,290 46.2 Blanchard 51 04.1 3,909 05.1 Price 448 36.3 3,403 04.5 Wiley 86 07.0 1,739 02.3 Card 511 41.4 31,989 41.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,234 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Wiley's 1,739 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ronaldson * 337 19.4 35,627 46.7 Blanchard 833 47.9 4,742 06.2 Price 260 15.0 3,663 04.8 Card 309 17.8 32,298 42.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,739 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Price's 3,663 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ronaldson * 1,418 38.7 37,045 48.5 Blanchard 352 09.6 5,094 06.7 Card 1,893 51.7 34,191 44.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,663 76,330 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Blanchard's 5,094 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RONALDSON * 3,235 63.5 40,280 52.8 Card 1,859 36.5 36,050 47.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,094 76,330 02.8 00.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael John Clyde Ronaldson (born 1954): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry for Transport and Regional Development to 21 October 1998 Ronaldson retired at the 2001 election. Later career: See Senate Victoria 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BATMAN, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Northcote, Preston, Reservoir, Thornbury -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 21.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 88,134 +03.0 Votes cast: 83,833 95.1 -00.1 Informal votes: 3,280 03.9 -01.2 Formal votes: 80,553 96.1 +01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Richardson 1,486 01.8 Martin FERGUSON * ALP 53,034 65.8 +07.0 Helen Rosenbaum Grn 3,705 04.6 +01.0 Wayne Barwick 254 00.3 Mart Nicholls AD 4,036 05.0 -01.0 Lauri Rowe Lib 16,290 20.2 -01.3 Sami Mazloum 659 00.7 Matt Wilson 1,087 01.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Barwick's 254 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richardson 43 16.9 1,529 01.9 FERGUSON * 36 14.2 53,070 65.9 Rosenbaum 64 25.2 3,769 04.7 Nicholls 36 14.2 4,074 05.1 Rowe 35 13.8 16,325 20.3 Mazloum 4 01.6 663 00.8 Wilson 36 14.2 1,123 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 254 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Mazloum's 663 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richardson 42 06.3 1,571 02.0 FERGUSON * 316 47.7 53,386 66.3 Rosenbaum 84 12.7 3,853 04.8 Nicholls 71 10.7 4,145 05.1 Rowe 72 10.9 16,397 20.4 Wilson 78 11.8 1,201 01.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 663 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Wilson's 1,201 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richardson 145 12.1 1,716 02.1 FERGUSON * 182 15.2 53,568 66.5 Rosenbaum 436 36.3 4,289 05.3 Nicholls 207 17.2 4,352 05.4 Rowe 231 19.2 16,628 20.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,201 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Richardson's 1,716 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FERGUSON * 1,174 68.4 54,742 68.0 Rosenbaum 334 19.5 4,623 05.7 Nicholls 103 06.0 4,455 05.5 Rowe 105 06.1 16,733 20.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,716 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Nicholls's 4,455 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FERGUSON * 1,275 28.6 56,017 69.5 Rosenbaum 2,305 51.7 6,928 08.6 Rowe 875 19.6 17,608 21.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,455 80,553 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Rosenbaum's 6,928 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FERGUSON * 5,552 80.1 61,569 76.4 Rowe 1,376 19.9 18,984 23.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,928 80,553 26.4 05.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin John Ferguson (born 1953): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BENDIGO, Vic ==================================================================== Central Victoria: Bendigo, Castlemaine, Maldon, Maryborough -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,185 +01.7 Votes cast: 81,403 97.9 +01.1 Informal votes: 3,366 04.1 +02.0 Formal votes: 78,037 95.9 -02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan McDonald 526 00.7 Max Turner + Lib 28,004 35.9 -08.9 Alan Tilley AD 3,533 04.5 -01.1 Gayle Maddigan 361 00.5 Scott Mitchell NPA 2,479 03.2 Alfred Thorpe 1,108 01.4 Peter Biggs 332 00.4 Karel Zegers ON 5,159 06.6 Steve Gibbons ALP 33,483 42.9 +00.1 Lyn Speirs 126 00.1 David Jones Grn 2,080 02.7 -00.6 Peter Morley 846 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner was Vic MLA for Bendigo West 1992-96. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Speirs's 126 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDonald 3 02.4 529 02.4 Turner + 16 12.7 28,020 35.9 Tilley 4 03.2 3,537 04.5 Maddigan 5 04.0 366 00.5 Mitchell 8 06.3 2,487 03.2 Thorpe 4 03.2 1,112 01.4 Biggs 7 05.6 339 00.4 Zegers 36 28.6 5,195 06.7 Gibbons 12 09.5 33,495 42.9 Jones 21 16.7 2,101 02.7 Morley 10 07.9 856 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 126 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Biggs's 339 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDonald 18 05.3 547 00.7 Turner + 40 11.8 28,060 36.0 Tilley 10 02.9 3,547 04.5 Maddigan 7 02.1 373 00.5 Mitchell 15 04.4 2,502 03.2 Thorpe 39 11.5 1,151 01.5 Zegers 109 32.2 5,304 06.8 Gibbons 25 07.4 33,520 43.0 Jones 12 03.5 2,113 02.7 Morley 64 18.9 920 01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 339 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Maddigan's 373 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDonald 26 07.0 573 00.7 Turner + 47 12.6 28,107 36.0 Tilley 98 26.3 3,645 04.7 Mitchell 18 04.8 2,520 03.2 Thorpe 23 06.2 1,174 01.5 Zegers 5 01.3 5,309 06.8 Gibbons 69 18.5 33,589 43.0 Jones 69 18.5 2,182 02.8 Morley 18 04.8 938 01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 373 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: McDonald's 573 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 340 59.3 28,447 36.5 Tilley 90 15.7 3,735 04.8 Mitchell 14 02.4 2,534 03.2 Thorpe 18 03.1 1,192 01.5 Zegers 17 03.0 5,326 06.8 Gibbons 36 06.3 33,625 43.1 Jones 31 05.4 2,213 02.8 Morley 27 04.7 965 01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 573 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Morley's 965 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 168 17.4 28,615 36.7 Tilley 113 11.7 3,848 04.9 Mitchell 68 07.0 2,602 03.3 Thorpe 69 07.2 1,261 01.6 Zegers 145 15.0 5,471 07.0 Gibbons 137 14.2 33,762 43.3 Jones 265 27.5 2,478 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 965 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Thorpe's 1,261 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 116 09.2 28,731 36.8 Tilley 95 07.5 3,943 05.1 Mitchell 372 29.5 2,974 03.8 Zegers 389 30.8 5,860 07.5 Gibbons 124 09.8 33,886 43.4 Jones 165 13.1 2,643 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,261 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Jones's 2,643 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 217 08.2 28,948 37.1 Tilley 1,222 46.2 5,165 06.6 Mitchell 118 04.5 3,092 04.0 Zegers 154 05.8 6,014 07.7 Gibbons 932 35.3 34,818 44.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,643 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Mitchell's 3,092 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 2,179 70.5 31,127 39.9 Tilley 565 18.3 5,730 07.3 Zegers 180 05.8 6,194 07.9 Gibbons 168 05.4 34,986 44.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,092 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Tilley's 5,730 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 2,312 40.3 33,439 42.9 Zegers 418 07.3 6,612 08.5 Gibbons 3,000 52.4 37,986 48.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,730 78,037 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Zegers's 6,612 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Turner + 2,872 43.4 36,311 46.5 GIBBONS 3,740 56.6 41,726 53.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,612 78,037 03.5 04.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Gibbons (born 1949): Elected 1998 Born: 11 September 1949, Melbourne Career: Union official, small business proprietor. Advisor to John Brumby MLA, Leader of the Opposition in Victoria. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BRUCE, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Dandenong North, Glen Waverley, Mulgrave, Wheelers Hill -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,224 00.0 Votes cast: 81,430 96.7 +00.2 Informal votes: 3,001 03.7 +00.7 Formal votes: 78,429 96.3 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam McBeth AD 4,718 06.0 -00.1 Laurence Lowe ON 2,296 02.9 Michael Soos 209 00.3 Alan Griffin * ALP 38,165 48.7 +02.9 Dikran Chabdijan 253 00.3 Toan Huynh 1,336 01.7 Colin Smith Grn 1,195 01.5 -00.5 Jim Wood Lib 30,257 38.6 -07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Soos's 209 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBeth 36 17.2 4,754 06.1 Lowe 28 13.4 2,324 03.0 Griffin * 37 17.7 38,202 48.7 Chabdjian 29 13.9 282 00.4 Huynh 19 09.1 1,355 01.7 Smith 37 17.7 1,232 01.6 Wood 23 11.0 30,280 38.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 209 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Chabdjian's 282 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBeth 66 23.4 4,820 06.1 Lowe 21 07.4 2,345 03.0 Griffin * 74 26.2 38,276 48.8 Huynh 46 16.3 1,401 01.8 Smith 27 09.6 1,259 01.6 Wood 48 17.0 30,328 38.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 282 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Smith's 1,259 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBeth 420 33.4 5,240 06.7 Lowe 56 04.4 2,401 03.1 Griffin * 269 21.4 38,545 49.1 Huynh 333 26.4 1,734 02.2 Wood 181 14.4 30,509 38.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,259 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Huynh's 1,734 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBeth 481 27.7 5,721 07.3 Lowe 17 01.0 2,418 03.1 GRIFFIN * 969 55.9 39,514 50.4 Wood 267 15.4 30,776 39.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,734 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Lowe's 2,418 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McBeth 668 27.6 6,389 08.1 GRIFFIN * 977 40.4 40,491 51.6 Wood 773 32.0 31,549 40.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,734 78,429 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: McBeth's 6,389 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GRIFFIN * 3,994 62.5 44,485 56.2 Wood 2,395 37.5 33,944 43.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,734 78,429 06.2 05.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Griffin (born 1960): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BURKE, Vic ==================================================================== North-west of Melbourne: Bacchus Marsh, Deer Park, Gisborne, Sunbury -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,448 +05.1 Votes cast: 77,022 96.9 +00.7 Informal votes: 3,988 05.2 +02.2 Formal votes: 73,034 94.8 -02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Neil O'Keefe * ALP 36,516 50.0 -00.9 Rod Hardy 957 01.3 Serge Petrovich Lib 26,317 36.0 -02.4 Paul Fyffe Grn 1,397 01.9 Ngaire Mason 163 00.2 Vaughan Williams AD 4,365 06.0 -03.6 Frank Preston ON 3,319 04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,034 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Mason's 163 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'KEEFE * 18 11.0 36,534 50.0 Hardy 20 12.3 977 01.3 Petrovich 23 14.1 26,340 36.1 Fyffe 49 30.1 1,446 02.0 Williams 34 20.9 4,399 06.0 Preston 19 11.7 3,338 04.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 163 73,034 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Hardy's 977 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'KEEFE * 236 24.2 36,770 50.3 Petrovich 339 34.7 26,679 36.5 Fyffe 155 15.9 1,601 02.2 Williams 153 15.7 4,552 06.2 Preston 94 09.6 3,432 04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 977 73,034 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Fyffe's 1,601 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'KEEFE * 642 40.1 37,412 51.2 Petrovich 241 15.1 26,920 36.9 Williams 637 39.8 5,189 07.1 Preston 81 05.1 3,513 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,601 73,034 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Preston's 3,513 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'KEEFE * 1,143 32.5 38,555 52.8 Petrovich 973 27.7 27,893 38.2 Williams 1,397 39.8 6,586 09.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,513 73,034 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Williams's 6,586 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'KEEFE * 3,519 53.4 42,074 57.6 Petrovich 3,067 46.6 30,960 42.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,586 73,034 07.6 00.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil O'Keefe (born 1947): Elected 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 O'Keefe retired at the 2001 election. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CALWELL, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Broadmeadows, Glenroy, Keilor, Tullamarine -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 17.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 86,521 +11.0 Votes cast: 83,083 96.0 +00.4 Informal votes: 2,864 03.4 -00.4 Formal votes: 80,219 96.6 +00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Livesay AD 5,363 06.7 -00.2 Trevor Blake Lib 21,111 26.3 -02.5 Hon Dr Andrew THEOPHANOUS * ALP 50,022 62.4 +01.0 Michael Harris 755 00.9 Benal Keceli 2,968 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,219 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Harris's 755 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Livesay 230 30.5 5,593 07.0 Blake 132 17.5 21,243 26.5 THEOPHANOUS * 233 30.9 50,255 62.6 Keceli 160 21.2 3,128 03.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 755 80,219 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Keceli's 3,128 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Livesay 749 23.9 6,342 07.9 Blake 407 13.0 21,650 27.0 THEOPHANOUS * 1,972 63.0 52,227 65.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,128 80,219 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Livesay's 6,342 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake 3,235 51.0 24,885 31.0 THEOPHANOUS * 3,107 49.0 55,334 69.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,342 80,219 19.0 01.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Charles Theophanous (born 1946): Elected 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Theophanous resigned from the Labor Party in April 2000 after being charged with defrauding the Commonwealth and other offences. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CASEY, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Croydon, Montrose, Olinda, Warrandyte -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,674 +04.2 Votes cast: 77,091 96.8 +00.1 Informal votes: 3,098 04.0 +01.2 Formal votes: 73,993 96.0 -01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Kendi 557 00.7 Frank Armenio ALP 24,732 33.4 -01.6 Steve Raskovy 396 00.5 John McLaren AD 5,481 07.4 -02.5 Gary Smart 405 00.5 John Mackellar 2,067 02.8 Stephen Beck ON 2,412 03.3 Chris James Grn 1,634 02.2 -01.1 Judy Warwick 1,070 01.4 Basil Smidt CDP 917 01.2 Hon Dr Michael Wooldridge * Lib 34,322 46.4 -03.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooldridge was member for Chisholm 1987-99. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Raskovy's 396 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kendi 23 05.8 580 00.8 Armenio 72 18.2 24,804 33.5 McLaren 52 13.1 5,533 07.5 Smart 27 06.8 432 00.6 Mackellar 89 22.5 2,156 02.9 Beck 22 05.6 2,434 03.3 James 20 05.1 1,654 02.2 Warwick 13 03.3 1,083 01.5 Smidt 6 01.5 923 01.2 Wooldridge * 72 18.2 34,394 46.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 396 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Smart's 432 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kendi 23 05.3 603 00.8 Armenio 66 15.3 24,870 33.6 McLaren 127 29.4 5,660 07.6 Mackellar 46 10.6 2,202 03.0 Beck 16 14.1 2,450 03.3 James 61 14.1 1,715 02.3 Warwick 15 03.5 1,098 01.5 Smidt 16 03.7 939 01.3 Wooldridge * 62 14.4 34,456 46.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 432 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Kendi's 603 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 375 62.2 25,245 34.1 McLaren 74 12.3 5,734 07.7 Mackellar 37 06.1 2,239 03.0 Beck 20 03.3 2,470 03.3 James 47 07.8 1,762 02.4 Warwick 10 01.7 1,108 01.5 Smidt 3 05.0 942 01.3 Wooldridge * 37 06.1 34,493 46.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Smidt's 942 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 99 10.5 25,344 34.3 McLaren 142 15.1 5,876 07.9 Mackellar 98 10.4 2,337 03.2 Beck 40 04.2 2,510 03.4 James 52 05.5 1,814 02.5 Warwick 29 03.1 1,137 01.5 Wooldridge * 482 51.2 34,975 47.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 942 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Warwick's 1,137 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 112 09.9 25,456 34.4 McLaren 79 06.9 5,955 08.0 Mackellar 79 06.9 2,416 03.3 Beck 619 54.4 3,129 04.2 James 76 06.7 1,890 02.6 Wooldridge * 172 15.1 35,147 47.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,137 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: James's 1,890 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 662 35.0 26,118 35.3 McLaren 608 32.2 6,563 08.9 Mackellar 273 14.4 2,689 03.6 Beck 98 05.2 3,227 04.4 Wooldridge * 249 13.2 35,396 47.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,890 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Mackellar's 2,689 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 487 18.1 26,605 36.0 McLaren 1,491 55.4 8,054 10.9 Beck 245 09.1 3,472 04.7 Wooldridge * 466 17.3 35,862 48.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,689 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Beck's 3,472 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 1,326 38.2 27,931 37.7 McLaren 1,017 29.3 9,071 12.3 Wooldridge * 1,129 32.5 36,991 50.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,472 73,993 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: McLaren's 9,071 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armenio 5,464 60.2 33,395 45.1 WOOLDRIDGE * 3,607 39.8 40,598 54.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,071 73,993 04.9 01.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Richard Lewis Wooldridge (born 1956): Elected 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Health and Family Services to 21 October 1998 Minister for Health and Aged Care from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooldridge retired at the 2001 election. His ministerial term expired on 26 November 2001. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHISHOLM, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Box Hill, Burwood, Clayton North, Mt Waverley -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,668 +00.8 Votes cast: 81,426 96.2 00.0 Informal votes: 2,910 03.6 +01.0 Formal votes: 78,516 96.4 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Julian Guess Grn 2,431 03.1 +00.4 Nicholas Fell 176 00.2 Anna Burke ALP 33,275 42.4 +02.0 Peter Vlahos + Lib 32,771 41.7 -05.4 Ka-Sing Chua 2,214 02.8 Mark Toomey 193 00.2 Bernie Millane AD 5,392 06.9 -00.4 Douglas Hesse ON 2,064 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Fell's 176 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess 45 25.6 2,476 03.2 Burke 45 25.6 33,320 42.4 Vlahos 31 17.6 32,808 41.8 Chua 12 06.8 2,226 02.8 Toomey 15 08.5 208 00.3 Millane 21 11.9 5,413 06.9 Hesse 7 04.0 2,071 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 176 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Toomey's 208 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess 45 21.6 2,521 03.2 Burke 33 15.9 33,353 43.0 Vlahos 26 12.5 32,828 41.8 Chua 24 11.5 2,250 02.9 Millane 47 22.6 5,460 07.0 Hesse 33 15.9 2,104 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 208 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Hesse's 2,104 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess 428 20.3 2,949 03.8 Burke 399 19.0 33,752 43.0 Vlahos 610 29.0 33,438 42.6 Chua 288 13.7 2,538 03.2 Millane 379 18.0 5,839 07.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,104 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Chua's 2,538 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess 268 10.6 3,217 04.1 Burke 731 28.8 34,483 43.9 Vlahos 615 24.2 34,053 43.4 Millane 924 36.4 6,763 08.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,538 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Guess's 3,217 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Burke 1,290 40.1 35,773 45.6 Vlahos 350 10.9 34,403 43.8 Millane 1,577 49.0 8,340 10.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,217 78,516 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Millane's 8,340 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- BURKE 5,114 61.3 40,887 52.1 Vlahos 3,226 38.7 37,629 47.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,340 78,516 02.1 04.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anna Elizabeth Burke (born 1966): Elected 1998 Born: 1 January 1966, Melbourne Career: Educated Monash University, University of Melbourne. Industrial officer, Finance Sector Union. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CORANGAMITE, Vic ==================================================================== South-west Victoria: Anglesea, Belmont, Colac, Queenscliff -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,406 +02.8 Votes cast: 76,564 96.4 -00.3 Informal votes: 1,949 02.5 +00.3 Formal votes: 74,615 97.5 -00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Duncan Maclean ON 4,140 05.5 Michael Bjork-Billings ALP 26,923 36.1 +00.2 Robert Harwood 525 00.7 Adrian Whitehead Grn 2,292 03.1 Simon Arundell 1,634 02.2 Stewart McArthur * Lib 34,336 46.0 -06.6 Jeffrey Paull AD 4,765 06.4 -05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,615 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Harwood's 525 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maclean 18 03.4 4,158 05.6 Bjork-Billings 225 42.9 27,148 36.4 Whitehead 118 22.5 2,410 03.2 Arundell 39 07.4 1,673 02.2 McArthur * 71 13.5 34,407 46.1 Paull 54 10.3 4,819 06.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 525 74,615 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Arundell's 1,673 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maclean 587 35.1 4,745 06.4 Bjork-Billings 192 11.5 27,340 36.6 Whitehead 195 11.7 2,605 03.5 McArthur * 406 24.3 34,813 46.7 Paull 293 17.5 5,112 06.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,673 74,615 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Whitehead's 2,605 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Maclean 140 05.4 4,885 06.5 Bjork-Billings 743 28.5 28,083 37.6 McArthur * 387 14.9 35,200 47.2 Paull 1,335 51.2 7,952 10.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,605 74,615 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Maclean's 4,885 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bjork-Billings 1,712 35.0 29,795 39.9 McArthur * 1,668 34.1 36,868 49.1 Paull 1,505 30.8 7,952 10.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,885 74,615 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Paull's 7,952 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bjork-Billings 4,155 52.3 33,950 45.5 McARTHUR * 3,797 47.7 40,665 54.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,952 74,615 04.5 03.2 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fergus Stewart McArthur (born 1937): Elected 1984 By, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CORIO, Vic ==================================================================== South-west Victoria: Geelong, Geelong North, Newtown, Norlane -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 06.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,957 -00.4 Votes cast: 78,493 97.0 +00.3 Informal votes: 2,516 03.2 +00.2 Formal votes: 75,977 96.8 -00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Therese Self 3,116 04.1 Andre Czausov AD 4,352 05.7 -02.0 Gavan O'CONNOR * ALP 38,608 50.8 +00.1 Dr Dennis Jensen Lib 25,561 33.6 -05.9 Robert Grant ON 3,854 05.1 Michael Garbutcheon Singh 486 00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,977 -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Jensen, see Tangney WA 2004. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Garbutcheon Singh's 486 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Self 82 16.9 3,198 04.2 Czausov 131 27.0 4,483 05.9 O'CONNOR * 113 23.3 38,721 51.0 Jensen 109 22.4 25,670 33.8 Grant 51 10.5 3,905 05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 486 75,977 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Self's 3,198 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Czausov 805 25.2 5,288 07.0 O'CONNOR * 2,135 66.8 40,856 53.8 Jensen 129 04.0 25,799 34.0 Grant 129 04.0 4,034 05.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,198 75,977 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Grant's 4,034 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Czausov 1,005 24.9 6,293 08.3 O'CONNOR * 1,628 40.4 42,848 55.9 Jensen 1,401 34.7 27,200 35.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,034 75,977 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Czausov's 6,293 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'CONNOR * 4,134 65.7 46,618 61.4 Jensen 2,159 34.3 29,359 38.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,293 75,977 11.4 04.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gavan Michael O'Connor (born 1947): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEAKIN, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Blackburn, Forest Hill, Nunawading, Ringwood -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 02.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 82,874 +01.5 Votes cast: 80,018 96.5 -00.2 Informal votes: 2,549 03.2 +00.3 Formal votes: 77,469 96.8 -00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoffrey Teng 1,289 01.7 Phillip Barresi * Lib 34,047 44.0 -00.8 Tim Petherbridge 1,486 01.9 John Siddons AD 6,177 08.0 -00.9 Linda Keath 230 00.2 Peter Bertolus ALP 30,079 38.8 +00.2 Paul Coelli ON 2,232 02.9 Robyn Evans Grn 1,929 02.5 +00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Siddons was a Senator for Victoria 1981-83 and 1984-87 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Keath's 230 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Teng 28 12.2 1,317 01.7 Barresi * 33 14.3 34,080 44.0 Petherbridge 21 09.1 1,507 01.9 Siddons 39 17.0 6,216 08.0 Bertolus 40 17.4 30,119 38.9 Coelli 14 06.1 2,246 02.9 Evans 55 23.9 1,984 02.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 230 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Teng's 1,317 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barresi * 454 34.5 34,534 44.6 Petherbridge 103 07.8 1,610 02.1 Siddons 181 13.7 6,397 08.3 Bertolus 358 27.2 30,477 39.3 Coelli 21 01.6 2,267 02.9 Evans 200 15.2 2,184 02.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,317 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Petherbridge's 1,610 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barresi * 281 17.5 34,815 44.9 Siddons 305 18.9 6,702 08.7 Bertolus 202 12.5 30,679 39.6 Coelli 63 03.9 2,330 03.0 Evans 759 47.1 2,943 03.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,610 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Coelli's 2,330 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barresi * 642 27.6 35,457 45.8 Siddons 328 14.1 7,030 09.1 Bertolus 480 20.6 31,159 40.2 Evans 880 37.8 3,823 04.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,330 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Evans's 3,823 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barresi * 835 21.8 36,292 46.8 Siddons 2,032 53.2 9,062 11.7 Bertolus 956 25.0 32,115 41.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,823 77,469 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Siddons's 9,062 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRESI * 3,941 43.5 40,233 51.9 Bertolus 5,121 56.5 37,236 48.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,062 77,469 01.9 00.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Phillip Anthony Barresi (born 1955): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DUNKLEY, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Frankston, Karingal, Mornington, Mt Eliza -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,059 +01.6 Votes cast: 78,598 97.0 +00.6 Informal votes: 2,264 02.9 +00.4 Formal votes: 76,334 97.2 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Kelsall Grn 2,971 03.9 +01.5 Michael Quayle ALP 29,755 39.0 -01.1 Robyn Brown ON 3,399 04.4 Jan Chapman Davis 335 00.4 Tony Seals AD 4,392 05.7 -01.3 Ben Mason 185 00.2 Bruce Billson * Lib 35,297 46.2 -02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Mason's 185 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelsall 40 21.6 3,011 03.9 Quayle 20 10.8 29,775 39.0 Brown 17 09.2 3,416 04.5 Chapman Davis 20 10.8 355 00.5 Seals 45 24.3 4,437 05.8 Billson * 43 23.2 35,340 46.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 185 76,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Chapman Davis's 355 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelsall 89 25.1 3,100 04.1 Quayle 93 26.2 29,868 39.1 Brown 28 07.9 3,444 04.5 Seals 83 23.4 4,520 05.9 Billson * 62 17.5 35,402 46.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 355 76,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Kelsall's 3,100 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quayle 1,196 38.6 31,064 40.7 Brown 206 06.6 3,650 04.8 Seals 1,363 44.0 5,883 07.7 Billson * 335 10.8 35,737 46.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,100 76,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Brown's 3,650 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quayle 1,121 30.7 32,185 42.2 Seals 1,660 45.5 7,543 09.9 Billson * 869 23.8 36,606 48.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,650 76,334 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Seals's 7,543 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quayle 4,428 58.7 36,613 48.0 BILLSON * 3,115 41.3 39,721 52.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,543 76,334 02.0 01.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Frederick Billson (born 1966): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINDERS, Vic ==================================================================== South-east of Melbourne: Dromana, Hastings, Portsea, San Remo -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 10.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,996 +04.4 Votes cast: 79,679 97.2 +00.8 Informal votes: 2,511 03.1 +00.1 Formal votes: 77,168 96.9 -00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Armitage ALP 28,874 37.4 +04.2 Tony Kamps 451 00.6 Jan Charlwood 264 00.3 Hon Peter Reith * Lib 36,570 47.4 -06.3 Mervyn Vogt Grn 2,057 02.7 -01.4 Robert Langley ON 4,029 05.2 David Allison AD 4,923 06.4 -01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Charlwood's 264 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armitage 27 10.2 28,901 37.5 Kamps 42 15.9 493 00.6 Reith * 37 14.0 36,607 47.4 Vogt 78 29.5 2,135 02.8 Langley 34 12.9 4,063 05.3 Allison 46 17.4 4,969 06.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 264 77,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Kamps's 493 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armitage 203 41.2 29,104 37.7 Reith * 77 15.6 36,684 47.5 Vogt 159 32.3 2,294 03.0 Langley 4 00.8 4,067 05.3 Allison 50 10.1 5,019 06.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 493 77,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Vogt's 2,294 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armitage 599 26.1 29,703 38.5 Reith * 318 13.9 37,002 47.9 Langley 160 07.0 4,227 05.5 Allison 1,217 53.1 6,237 08.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,294 77,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Langley's 4,227 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armitage 1,867 44.2 31,570 40.9 Reith * 1,199 28.4 38,201 49.5 Allison 1,161 27.5 7,397 09.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,227 77,168 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Allison's 7,397 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Armitage 4,141 56.0 35,711 46.3 REITH * 3,256 44.0 41,457 53.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,397 77,168 03.7 06.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Keaston Reith (born 1950): Elected 1982 By. Defeated 1983. Elected 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Workplace Relations and Small Business to 21 October 1998 Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business 21 October 1998 to 30 January 2001 Minister for Defence from 30 January 2001 Reith retired at the 2001 election. His ministerial term expired on 26 November 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------- GELLIBRAND, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Footscray, Maidstone, Sunshine, Williamstown -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 21.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,159 +02.4 Votes cast: 79,601 94.6 +00.2 Informal votes: 3,360 04.2 -01.2 Formal votes: 76,241 95.8 +01.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicola ROXON + ALP 51,443 67.5 +04.0 Anthony Cursio Lib 15,233 20.0 -01.8 Nikolas Kavalenka ON 2,638 03.5 Michael Pollock 249 00.3 Liz Ingham Grn 2,180 02.9 -00.4 David Wark AD 3,420 04.5 -00.8 Adrian Shorland 1,078 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,241 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Pollock's 249 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXON + 48 19.3 51,491 67.5 Cursio 40 16.1 15,273 20.0 Kavalenka 59 23.7 2,697 03.5 Ingham 64 25.7 2,244 02.9 Wark 23 09.2 3,443 04.5 Shorland 15 06.0 1,093 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 249 76,241 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Shorland's 1,093 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXON + 646 59.1 52,137 68.4 Cursio 108 09.9 15,381 20.2 Kavalenka 15 01.4 2,712 03.6 Ingham 124 11.3 2,368 03.1 Wark 200 18.3 3,643 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,093 76,241 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Ingham's 2,368 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXON + 658 27.8 52,795 69.2 Cursio 181 07.6 15,562 20.4 Kavalenka 111 04.7 2,823 03.7 Wark 1,418 59.9 5,061 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,368 76,241 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Kavalenka's 2,823 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXON + 1,075 38.1 53,870 70.7 Cursio 814 28.8 16,376 21.5 Wark 934 33.1 5,995 07.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,823 76,241 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Wark's 5,995 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXON + 4,005 66.8 57,875 75.9 Cursio 1,990 33.2 18,366 24.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,995 76,241 25.9 04.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicola Louise Roxon (born 1967): Elected 1998 Born 1 April 1967, Sydney Career: Educated University of Melbourne. Industrial lawyer. Judge's Associate. Union organiser, National Union of Workers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GIPPSLAND, Vic ==================================================================== Eastern Victoria: Bairnsdale, Leongatha, Sale, Yarram -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 18.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,364 +00.6 Votes cast: 77,780 96.8 -00.1 Informal votes: 3,829 04.9 +02.3 Formal votes: 73,951 95.1 -02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Frances Clarke 751 01.0 Robert Thorpe 567 00.8 Leonie Cameron 2,611 03.5 Doug Treasure 4,076 05.5 Judith Stone ALP 19,438 26.3 +00.3 Tony Peters ON 8,454 11.4 Les Horsfeld 799 01.1 Jo McCubbin AD 3,931 05.3 -02.1 Hon Peter McGauran * NPA 31,774 43.0 -18.2 Jack Vanderland 900 01.2 John Weatherhead 650 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Thorpe's 567 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarke 121 21.3 872 01.2 Cameron 105 18.5 2,716 03.7 Treasure 57 10.1 4,133 05.6 Stone 111 19.6 19,549 26.4 Peters 11 01.9 8,465 11.4 Horsfeld 9 01.6 808 01.1 McCubbin 50 08.8 3,981 05.4 McGauran * 64 11.3 31,838 43.1 Vanderland 9 01.6 909 01.2 Weatherhead 30 05.3 680 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 567 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Weatherhead's 680 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarke 54 07.9 926 01.3 Cameron 35 05.1 2,751 03.7 Treasure 50 07.4 4,183 05.7 Stone 39 05.7 19,588 26.5 Peters 141 20.7 8,606 11.6 Horsfeld 24 03.5 832 01.1 McCubbin 41 06.0 4,022 05.4 McGauran * 85 12.5 31,923 43.2 Vanderland 211 31.0 1,120 01.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 680 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Horsfeld's 832 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarke 49 05.9 975 01.3 Cameron 56 06.7 2,807 03.8 Treasure 139 16.7 4,322 05.8 Stone 43 05.2 19,631 26.5 Peters 66 07.9 8,672 11.7 McCubbin 61 07.3 4,083 05.5 McGauran * 339 40.7 32,262 43.7 Vanderland 79 09.5 1,199 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 832 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Clarke's 975 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cameron 573 58.8 3,380 04.6 Treasure 96 09.8 4,418 06.0 Stone 76 07.8 19,707 26.6 Peters 50 05.1 8,722 11.8 McCubbin 55 05.6 4,138 05.6 McGauran * 75 07.7 32,337 43.7 Vanderland 50 05.1 1,249 01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 975 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Vanderland's 1,249 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cameron 487 39.0 3,867 05.2 Treasure 211 16.9 4,629 06.3 Stone 68 05.4 19,775 26.7 Peters 188 15.1 8,910 12.0 McCubbin 95 07.6 4,233 05.7 McGauran * 200 16.0 32,537 44.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,249 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Cameron's 3,867 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasure 2,603 67.3 7,232 09.8 Stone 477 12.3 20,252 27.4 Peters 149 03.9 9,059 12.3 McCubbin 380 09.8 4,613 06.2 McGauran * 258 06.7 32,537 44.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,867 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: McCubbin's 4,613 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasure 1,713 37.1 8,945 12.1 Stone 1,414 30.7 21,666 29.3 Peters 253 05.5 9,312 12.6 McGauran * 1,233 26.7 34,028 46.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,613 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Treasure's 8,945 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone 3,672 41.1 25,338 34.3 Peters 2,318 25.9 11,630 15.7 McGAURAN * 2,955 33.0 36,983 50.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,945 73,951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Peters's 11,630 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone 5,107 43.9 30,445 41.2 McGAURAN * 6,523 56.1 43,506 58.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,630 73,951 08.8 09.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter John McGauran (born 1955): Elected 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for the Arts and the Centenary of Federation from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDSTEIN, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Beaumaris, Bentleigh, Brighton, Sandringham -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 10.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 86,544 -02.1 Votes cast: 82,719 95.6 -00.1 Informal votes: 2,242 02.7 +00.4 Formal votes: 80,477 97.3 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Meret Field 413 00.5 Margaret Khouri ALP 26,980 33.5 +01.4 Peter Crawford ON 1,822 02.3 Joan Dickins 225 00.3 Nick Brunton Grn 2,328 02.9 -00.9 Hon Dr David KEMP * Lib 41,881 52.0 -02.9 Arkadi Shtrambrandt 672 00.8 Diane Barry AD 6,156 07.6 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Dickins's 225 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Field 9 04.0 422 00.5 Khouri 33 14.7 27,013 33.6 Crawford 27 12.0 1,849 02.3 Brunton 52 23.1 2,380 03.0 KEMP * 55 24.4 41,936 52.1 Shtrambrandt 17 07.6 689 00.9 Barry 32 14.2 6,188 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 225 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Field's 422 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Khouri 267 63.3 27,280 33.9 Crawford 61 14.5 1,910 02.4 Brunton 25 05.9 2,405 03.0 KEMP * 29 06.9 41,965 52.1 Shtrambrandt 21 05.0 710 00.9 Barry 19 04.5 6,207 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 422 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Shtrambrandt's 710 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Khouri 273 38.5 27,553 34.2 Crawford 5 00.7 1,915 02.4 Brunton 124 17.5 2,529 03.1 KEMP * 123 17.3 42,088 52.3 Barry 185 26.1 6,392 07.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 710 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Crawford's 1,915 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Khouri 511 26.7 28,064 34.9 Brunton 441 23.0 2,970 03.7 KEMP * 681 35.6 42,769 53.1 Barry 282 14.7 6,674 08.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,915 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Brunton's 2,970 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Khouri 797 26.8 28,861 35.9 KEMP * 495 16.7 43,267 53.8 Barry 1,678 56.5 8,352 10.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,970 80,477 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Barry's 8,352 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Khouri 4,815 57.7 33,676 41.9 KEMP * 3,537 42.3 46,801 58.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,352 80,477 08.1 02.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- David Alistair Kemp (born 1941): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs to 21 October 1998 Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs from 21 October 1998 Minister assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service from 21 October 1998 Vice-President of the Executive Council from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGGINS, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Ashburton, Malvern, Prahran, Toorak -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 10.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,207 +02.3 Votes cast: 79,782 94.7 -00.3 Informal votes: 2,403 03.0 +01.0 Formal votes: 77,379 97.0 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Lawson 584 00.7 Robert Trafficante Grn 2,155 02.8 -01.1 Hon Peter COSTELLO * Lib 41,353 53.4 -02.4 Rod Spencer ON 1,208 01.6 Russell Dwyer 128 00.2 President Torney 93 00.1 Jude Wallace ALP 24,852 32.1 +01.6 Michael Dickins 205 00.3 David Zyngier 1,031 01.3 Craig Shaw AD 5,770 07.5 -01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Torney's 93 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lawson 11 11.8 595 00.8 Trafficante 11 11.8 2,166 02.8 COSTELLO * 12 12.9 41,365 53.5 Spencer 11 11.8 1,219 01.6 Dwyer 13 14.0 141 00.2 Wallace 22 23.7 24,874 32.1 Dickins 4 04.3 209 00.3 Zyngier 3 03.2 1,034 01.3 Shaw 6 06.5 5,776 07.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 93 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Dwyer's 141 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lawson 65 46.1 660 00.9 Trafficante 8 05.7 2,174 02.8 COSTELLO * 15 10.6 41,380 53.5 Spencer 14 09.9 1,233 01.6 Wallace 17 12.1 24,891 32.2 Dickins 8 05.7 217 00.3 Zyngier 3 02.1 1,037 01.3 Shaw 11 07.8 5,787 07.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 141 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Dickins's 217 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lawson 18 08.3 678 00.9 Trafficante 31 14.3 2,205 02.8 COSTELLO * 40 18.4 41,420 53.5 Spencer 8 03.7 1,241 01.6 Wallace 38 17.5 24,929 32.3 Zyngier 53 24.4 1,090 01.4 Shaw 29 13.4 5,816 07.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 217 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Lawson's 678 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trafficante 364 53.7 2,569 03.3 COSTELLO * 102 15.0 41,522 53.7 Spencer 39 05.8 1,280 01.7 Wallace 60 08.8 24,989 32.3 Zyngier 33 04.9 1,123 01.5 Shaw 80 11.8 5,896 07.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 678 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Zyngier's 1,123 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trafficante 154 13.7 2,723 03.5 COSTELLO * 185 16.5 41,707 53.9 Spencer 7 00.6 1,287 01.7 Wallace 455 40.5 25,444 32.9 Shaw 322 28.7 6,218 08.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,123 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Spencer's 1,287 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trafficante 266 20.7 2,989 03.9 COSTELLO * 559 43.4 42,266 54.6 Wallace 262 20.4 25,706 33.2 Shaw 200 15.5 6,418 08.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,287 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Trafficante's 2,989 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COSTELLO * 720 24.1 42,986 55.6 Wallace 966 32.3 26,672 34.5 Shaw 1,303 43.6 7,721 10.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,989 77,379 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Shaw's 7,721 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COSTELLO * 3,147 40.8 46,133 59.6 Wallace 4,574 59.2 31,246 40.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,721 77,379 09.6 01.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Howard Costello (born 1957): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Treasurer Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party -------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLT, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Dandenong, Endeavour Hills, Hampton Park, Keysborough -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 12.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,486 +06.9 Votes cast: 77,389 96.1 +00.4 Informal votes: 3,503 04.5 00.0 Formal votes: 73,886 95.5 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Berk AD 4,425 06.0 -01.3 Kunwar Singh 931 01.3 Margaret Nicholls Lib 21,823 29.5 -02.5 Heath Allison 379 00.5 Hon Gareth EVANS * ALP 44,172 59.8 +04.6 Robert Bisset 860 01.2 Lynne Dickson CDP 1,296 01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,886 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Allison's 379 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Berk 84 22.2 4,509 06.1 Singh 49 12.9 980 01.3 Nicholls 72 19.0 21,895 29.6 EVANS * 72 19.0 44,244 59.9 Bisset 71 18.7 931 01.3 Dickson 31 08.2 1,327 01.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 379 73,886 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Bissett's 931 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Berk 272 29.2 4,781 06.5 Singh 71 07.6 1,051 01.4 Nicholls 121 13.0 22,016 29.8 EVANS * 217 23.3 44,461 60.2 Dickson 250 25.5 1,577 02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 931 73,886 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Singh's 1,051 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Berk 319 30.4 5,100 06.9 Nicholls 184 17.5 22,200 30.0 EVANS * 456 43.4 44,917 60.8 Dickson 92 08.8 1,669 02.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,051 73,886 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Dickson's 1,669 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Berk 596 35.7 5,696 07.7 Nicholls 582 34.9 22,782 30.8 EVANS * 491 29.4 45,408 61.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,669 73,886 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Berk's 5,696 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicholls 2,995 52.6 25,777 34.9 EVANS * 2,701 47.4 48,109 65.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,696 73,886 15.1 02.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gareth John Evans (born 1944): Elected 1996, 1998 Deputy Leader of the Opposition to 19 October 1998 Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party to 19 October 1998 Resigned seat 30 September 1999 Later career: President and CEO, International Crisis Group 2000-09. Chancellor Australian National University 2010-20. AC 2012. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTHAM, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Clayton, Heatherton, Oakleigh South, Springvale -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 10.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 87,626 +01.5 Votes cast: 83,973 95.8 -00.1 Informal votes: 3,058 03.6 +00.6 Formal votes: 80,915 96.4 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Salter ON 2,559 03.2 Hon Simon CREAN * ALP 46,107 57.0 +01.9 John Pesutto Lib 26,059 32.2 -03.7 Stan Rosenthal 841 01.0 Polly Morgan AD 3,720 04.6 -00.7 John Cordon 137 00.2 Susan Walters Grn 1,492 01.8 -00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pesutto was Vic MLA for Hawthorn 2014-18. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Cordon's 137 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 14 10.2 2,573 03.2 CREAN * 16 11.7 46,123 57.0 Pesutto 7 05.1 26,066 32.2 Rosenthal 15 10.9 856 01.1 Morgan 30 21.9 3,750 04.6 Walters 55 40.1 1,547 01.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 137 80,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Rosenthal's 856 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 12 01.4 2,585 03.2 CREAN * 465 54.3 46,588 57.6 Pesutto 125 14.6 26,191 32.4 Morgan 145 16.9 3,895 04.8 Walters 109 12.7 1,656 02.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 856 80,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Walters's 1,656 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 83 05.0 2,668 03.3 CREAN * 435 26.3 47,023 58.1 Pesutto 160 09.7 26,351 32.6 Morgan 978 59.1 4,873 06.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,656 80,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Salter's 2,668 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREAN * 1,272 47.7 48,295 59.7 Pesutto 889 33.3 27,240 33.7 Morgan 507 19.0 5,380 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,668 80,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Morgan's 5,380 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREAN * 3,156 58.7 51,451 63.6 Pesutto 2,224 41.3 29,464 36.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,380 80,915 13.6 03.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon Findlay Crean (born 1949): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996 Deputy Leader of the Opposition from 19 October 1998 Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party from 19 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- INDI, Vic ==================================================================== Northern Victoria: Beechworth, Benalla, Wangaratta, Wodonga -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 17.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,461 +01.5 Votes cast: 78,927 96.9 +01.0 Informal votes: 3,061 03.9 +01.6 Formal votes: 75,866 96.1 -01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Susan Griffith 738 01.0 Zuvele Leschen ALP 21,572 28.4 +00.4 Jurek Paz 368 00.5 Brian Robson 2,157 02.8 Kevin Smith AD 3,708 04.9 -02.9 Hon Lou LIEBERMAN * Lib 38,590 50.9 -11.7 David Maroney 431 00.6 John Anderson ON 6,023 07.9 Tim Bardsley Grn 1,825 02.4 Norm Ryan 454 00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Paz's 368 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffith 38 10.3 776 01.0 Leschen 67 18.2 21,639 28.5 Robson 34 09.2 2,191 02.9 Smith 40 10.9 3,748 04.9 LIEBERMAN * 54 14.7 38,644 50.9 Maroney 60 16.3 491 00.6 Anderson 19 05.2 6,042 08.0 Bardsley 11 03.0 1,836 02.4 Ryan 45 12.2 499 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 368 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Maroney's 491 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffith 32 06.5 808 01.1 Leschen 42 08.6 21,681 28.6 Robson 25 05.1 2,216 02.9 Smith 33 06.7 3,781 05.1 LIEBERMAN * 93 18.9 38,737 51.1 Anderson 49 10.0 6,091 08.0 Bardsley 26 05.3 1,862 02.5 Ryan 191 38.9 690 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 491 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Ryan's 690 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffith 67 09.7 875 01.2 Leschen 68 09.9 21,749 28.7 Robson 62 09.0 2,278 03.0 Smith 90 13.0 3,871 05.1 LIEBERMAN * 105 15.2 38,842 51.2 Anderson 112 16.2 6,203 08.2 Bardsley 186 27.0 2,048 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 690 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Griffith's 875 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leschen 471 53.8 22,220 29.3 Robson 107 12.2 2,385 03.1 Smith 94 10.7 3,965 05.2 LIEBERMAN * 90 10.3 38,932 51.3 Anderson 34 03.4 6,237 08.2 Bardsley 79 09.0 2,127 02.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 875 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Bardsley's 2,127 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leschen 828 38.9 23,048 30.4 Robson 148 07.0 2,533 03.3 Smith 605 28.4 4,570 06.0 LIEBERMAN * 330 15.5 39,262 51.8 Anderson 216 10.2 6,453 08.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,127 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Robson's 2,533 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leschen 269 10.6 23,317 30.7 Smith 1,386 54.7 5,956 07.9 LIEBERMAN * 371 14.6 39,633 52.2 Anderson 507 20.0 6,960 09.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,533 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Smith's 5,956 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leschen 2,346 39.4 25,663 33.8 LIEBERMAN * 2,102 35.3 41,735 55.0 Anderson 1,508 25.3 8,468 11.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,956 75,866 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Anderson's 8,468 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leschen 4,603 54.4 30,266 39.9 LIEBERMAN * 3,865 45.6 45,600 60.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,468 75,866 10.1 07.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Louis Stuart Lieberman (born 1938): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 Lieberman retired at the 2001 election. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ISAACS, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Chelsea, Cranborne, Mentone, Mordialloc -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 78,670 +04.5 Votes cast: 76,271 96.9 +00.7 Informal votes: 2,754 03.6 +00.8 Formal votes: 73,517 96.4 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Wilton * ALP 35,604 48.4 +04.4 Daniel Tirawa Grn 1,570 02.1 Mija Carkeek 421 00.5 Robert Ryan AD 4,355 05.9 -03.6 Amanda McIntosh 211 00.3 Denis Reed-Smith ON 2,971 04.0 Mike Rawlinson Lib 28,060 38.2 -03.9 Patricia Brook 325 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: McIntosh's 211 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilton * 43 20.4 35,647 48.5 Tirawa 40 19.0 1,610 02.2 Carkeek 19 09.0 440 00.6 Ryan 32 15.2 4,387 06.0 Reed-Smith 19 09.0 2,990 04.1 Rawlinson 27 12.8 28,087 38.2 Brook 31 14.7 356 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 211 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Brook's 356 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilton * 62 17.4 35,709 48.6 Tirawa 45 12.6 1,655 02.3 Carkeek 38 10.7 478 00.7 Ryan 43 12.1 4,430 06.0 Reed-Smith 70 19.7 3,060 04.2 Rawlinson 98 27.5 28,185 38.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 356 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Carkeek's 478 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilton * 167 34.9 35,867 48.8 Tirawa 149 31.2 1,804 02.5 Ryan 83 17.4 4,513 06.1 Reed-Smith 12 02.5 3,072 04.2 Rawlinson 67 14.0 28,252 38.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 478 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Tirawa's 1,804 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilton * 703 39.0 36,579 49.8 Ryan 820 45.5 5,333 07.3 Reed-Smith 86 04.8 3,158 04.3 Rawlinson 195 10.8 28,447 38.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,804 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Reed-Smith's 3,158 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WILTON * 1,027 32.5 37,606 51.2 Ryan 1,182 37.4 6,515 08.9 Rawlinson 949 30.1 29,396 40.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,158 73,517 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Ryan's 6,515 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WILTON * 3,861 59.3 41,467 56.4 Rawlinson 2,654 40.7 32,050 43.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,515 73,517 06.4 04.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Stuart Wilton (1955-2000): Elected 1996, 1998 Died 13 June 2000. (See by-elections) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilton's was the first death of a serving member of the House of Representatives since January 1981, a period of over 19 years, the longest period without a death in the history of the House. -------------------------------------------------------------------- JAGAJAGA, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Bundoora, Eltham, Heidelberg, Ivanhoe -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 85,645 +02.1 Votes cast: 82,808 96.7 -00.2 Informal votes: 2,137 02.6 00.0 Formal votes: 80,671 97.4 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robyn Roberts Grn 2,633 03.3 00.0 Ray Mason ON 1,971 02.4 Jenny Macklin * ALP 38,842 48.1 +04.0 Steve Griffith 265 00.3 John McPherson AD 4,732 05.9 -01.1 Grant Walters 468 00.6 Tony Raunic Lib 31,760 39.4 -03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,671 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Griffith's 265 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberts 72 27.2 2,705 03.4 Mason 16 06.0 1,987 02.5 Macklin * 60 22.6 38,902 48.2 McPherson 54 20.4 4,786 05.9 Walters 24 09.1 492 00.6 Raunic 39 14.7 31,799 39.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 265 80,671 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Walters's 492 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberts 90 18.3 2,795 03.5 Mason 7 01.4 1,994 02.5 Macklin * 165 33.5 39,067 48.3 McPherson 96 19.5 4,882 06.1 Raunic 134 27.2 31,933 39.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 492 80,671 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Mason's 1,994 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberts 539 27.0 3,334 04.1 Macklin * 547 27.4 39,614 49.1 McPherson 244 12.2 5,126 06.4 Raunic 664 33.3 32,597 40.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,994 80,671 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Roberts's 3,334 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- MACKLIN * 1,349 40.5 40,963 50.8 McPherson 1,568 47.0 6,694 08.3 Raunic 417 12.5 33,014 40.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,334 80,671 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: McPherson's 6,694 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- MACKLIN * 4,137 61.8 45,100 55.9 Raunic 2,557 38.2 35,571 44.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,694 80,671 05.9 03.2 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer Louise Macklin (born 1953): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- KOOYONG, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Balwyn, Canterbury, Hawthorn, Kew -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 13.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,537 +02.2 Votes cast: 80,099 95.9 -00.5 Informal votes: 1,620 02.0 00.0 Formal votes: 78,479 98.0 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Petro GEORGIOU * Lib 43,028 54.8 -02.2 Brad Starkie AD 6,366 08.1 -00.2 Ron McLean ON 1,637 02.1 Milton Nomikoudis 1,164 01.5 Maxine Morand ALP 23,107 29.4 +02.2 Wendy Salter Grn 3,177 04.0 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,479 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Morand was Vic MLA for Mount Waverley 2002-10. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Nomikoudis's 1,164 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIOU * 248 21.3 43,276 55.1 Starkie 234 20.1 6,600 08.4 McLean 13 01.1 1,650 02.1 Morand 517 44.4 23,624 30.1 Salter 152 13.1 3,329 04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,164 78,479 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: McLean's 1,650 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIOU * 787 47.7 44,063 56.1 Starkie 236 14.3 6,836 08.7 Morand 390 23.6 24,014 30.6 Salter 237 14.4 3,566 04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,650 78,479 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Salter's 3,566 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIOU * 429 12.0 44,492 56.7 Starkie 2,077 58.2 8,913 11.4 Morand 1,060 29.7 25,074 31.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,566 78,479 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Starkie's 8,913 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIOU * 3,684 41.3 48,176 61.4 Morand 5,229 58.7 30,303 38.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,913 78,479 11.4 02.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Petro Georgiou (born 1947): Elected 1994 by, 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LA TROBE, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Belgrave, Berwick, Ferntree Gully, Gembrook -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 78,699 +06.8 Votes cast: 76,181 96.8 +00.3 Informal votes: 2,751 03.6 +01.1 Formal votes: 73,430 96.4 -01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Amanda Leeper AD 6,447 08.8 -00.7 Assyl Haidar 411 00.6 Jeff Thomas ON 3,173 04.3 Frank Dean 331 00.4 Wolf Vogt CDP 740 01.0 -00.3 Robyn Holtham Grn 2,801 03.8 -00.9 Carolyn Hirsh ALP 27,733 37.8 -01.1 Bob Charles * Lib 31,456 42.8 -01.6 Graham Woolley 186 00.2 Andrew Sternberg 152 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hirsh was Vic MLA for Wantirna 1985-92, MLC for Silvan Province 2002-06. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Sternberg's 152 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 23 15.1 6,470 08.8 Haidar 10 06.6 421 00.6 Thomas 8 05.3 3,181 04.3 Dean 15 09.9 346 00.5 Voigt 7 04.6 747 01.0 Holtham 24 15.8 2,825 03.8 Hirsh 14 09.2 27,747 37.8 Charles * 22 14.5 31,478 42.9 Woolley 29 19.1 215 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 152 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Woolley's 215 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 19 08.8 6,489 08.8 Haidar 7 03.3 428 00.6 Thomas 34 15.8 3,215 04.4 Dean 11 05.1 357 00.5 Voigt 13 06.0 760 01.0 Holtham 19 08.8 2,844 03.9 Hirsh 36 16.7 27,783 37.8 Charles * 76 35.3 31,554 43.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 215 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Dean's 357 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 75 21.0 6,564 08.9 Haidar 31 08.7 459 00.6 Thomas 62 17.4 3,277 04.5 Voigt 23 06.4 783 01.1 Holtham 67 18.8 2,911 04.0 Hirsh 45 12.6 27,828 37.9 Charles * 54 15.1 31,608 43.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 357 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Haidar's 459 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 115 25.1 6,679 09.1 Thomas 20 04.4 3,297 04.5 Voigt 32 07.0 815 01.1 Holtham 95 20.7 3,006 04.1 Hirsh 148 32.2 27,976 38.1 Charles * 49 10.7 31,657 43.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 459 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Voigt's 815 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 196 24.0 6,875 09.4 Thomas 69 08.5 3,366 04.6 Holtham 98 12.0 3,104 04.2 Hirsh 124 15.2 28,100 38.3 Charles * 328 40.2 31,985 43.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 815 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Holtham's 3,104 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 1,918 61.8 8,793 12.0 Thomas 118 03.8 3,484 04.7 Hirsh 795 25.6 28,895 39.4 Charles * 273 08.8 32,258 43.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,104 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Thomas's 3,484 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeper 1,018 29.2 9,811 13.4 Hirsh 1,242 35.6 30,137 41.0 Charles * 1,224 35.1 33,482 45.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,484 73,430 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Leeper's 9,811 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hirsh 5,851 59.6 35,988 49.0 CHARLES * 3,960 40.4 37,442 51.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,811 73,430 01.0 00.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Edwin Charles 1936-2016): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LALOR, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Altona, Ardeer, Laverton, Werribee -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 18.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,584 +07.3 Votes cast: 78,395 97.3 +01.0 Informal votes: 2,638 03.4 00.0 Formal votes: 75,757 96.6 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- George Papaellinas 1,446 01.9 Anthony Shaw AD 4,090 05.4 -02.4 Julia GILLARD + ALP 46,374 61.2 -00.6 Cythnia Manson Grn 1,339 01.8 John Brodel ON 3,127 04.1 Cameron O'Sullivan Lib 19,381 25.6 -02.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,757 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Manson's 1,339 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Papaellinas 234 17.5 1,680 02.2 Shaw 438 32.7 4,528 06.0 GILLARD + 411 30.7 46,785 61.8 Brodel 120 09.0 3,247 04.3 O'Sullivan 136 10.2 19,517 25.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,339 75,757 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Papaellinas's 1,680 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaw 944 56.2 5,472 07.2 GILLARD + 515 30.7 47,300 62.4 Brodel 49 02.9 3,296 04.4 O'Sullivan 172 10.2 19,689 26.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,680 75,757 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Brodel's 3,296 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaw 762 23.1 6,234 08.2 GILLARD + 1,408 42.7 48,708 64.3 O'Sullivan 1,126 34.2 20,815 27.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,296 75,757 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Shaw's 6,234 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GILLARD + 4,185 67.1 52,893 69.8 O'Sullivan 2,049 32.9 22,864 30.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,234 75,757 19.8 01.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Julia Eileen Gillard (born 1961): Elected 1998 Born: 29 September 1961, Barry, Wales, Britain Career: Educated University of Melbourne. Solicitor. Chief of Staff to John Brumby MLA, Leader of the Opposition in Victoria. -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEWEN, Vic ==================================================================== North of Melbourne: Craigieburn, Healesville, Kilmore, Whittlesea -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,839 +04.5 Votes cast: 78,451 97.0 +00.3 Informal votes: 2,615 03.3 +00.7 Formal votes: 75,818 96.7 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graeme McEwen ALP 30,350 40.1 +01.0 Dennis Lacey ON 3,877 05.1 Sean Carter AD 3,652 04.8 -01.5 Susan Brown 186 00.2 Stephen Bowden 611 00.8 Pam Lawson Grn 2,020 02.7 -01.2 Vicki Treble 1,808 02.4 Fran Bailey * Lib 32,951 43.4 -02.7 Elizabeth Savage Kooroonya 363 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Brown's 186 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 31 16.7 30,381 40.1 Lacey 6 03.2 3,883 05.1 Carter 42 22.6 3,694 04.9 Bowden 16 08.6 627 00.8 Lawson 52 28.0 2,072 02.7 Treble 11 05.9 1,819 02.4 Bailey * 17 09.1 32,698 43.5 Savage Kooroonya 11 05.9 374 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 186 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Savage Kooroonya's 374 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 58 15.5 30,439 40.1 Lacey 5 01.3 3,888 05.1 Carter 42 11.2 3,736 04.9 Bowden 62 16.6 689 00.9 Lawson 87 23.3 2,159 02.8 Treble 27 07.2 1,846 02.4 Bailey * 93 24.9 33,061 43.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 374 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bowden's 689 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 92 13.4 30,531 40.3 Lacey 57 08.3 3,945 05.2 Carter 238 34.5 3,974 05.2 Lawson 122 17.7 2,281 03.0 Treble 59 08.6 1,905 02.5 Bailey * 121 17.6 33,182 43.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 689 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Treble's 1,905 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 236 12.4 30,767 40.6 Lacey 483 25.4 4,428 05.8 Carter 119 06.2 4,093 05.4 Lawson 154 08.1 2,435 03.2 Bailey * 913 47.9 34,095 45.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,905 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Lawson's 2,435 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 612 25.1 31,379 41.4 Lacey 101 04.1 4,529 06.0 Carter 1,396 57.3 5,489 07.2 Bailey * 326 13.4 34,421 45.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,435 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Lacey's 4,529 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 1,686 37.2 33,065 43.6 Carter 1,114 24.6 6,603 08.7 Bailey * 1,729 38.2 36,150 47.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,529 75,818 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Carter's 6,603 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McEwen 4,054 61.4 37,119 49.0 BAILEY * 2,549 38.6 38,699 51.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,603 75,818 01.0 01.2 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Frances Esther Bailey (born 1946): Elected 1990. Defeated 1993. Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- McMILLAN, Vic ==================================================================== Eastern Victoria: Moe, Morwell, Pakenham, Traralgon -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,120 +00.4 Votes cast: 79,099 97.5 +00.7 Informal votes: 3,251 04.1 +01.4 Formal votes: 75,848 95.9 -01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Kelly 2,954 03.9 Barry Cunningham 3,800 05.0 Anthony Geoghegan 352 00.5 Peter Jackson 116 00.1 Colin Milne 247 00.3 Peter Wells 2,036 02.7 Russell Broadbent * Lib 29,512 38.9 -01.2 Bryan Atkin ON 3,963 05.2 Jenny Farrar Grn 1,645 02.2 -00.5 David Wall AD 3,228 04.3 -00.8 Christian Zahra ALP 27,995 36.9 -03.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cunningham was Labor member for McMillan 1980-90, 1993-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Jackson's 116 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 19 16.4 2,973 03.9 Cunningham 17 14.7 3,917 05.0 Geoghegan 19 16.4 371 00.5 Milne 18 15.5 265 00.3 Wells 8 06.9 2,044 02.7 Broadbent * 9 07.8 29,521 38.9 Atkin 3 02.6 3,966 05.2 Farrar 12 10.3 1,657 02.2 Wall 5 04.3 3,233 04.3 Zahra 6 05.2 28,001 36.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 116 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Milne's 265 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 21 07.9 2,994 03.9 Cunningham 28 10.6 3,845 05.1 Geoghegan 19 07.2 390 00.5 Wells 41 15.5 2,085 02.7 Broadbent * 34 12.8 29,555 39.0 Atkin 5 01.9 3,971 05.2 Farrar 25 09.4 1,682 02.2 Wall 45 17.0 3,278 04.3 Zahra 47 17.7 28,048 37.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 265 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Geoghegan's 390 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 37 09.5 3,031 04.0 Cunningham 105 26.9 3,950 05.2 Wells 103 26.4 2,188 02.9 Broadbent * 52 13.3 29,607 39.0 Atkin 19 04.9 3,990 05.3 Farrar 18 04.6 1,700 02.2 Wall 25 06.4 3,303 04.4 Zahra 31 07.9 28,079 37.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 390 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Farrar's 1,700 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 91 05.4 3,122 04.1 Cunningham 146 08.6 4,096 05.4 Wells 60 03.5 2,248 03.0 Broadbent * 117 06.9 29,724 39.2 Atkin 43 02.5 4,033 05.3 Wall 869 51.1 4,172 05.5 Zahra 374 22.0 28,453 37.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,700 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Wells's 2,248 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 1,076 47.9 4,198 05.5 Cunningham 258 11.5 4,354 05.7 Broadbent * 262 11.7 29,986 39.5 Atkin 296 13.2 4,329 05.7 Wall 200 08.9 4,372 05.8 Zahra 156 06.9 28,609 37.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,248 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Kelly's 4,198 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cunningham 1,818 43.3 6,172 08.1 Broadbent * 340 08.1 30,326 40.0 Atkin 1,529 36.4 5,858 07.7 Wall 129 03.1 4,501 05.9 Zahra 382 09.1 28,991 38.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,198 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Wall's 4,501 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cunningham 1,724 38.3 7,896 10.4 Broadbent * 776 17.2 31,102 41.0 Atkin 143 03.2 6,001 07.9 Zahra 1,858 41.3 30,849 40.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,501 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Atkin's 6,001 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cunningham 3,413 56.9 11,309 14.9 Broadbent * 1,317 21.9 32,419 42.7 Zahra 1,271 21.2 32,120 42.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,001 75,848 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Cunningham's 11,309 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadbent * 5,069 44.8 37,488 49.3 ZAHRA 6,240 55.2 38,360 50.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,309 75,848 00.6 02.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Russell Evan Broadbent (born 1950): Elected 1990. Defeated 1993. Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 Later career: See McMillan 2004. > Christian John Zahra (born 1973): Elected 1998 Born: 8 April 1973, Pieta, Malta Career: Educated La Trobe Univesity. Electorate officer. Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal Health Service, Morwell. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MALLEE, Vic ==================================================================== North-west Victoria: Horsham, Mildura, Swan Hill, Warracknabeal -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 majority: NPA over ALP 23.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,238 -00.3 Votes cast: 77,697 96.8 +00.1 Informal votes: 2,260 02.9 +00.3 Formal votes: 75,437 97.1 -00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- John FORREST * NPA 43,132 57.2 -12.2 Tom Joyce AD 3,440 04.6 -01.3 Bill Croft ON 9,516 12.6 Lee Cubit 600 00.8 Lionel McKenzie 2,278 03.0 John Zigouras ALP 16,471 21.8 -01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,437 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Cubit's 600 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FORREST * 176 29.3 43,308 57.4 Joyce 74 12.3 3,514 04.7 Croft 155 25.8 9,671 12.8 McKenzie 123 20.5 2,401 03.2 Zigouras 72 12.0 16,543 21.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 600 75,437 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: McKenzie's 2,401 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FORREST * 728 30.3 44,036 58.4 Joyce 588 24.5 4,102 05.4 Croft 491 20.4 10,162 13.5 Zigouras 594 24.7 17,137 22.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,401 75,437 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Joyce's 4,102 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FORREST * 2,073 50.5 46,109 61.1 Croft 526 12.8 10,688 14.2 Zigouras 1,503 36.6 18,640 24.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,102 75,437 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Croft's 10,688 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- FORREST * 6,219 58.2 52,328 69.4 Zigouras 4,469 41.8 23,109 30.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,688 75,437 19.4 04.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Alexander Forrest (born 1948): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MARIBYRNONG, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Airport West, Moonee Ponds, Niddrie, St Albans -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 18.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,813 +02.7 Votes cast: 78,449 95.9 -00.1 Informal votes: 3,508 04.5 -00.1 Formal votes: 74,941 95.5 +00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Gallagher 1,366 01.8 Robert SERCOMBE * ALP 48,458 64.7 +02.0 Diana Kalantzis 1,230 01.6 Tony Camilleri Grn 1,867 02.5 Paul Treacy 273 00.4 Will Charlton Lib 18,305 24.4 -02.9 Helen Martin AD 3,469 04.6 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,941 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Treacy's 273 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher 59 21.6 1,425 01.9 SERCOMBE * 31 11.4 48,489 64.7 Kalantzis 17 06.2 1,220 01.6 Camilleri 72 26.4 1,939 02.6 Charlton 57 20.9 18,362 24.5 Martin 37 13.6 3,506 04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 273 74,941 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Kalantzis's 1,220 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallagher 115 09.4 1,540 02.1 SERCOMBE * 625 51.2 49,114 65.5 Camilleri 230 18.9 2,169 02.9 Charlton 113 09.3 18,475 24.7 Martin 137 11.2 3,643 04.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,220 74,941 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Gallagher's 1,540 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SERCOMBE * 1,024 66.5 50,138 66.9 Camilleri 236 15.3 2,405 03.2 Charlton 127 08.2 18,602 24.8 Martin 153 09.9 3,796 05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,540 74,941 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Camilleri's 2,405 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SERCOMBE * 1,314 54.6 51,452 68.7 Charlton 445 18.5 19,047 25.4 Martin 646 26.9 4,442 05.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,405 74,941 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Martin's 4,442 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SERCOMBE * 2,547 57.3 53,999 72.1 Charlton 1,895 42.7 20,942 27.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,442 74,941 22.1 03.2 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Charles Grant Sercombe (born 1949): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MELBOURNE, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Ascot Vale, Carlton, Collingwood, Richmond -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 20.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 87,768 +04.7 Votes cast: 82,392 93.9 +01.6 Informal votes: 3,018 03.7 +00.3 Formal votes: 79,374 96.3 -00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brent McKenna AD 7,122 09.0 +00.3 James Ferrari 365 00.5 Lindsay TANNER * ALP 45,958 57.9 +00.2 Paul Nettelbeck Lib 19,289 24.3 +00.2 Sherridan Maxwell 1,095 01.4 Lawrence Clarke 176 00.2 Ivan Horvat 133 00.2 Maurice Sibelle 425 00.5 Nolan Tyrell Grn 4,811 06.1 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Horvat's 133 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 28 21.1 7,150 09.0 Ferrari 10 07.5 375 00.5 TANNER * 15 11.3 45,973 57.9 Nettelbeck 23 17.3 19,312 24.3 Maxwell 6 04.5 1,101 01.4 Clarke 27 20.3 203 00.3 Sibelle 11 08.3 436 00.5 Tyrell 13 09.8 4,824 06.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 133 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Clarke's 203 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 19 09.4 7,169 09.0 Ferrari 20 09.9 395 00.5 TANNER * 21 10.3 45,994 57.9 Nettelbeck 27 13.3 19,339 24.4 Maxwell 26 12.8 1,127 01.4 Sibelle 30 14.8 466 00.6 Tyrell 60 29.6 4,884 06.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 203 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Ferrari's 395 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 126 31.9 7,295 09.2 TANNER * 85 21.5 46,079 58.1 Nettelbeck 67 17.0 19,406 24.4 Maxwell 35 08.9 1,162 01.5 Sibelle 25 06.3 491 00.6 Tyrell 57 14.4 4,941 06.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 395 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Sibelle's 491 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 62 12.6 7,357 09.3 TANNER * 81 16.5 46,160 58.2 Nettelbeck 17 03.5 19,423 24.5 Maxwell 36 07.3 1,198 01.5 Tyrell 295 60.1 5,236 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 491 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Maxwell's 1,198 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 331 27.6 7,688 09.7 TANNER * 465 38.8 46,625 58.7 Nettelbeck 143 11.9 19,566 24.7 Tyrell 259 21.6 5,495 06.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,198 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Tyrell's 5,495 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenna 3,349 60.9 11,037 13.9 TANNER * 1,799 32.7 48,424 61.0 Nettelbeck 347 06.3 19,913 25.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,495 79,374 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: McKenna's 11,037 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- TANNER * 8,567 77.6 56,991 71.8 Nettelbeck 2,470 22.4 22,383 28.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,037 79,374 21.8 01.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay James Tanner (born 1956): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MELBOURNE PORTS, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Caulfield, Port Melbourne, South Melbourne, St Kilda -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 06.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 82,231 +02.8 Votes cast: 76,871 93.5 +00.1 Informal votes: 2,390 03.1 +00.3 Formal votes: 74,481 96.9 -00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arthur Hawley ON 1,380 01.8 Diana Wolowski 1,413 01.9 Michael Danby + ALP 32,849 44.1 -02.5 Julie Peters AD 6,099 08.2 +01.1 Fiona Snedden Lib 29,037 39.0 -00.7 Tom Haynes 180 00.2 Dinesh Mathew Grn 3,523 04.7 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Haynes's 180 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawley 9 05.0 1,389 01.9 Wolowski + 15 08.3 1,428 01.9 Danby 15 08.3 32,864 44.1 Peters 27 15.0 6,126 08.2 Snedden 27 15.0 29,064 39.0 Mathew 87 48.3 3,610 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 180 74,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Hawley's 1,389 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolowski + 305 22.0 1,733 02.3 Danby 309 22.2 33,173 44.5 Peters 133 09.6 6,259 08.4 Snedden 426 30.7 29,490 39.6 Mathew 216 15.6 3,826 05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,389 74,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Wolowski's 1,733 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Danby + 1,010 58.3 34,183 45.9 Peters 289 16.7 6,548 08.8 Snedden 226 13.0 29,716 39.9 Mathew 208 12.0 4,043 05.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,733 74,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Mathew's 4,043 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Danby + 1,165 28.9 35,348 47.5 Peters 2,414 59.8 8,962 12.0 Snedden 455 11.3 30,171 40.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,043 74,481 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Peters's 8,962 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- DANBY + 6,237 69.6 41,585 55.8 Snedden 2,725 30.4 32,896 44.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,962 74,481 05.8 00.3 to Lib -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael David Danby (born 1955): Elected 1998 Born: 16 February 1955, Melbourne Career: Educated University of Melbourne. Journalist. Staffer to Hon Barry Cohen MP. Industrial Officer, Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MENZIES, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Bulleen, Doncaster, Templestowe, Warrandyte -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 11.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,957 +02.1 Votes cast: 78,021 96.4 -00.2 Informal votes: 2,490 03.2 +00.7 Formal votes: 75,531 96.8 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Damian Wise AD 4,395 05.8 -03.0 John Casley ON 1,383 01.8 Marcia Riordan 1,060 01.4 Peter Allan ALP 24,812 32.8 -01.0 Dr Phillip Nitschke 6,843 09.1 Mark Bunn 240 00.3 Mohamed Morsy 1,383 01.8 Kevin Andrews * Lib 35,415 46.9 -08.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Bunn's 240 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise 43 17.9 4,438 05.9 Casley 6 02.5 1,389 01.8 Riordan 23 09.6 1,083 01.4 Allan 28 11.7 24,840 32.9 Nitschke 34 14.2 6,877 09.1 Morsy 40 16.7 1,423 01.9 Andrews * 66 27.5 35,481 47.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 240 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Riordan's 1,083 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise 127 11.7 4,565 06.0 Casley 45 04.2 1,434 01.9 Allan 84 07.8 24,924 33.0 Nitschke 172 15.9 7,049 09.3 Morsy 33 03.0 1,456 01.9 Andrews * 622 57.4 36,103 47.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,083 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Casley's 1,434 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise 342 23.8 4,907 06.5 Allan 277 19.3 25,201 33.4 Nitschke 400 27.9 7,449 09.9 Morsy 11 00.8 1,467 01.9 Andrews * 404 28.2 36,507 48.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,434 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Morsy's 1,467 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise 180 12.3 5,087 06.7 Allan 820 55.9 26,021 34.5 Nitschke 178 12.1 7,627 10.1 Andrews * 289 19.7 36,796 48.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,467 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Wise's 5,087 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Allan 1,968 38.7 27,989 37.1 Nitschke 1,876 36.9 9,503 12.6 ANDREWS * 1,243 24.4 38,039 50.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,087 75,531 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Nitschke's 9,503 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Allan 5,698 60.0 33,687 44.6 ANDREWS * 3,805 40.0 41,844 55.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,503 75,531 05.4 05.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin James Andrews (born 1955): Elected 1991 By, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MURRAY, Vic ==================================================================== Northern Victoria: Echuca, Kerang, Rochester, Shepparton -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over NPA 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 82,662 +00.4 Votes cast: 80,266 97.1 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,742 03.4 +00.7 Formal votes: 77,524 96.6 -00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Wilson 5,274 06.8 Eleisha Mullane Grn 1,243 01.6 John Stuart ALP 16,061 20.7 -00.7 Diane Teasdale 955 01.2 Sharman STONE * Lib 46,070 59.4 +16.2 Robert Hellemons ON 5,259 06.8 Nino Marcucci 386 00.5 Ray Cadmore AD 2,276 02.9 -02.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Marcucci's 386 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson 47 12.2 5,321 06.9 Mullane 33 08.5 1,276 01.6 Stuart 35 09.1 16,096 20.8 Teasdale 18 04.7 973 01.3 STONE * 97 25.1 46,167 59.6 Hellemons 36 09.3 5,295 06.8 Cadmore 120 31.1 2,396 03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 386 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Teasdale's 973 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson 438 45.0 5,759 07.4 Mullane 61 06.3 1,337 01.7 Stuart 90 09.2 16,186 20.9 STONE * 174 17.9 46,341 59.8 Hellemons 133 13.7 5,428 07.0 Cadmore 77 07.9 2,473 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 973 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Mullane's 1,337 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson 270 20.2 6,029 07.8 Stuart 379 28.3 16,565 21.4 STONE * 254 19.0 46,595 60.1 Hellemons 75 05.6 5,503 07.1 Cadmore 359 26.9 2,832 03.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,337 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Cadmore's 2,832 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson 383 13.5 6,412 08.3 Stuart 1,072 37.9 17,637 22.8 STONE * 1,132 40.0 47,724 61.6 Hellemons 245 08.7 5,748 07.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,832 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Hellemons's 5,748 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilson 3,288 57.2 9,700 12.5 Stuart 799 13.9 18,436 23.8 STONE * 1,661 28.9 49,388 63.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,748 77,524 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Wilson's 9,700 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuart 3,222 33.2 21,658 27.9 STONE * 6,478 66.8 55,866 72.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,700 77,524 22.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharman Nancy Stone (born 1951): Elected 1996, 1998 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SCULLIN, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Epping, Lalor, Mill Park, Thomastown -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 20.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 82,622 +07.6 Votes cast: 80,036 96.9 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,779 03.5 00.0 Formal votes: 77,257 96.5 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hussein Tahiri AD 4,503 05.8 -02.9 M Kheirallah 949 01.2 Robert Brown 603 00.8 Peter Pratt Lib 18,882 24.4 +00.2 Harry JENKINS * ALP 52,230 67.7 +04.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,257 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Brown's 603 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tahiri 194 32.2 4,697 06.1 Kheirallah 135 22.4 1,084 01.4 Pratt 154 25.5 19,036 24.6 JENKINS * 120 19.9 52,440 67.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 77,257 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Kheirallah's 1,084 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tahiri 466 43.0 5,163 06.7 Pratt 186 17.2 19,222 24.9 JENKINS * 432 39.9 52,872 68.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,084 77,257 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Tahiri's 5,163 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pratt 2,535 49.1 21,757 28.2 JENKINS * 2,628 50.9 55,500 71.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,163 77,257 21.8 01.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Alfred Jenkins (born 1952): Elected 1986 By, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- WANNON, Vic ==================================================================== South-west Victoria: Ararat, Hamilton, Portland, Warrnambool -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 12.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,551 -01.0 Votes cast: 78,734 97.7 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,170 02.8 +00.8 Formal votes: 76,564 97.2 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- David Hawker * Lib 37,570 49.1 -08.4 Mia Vitue ALP 23,897 31.2 -02.2 Robert O'Brien 1,824 02.4 Maggie Lindop AD 4,957 06.5 -02.6 Simon Edge ON 5,889 07.7 Leigh McDonald 2,427 03.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: O'Brien's 1,824 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawker * 454 24.9 38,024 49.7 Vitue 405 22.2 24,302 31.7 Lindop 618 33.9 5,575 07.3 Edge 150 08.2 6,039 07.9 McDonald 197 10.8 2,624 03.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,824 76,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: McDonald's 2,624 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWKER * 438 16.7 38,462 50.2 Vitue 218 08.3 24,520 32.0 Lindop 366 13.9 5,941 07.8 Edge 1,602 61.1 7,641 10.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,624 76,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Lindop's 5,941 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWKER * 2,287 38.5 40,749 53.2 Vitue 3,048 51.3 27,568 36.0 Edge 606 10.2 8,247 10.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,941 76,564 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Edge's 8,247 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWKER * 3,232 39.2 43,981 57.4 Vitue 5,015 60.8 32,583 42.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,247 76,564 07.4 04.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- David Peter Maxwell Hawker (born 1949): Elected 1983 By, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- WILLS, Vic ==================================================================== Suburban Melbourne: Coburg, Essendon, Fawkner, Pascoe Vale -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Independent 05.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 86,618 +01.5 Votes cast: 82,487 95.2 -00.2 Informal votes: 3,520 04.3 +00.6 Formal votes: 78,967 95.7 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelvin THOMPSON * ALP 50,507 64.0 +14.0 David Curry Lib 20,280 25.7 +04.4 Bill Deller 1,875 02.4 Robert Stone AD 4,507 05.7 +02.1 Randa Abdel-Fattah 1,363 01.7 Andrew Fox 435 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,967 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Fox's 435 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- THOMPSON * 80 18.4 50,587 64.1 Curry 77 17.7 20,356 25.8 Deller 65 14.9 1,940 02.5 Stone 116 26.7 4,623 05.9 Abdel-Fattah 97 22.3 1,460 01.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 435 78,967 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Abdel-Fattah's 1,460 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- THOMPSON * 590 40.4 51,177 64.8 Curry 148 10.1 20,505 26.0 Deller 124 08.5 2,064 02.6 Stone 598 41.0 5,221 06.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,460 78,967 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Deller's 2,064 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- THOMPSON * 1,481 71.8 52,658 66.7 Curry 176 08.5 20,681 26.2 Stone 407 19.7 5,628 07.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,064 78,967 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Stone's 5,628 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- THOMPSON * 3,375 60.0 56,033 71.0 Curry 2,253 40.0 22,934 29.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,628 78,967 21.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelvin Thompson (born 1955): Elected 1996, 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------