COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 3 OCTOBER 1998 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Electoral Commission HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ==================================================================== VOTING BY DIVISION ==================================================================== QUEENSLAND ==================================================================== BLAIR, Qld ==================================================================== South-east Queensland: Esk, Ipswich North, Kingaroy, Laidley -------------------------------------------------------------------- New seat 1996 notional two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 18.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 73,981 Votes cast: 70,705 95.6 Informal votes: 2,511 03.5 Formal votes: 68,164 96.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil McKenzie AD 2,478 03.6 -02.2 Brett White NPA 6,989 10.2 -06.9 Owen Bassingthwaite 199 00.3 Virginia Clarke ALP 17,239 25.3 -00.2 Libby Connors Grn 1,230 01.7 -00.5 Pauline Hanson * ON 24,516 36.0 Cameron Thompson + Lib 14,787 21.7 -24.2 Lee Roberts 556 00.8 Mark Sloan 170 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hanson was member for Oxley 1996-98 2. The division of Blair included parts of the old division of Oxley, won by Hanson in 1996 as a disendorsed Liberal. The Liberal vote is compared with the Liberal vote in 1996, including votes polled by Hanson in those parts of the division which were in Oxley in 1996. The Liberals are shown as the defending party. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Sloan]s 170 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenzie 17 10.0 2,495 03.7 White 11 06.5 7,000 10.3 Bassingthwaite 5 02.9 204 00.3 Clarke 18 10.6 17,257 25.3 Connors 16 09.4 1,246 01.8 Hanson * 40 23.5 24,556 36.0 Thompson + 19 11.2 14,806 21.7 Roberts 44 25.9 600 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 170 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Bassingthwaite]s 204 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenzie 26 12.7 2,521 03.7 White 44 21.6 7,044 10.3 Clarke 20 09.8 17,277 25.3 Connors 12 05.9 1,258 01.8 Hanson * 74 36.3 24,630 36.1 Thompson + 13 06.4 14,819 21.7 Roberts 15 07.4 615 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 204 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Roberts]s 615 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenzie 128 20.8 2,649 03.9 White 71 11.5 7,115 10.4 Clarke 62 10.1 17,339 25.4 Connors 111 18.0 1,369 02.0 Hanson * 136 22.1 24,766 36.3 Thompson + 107 17.4 14,926 21.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 615 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Connors]s 1,369 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McKenzie 590 43.1 3,239 04.7 White 89 06.5 7,204 10.6 Clarke 385 28.1 17,724 26.0 Hanson * 188 13.7 24,954 36.6 Thompson + 117 08.5 15,043 22.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,369 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: McKenzie]s 3,239 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- White 926 28.6 8,130 11.9 Clarke 1,186 36.6 18,910 27.7 Hanson * 399 12.3 25,353 37.2 Thompson + 728 22.5 15,771 23.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,239 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: White's 8,130 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarke 1,064 13.1 19,974 29.3 Hanson * 1,172 14.4 26,525 38.9 Thompson + 5,894 72.5 21,665 31.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,130 68,164 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Clarke's 19,974 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hanson * 5,241 26.2 31,766 46.6 THOMPSON + 14,733 73.8 36,398 53.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,974 68,164 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pauline Lee Hanson (born 1954): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 Later career: See Senate Queensland 2016 > Cameron Paul Thompson (born 1960): Elected 1998 Born: 1 October 1960, Rockhampton Qld Career: Radio journalist. Chief of Staff to Hon Shane Stone MLA, Northern Territory Chief Minister, and to Hon Joan Sheldon MLA, Queensland Treasurer. Policy adviser. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWMAN, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Capalaba, Cleveland, Manly, Wynnum -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 00.9 Effect of redistribution: no change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,281 +05.5 Votes cast: 76,402 95.2 -00.3 Informal votes: 2,015 02.6 +00.4 Formal votes: 74,387 97.4 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barry Myatt ON 8,227 11.1 Jenny van Rooyen AD 4,021 05.4 -02.9 Hon Con Sciacca ALP 32,606 43.8 +01.7 Deeane Moorhead Grn 1,606 02.2 -00.3 Andrea West * Lib 27,927 37.5 -09.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,387 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sciacca was member for Bowman 1987-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Moorhead]s 1,606 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Myatt 170 10.6 8,397 11.3 Van Rooyen 734 45.7 4,755 06.4 Sciacca 469 29.2 33,075 44.5 West * 233 14.5 28,160 37.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,606 74,387 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Van Rooyen]s 4,755 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Myatt 585 12.3 8,982 12.1 Sciacca 2,497 52.5 35,572 47.8 West * 1,673 35.2 29,833 40.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,755 74,387 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Myatt]s 8,982 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SCIACCA 4,069 45.3 39,641 53.3 West * 4,913 54.7 34,746 46.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,982 74,387 03.3 04.2 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Andrea Gail West (1952-2010): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 Died 20 April 2010 > Concetto Antonio Sciacca (1947-2017): Elected 1987, 1990, 1993. Defeated 1996. Elected 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- BRISBANE, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Ashgrove, Keperra, New Farm, South Brisbane -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 00.4 Effect of redistribution: 00.3 shift to ALP New notional majority: ALP over Liberal 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 88,550 +03.2 Votes cast: 82,723 93.4 +00.6 Informal votes: 2,311 02.8 +00.4 Formal votes: 80,412 97.2 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brenda Mason Grn 3,824 04.8 +00.8 Marion Feros Lib 30,570 38.0 -06.1 Darryl Holbrook AD 4,878 06.1 -02.8 Duncan Spender 814 01.0 Samuel Tornatore ON 3,895 04.8 Graham Matthews 778 01.0 Hon Arch Bevis * ALP 35,653 44.3 +05.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 80,412 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Matthews]s 778 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason 396 50.9 4,220 05.2 Feros 52 06.7 30,622 38.1 Holbrook 97 12.5 4,975 06.2 Spender 37 04.8 851 01.1 Tornatore 21 02.7 3,916 04.9 Bevis * 175 22.5 35,828 44.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 778 80,412 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Spender]s 851 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason 187 22.0 4,407 05.5 Feros 212 24.9 30,834 38.3 Holbrook 211 24.8 5,186 06.4 Tornatore 101 11.9 4,017 05.0 Bevis * 140 16.5 35,968 44.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 851 80,412 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Tornatore]s 4,017 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason 655 16.3 5,062 06.3 Feros 1,299 32.3 32,133 40.0 Holbrook 1,252 31.2 6,438 08.0 Bevis * 811 20.2 36,779 45.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 851 80,412 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Mason]s 5,062 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Feros 909 18.0 33,042 41.1 Holbrook 2,438 48.2 8,876 11.0 Bevis * 1,715 33.9 38,494 47.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,062 80,412 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Holbrook]s 8,876 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Feros 3,475 39.2 36,517 45.4 BEVIS * 5,401 60.8 43,895 54.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,876 80,412 04.6 03.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Archibald Ronald Bevis (born 1955): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPRICORNIA, Qld ==================================================================== Central Queensland: Clermont, Longreach, Rockhampton, Yeppoon -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 03.6 Effect of redistribution: 00.1 shift to ALP New notional majority: NPA over ALP 03.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 80,142 -04.2 Votes cast: 76,776 95.8 +00.4 Informal votes: 1,990 02.6 +00.4 Formal votes: 74,786 97.4 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Joan Furness Grn 1,334 01.8 -00.7 Kirsten Livermore ALP 35,229 47.1 +06.8 Fay Lawrence AD 2,255 03.0 -02.3 Paul Marek * NPA 24,197 32.3 +03.7 Len Timms ON 10,393 13.9 Peter Schuback 1,107 01.5 Andrew Purvis 271 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,786 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Purvis]s 271 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Furness 23 08.5 1,357 01.8 Livermore 19 07.0 35,248 47.1 Lawrence 10 03.7 2,265 03.0 Marek * 36 13.3 24,233 32.4 Timms 62 22.9 10,455 14.0 Schuback 121 44.6 1,228 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 271 74,786 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Schuback]s 1,228 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Furness 182 14.8 1,539 02.1 Livermore 164 13.4 35,412 47.1 Lawrence 199 16.2 2,464 03.3 Marek * 355 28.9 24,588 32.9 Timms 328 26.7 10,783 14.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,228 74,786 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Furness]s 1,539 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Livermore 665 43.2 36,077 48.2 Lawrence 541 35.2 3,005 04.0 Marek * 184 12.0 24,772 33.1 Timms 149 09.7 10,932 14.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,539 74,786 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Lawrence]s 3,005 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVERMORE 1,583 52.7 37,660 50.4 Marek * 1,088 36.2 25,860 34.6 Timms 334 11.1 11,266 15.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,005 74,786 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Timms]s 11,266 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVERMORE 3,692 32.8 41,352 55.3 Marek * 7,574 67.2 33,434 44.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,266 74,786 05.3 08.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Paul Marek (born 1964): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 > Kirsten Fiona Livermore (born 1969): Elected 1998 Born: 10 November 1969, Mackay Qld Career: Educated University of Queensland. Solicitor. -------------------------------------------------------------------- DAWSON, Qld ==================================================================== Queensland Coast: Ayr, Bowen, Mackay, Proserpine -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 09.9 Effect of redistribution: 01.0 shift to NPA New notional majority: NPA over ALP 10.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,390 -02.5 Votes cast: 79,822 95.7 +00.8 Informal votes: 2,219 02.8 +00.6 Formal votes: 77,603 97.2 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbara Eggers ON 12,350 15.9 Mark Stroppiana ALP 29,507 38.0 +03.3 Darin Preston AD 1,567 02.0 -01.9 De-Anne Kelly * NPA 32,312 41.6 +05.5 Helen King Grn 1,027 01.3 Kevin McLean 840 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,603 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: McLean]s 840 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Eggers 128 15.2 12,478 16.1 Stroppiana 171 20.4 29,678 38.2 Preston 121 14.4 1,688 02.2 Kelly * 198 23.6 32,510 41.9 King 222 26.4 1,249 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 840 77,603 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: King]s 1,249 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Eggers 172 13.8 12,650 16.3 Stroppiana 338 27.1 30,016 38.7 Preston 404 32.3 2,092 02.7 Kelly * 335 26.8 32,845 42.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,249 77,603 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Preston]s 2,092 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Eggers 225 10.8 12,875 16.6 Stroppiana 1,016 48.6 31,032 40.0 Kelly * 851 40.7 33,696 43.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,092 77,603 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Eggers]s 12,875 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stroppiana 4,343 33.7 35,375 45.6 KELLY * 8,532 66.3 42,228 54.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,875 77,603 04.4 06.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- De-Anne Margaret Kelly (born 1954): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DICKSON, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Albany Creek, Ferny Grove, Kallangur, Strathpine -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 03.2 Effect of redistribution: 00.8 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 04.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,567 -03.4 Votes cast: 76,318 95.9 -00.1 Informal votes: 2,672 03.5 +01.1 Formal votes: 73,646 96.5 -01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Smith * 6,595 09.0 Mark Kelly 264 00.4 Cheryl Kernot ALP 29,899 40.6 +01.2 Bruce Camfield ON 6,271 08.5 Kim Pantano Grn 1,536 02.1 +01.0 Robert Halliday 227 00.3 Rod Henshaw + Lib 25,622 34.8 -07.0 Lia Manktelow AD 3,008 04.1 -02.0 Eddie Dunne 224 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith had lost his Liberal endorsement. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Dunne]s 224 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 61 27.2 6,656 09.0 Kelly 12 05.4 276 00.4 Kernot 20 08.9 29,919 40.6 Camfield 17 07.6 6,288 08.5 Pantano 15 06.7 1,551 02.1 Halliday 17 07.6 244 00.3 Henshaw 36 16.1 25,658 34.8 Manktelow 46 20.5 3,054 04.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 224 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Halliday]s 244 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 59 24.2 6,715 09.1 Kelly 53 21.7 329 00.4 Kernot 21 08.6 29,940 40.7 Camfield 28 11.5 6,316 08.6 Pantano 26 10.7 1,577 02.1 Henshaw 36 14.8 25,694 34.9 Manktelow 21 08.6 3,075 04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 244 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Kelly]s 329 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 157 47.7 6,872 09.3 Kernot 45 13.7 29,985 40.7 Camfield 31 09.4 6,347 08.6 Pantano 47 14.3 1,624 02.2 Henshaw 28 08.5 25,722 34.9 Manktelow 21 06.4 3,075 04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 329 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Pantano]s 1,624 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 369 22.7 7,241 09.8 Kernot 448 27.6 30,433 41.3 Camfield 135 08.3 6,482 08.8 Henshaw 213 13.1 25,935 35.2 Manktelow 459 28.3 3,555 04.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,624 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Manktelow]s 3,555 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 792 22.3 8,033 10.9 Kernot 1,379 38.8 31,812 43.2 Camfield 180 05.1 6,662 09.0 Henshaw 1,204 33.9 27,139 36.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,555 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Camfield]s 6,662 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith * 4,146 62.2 12,179 16.5 Kernot 1,203 18.1 33,015 44.8 Henshaw 1,313 19.7 28,452 38.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,662 73,646 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Smith]s 12,179 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- KERNOT 3,896 32.0 36,911 50.1 Henshaw 8,283 68.0 36,735 49.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,179 73,646 00.1 04.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Anthony Charles Smith (born 1950): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 > Cheryl Kernot (born 1948): Elected 1998 Born: 5 December 1948, Maitland, NSW Career: Educated University of Newcastle, Newcastle CAE. Teacher, radio producer, electorate secretary. Senate: Australian Democrats Senator for Queensland 1990-97. Leader of the Australian Democrats 1993-97. Resigned on joining ALP, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FADDEN, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Coomera, Redland Bay, Springwood, Victoria Point -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 17.8 Effect of redistribution: 00.2 shift to ALP New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 17.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,030 +03.5 Votes cast: 74,527 94.3 -00.5 Informal votes: 2,521 03.4 +01.0 Formal votes: 72,006 96.4 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Pitt ON 9,213 12.8 Hon David Jull * Lib 34,195 47.5 -12.9 Mike Smith ALP 22,460 31.2 +04.9 Neil Cotter AD 3,248 04.5 -05.3 John McGuigan CDP 1,418 02.0 Fay Smith Grn 1,472 02.0 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 72,006 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: McGuigan]s 1,418 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitt 127 09.0 9,340 13.0 Jull * 770 54.3 34,965 48.6 M Smith 157 11.1 22,617 31.4 Cotter 233 16.4 3,481 04.8 F Smith 131 09.2 1,603 02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,418 72,006 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: F Smith]s 1,603 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitt 197 12.3 9,537 13.2 Jull * 253 15.8 35,218 48.9 M Smith 397 24.8 23,014 32.0 Cotter 756 47.2 4,237 05.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,603 72,006 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Cotter]s 4,237 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitt 484 11.4 10,021 13.9 JULL * 1,642 38.8 36,860 51.2 M Smith 2,111 49.8 25,125 34.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,237 72,006 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Pitt]s 10,021 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- JULL * 4,606 46.0 41,466 57.6 M Smith 5,414 54.0 30,540 42.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,021 72,006 07.6 10.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- David Francis Jull 1944-2011): Elected 1975, 1977, 1980. Defeated 1983. Elected 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FAIRFAX, Qld ==================================================================== North of Brisbane: Gympie, Nambour, Noosa, Tewantin -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 18.1 Effect of redistribution: 00.4 shift to ALP New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 17.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 75,761 +03.7 Votes cast: 71,265 94.1 -00.1 Informal votes: 2,678 03.8 +01.6 Formal votes: 68,587 96.2 -01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Alex Somlyay * Lib 24,709 36.0 -07.8 Fraser Anning ON 12,171 17.7 Mike Harper 921 01.3 Harry Cook CDP 1,280 01.9 Peter Bakhash Grn 2,381 03.5 -00.8 John Henderson ALP 19,679 28.7 +04.2 Lindsay Horswood NPA 4,692 06.8 -10.2 John Ryan AD 2,754 04.0 -04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Anning, see Senate 2016, Appointments -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Harper]s 921 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Somlyay * 121 13.1 24,830 36.2 Anning 282 30.6 12,453 18.2 Cook 64 06.9 1,343 02.0 Bakhash 153 16.6 2,534 03.7 Henderson 107 11.6 19,786 28.8 Horswood 59 06.4 4,751 06.9 Ryan 135 14.7 2,889 04.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 921 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Cook]s 1,343 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Somlyay * 645 48.0 25,475 37.1 Anning 213 15.9 12,666 18.5 Bakhash 118 08.8 2,652 03.9 Henderson 119 08.9 19,905 29.0 Horswood 132 09.8 4,883 07.1 Ryan 116 08.6 3,005 04.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,343 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bakhash]s 2,652 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Somlyay * 292 11.0 25,767 37.6 Anning 219 08.3 12,885 18.8 Henderson 1,144 43.1 21,049 30.7 Horswood 143 05.4 5,026 07.3 Ryan 854 32.2 3,859 05.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,652 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Ryan]s 3,859 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Somlyay * 1,017 26.4 26,784 39.1 Anning 380 09.8 13,265 19.3 Henderson 1,842 47.7 22,891 33.4 Horswood 620 16.1 5,646 08.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,859 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Horswood]s 5,646 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Somlyay * 4,315 76.4 31,099 45.3 Anning 715 12.7 13,980 20.4 Henderson 616 10.9 23,507 34.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,646 68,587 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Anning]s 13,980 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- SOMLYAY * 6,187 44.3 37,286 54.4 Henderson 7,793 55.7 31,300 45.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,980 68,587 04.4 13.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Michael Somlyay (born 1946): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996 Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government to 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FISHER, Qld ==================================================================== North of Brisbane: Buderim, Caloundra, Kawana, Maroochydore -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 20.3 Effect of redistribution: 00.4 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 20.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 75,380 +01.7 Votes cast: 71,284 94.6 -00.3 Informal votes: 2,178 03.1 +00.5 Formal votes: 69,106 96.9 -00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray O]Donnell ALP 19,205 27.8 +04.5 Peter Urquhart CDP 1,348 01.9 Les Shotton Grn 1,852 02.7 -00.5 Tim Jenkins ON 10,132 14.7 Jenny Henman AD 2,697 03.9 -01.8 Alexander Taylor 396 00.6 Trevor Mumford 289 00.4 Peter Slipper * Lib 33,187 48.0 -09.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Mumford]s 289 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 28 09.7 19,233 27.8 Urquhart 14 04.8 1,362 02.0 Shotton 17 05.9 1,869 02.7 Jenkins 38 13.1 10,170 14.7 Henman 14 04.8 2,711 03.9 Taylor 125 43.3 521 00.8 Slipper * 53 18.3 33,240 48.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 289 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Taylor]s 521 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 61 11.7 19,294 27.9 Urquhart 29 05.6 1,391 02.0 Shotton 98 18.8 1,967 02.8 Jenkins 79 15.2 10,249 14.8 Henman 132 25.3 2,843 04.1 Slipper * 122 23.4 33,362 48.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 521 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Urquhart]s 1,391 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 145 10.4 19,439 28.1 Shotton 116 08.3 2,083 03.0 Jenkins 197 14.2 10,446 15.1 Henman 174 12.5 3,017 04.4 Slipper * 759 54.6 34,121 49.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,391 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Shotton]s 2,083 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 582 27.9 20,021 29.0 Jenkins 248 11.9 10,694 15.5 Henman 924 44.4 3,941 05.7 Slipper * 329 15.8 34,450 49.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,083 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Henman]s 3,941 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 1,873 47.5 21,894 31.7 Jenkins 521 13.2 11,215 16.2 SLIPPER * 1,547 39.3 35,997 52.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,941 69,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Jenkins]s 11,215 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- O]Donnell 5,060 45.1 26,954 39.0 SLIPPER * 6,155 54.9 42,152 61.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,215 69,106 11.0 09.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Neil Slipper (born 1950): Elected 1984. Defeated 1987. Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance and Administration from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FORDE, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Boonah, Loganlea -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 09.7 Effect of redistribution: 02.4 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 12.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 76,440 +00.7 Votes cast: 71,552 93.6 +00.1 Informal votes: 2,863 04.0 +01.3 Formal votes: 68,689 96.0 -01.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrian Deane ON 11,746 17.1 Danny Hope 229 00.3 Alan Dickson AD 3,093 04.5 -03.5 Daniel Habermann Grn 1,546 02.2 -00.2 Geoff Daniels 286 00.4 Kay Elson * Lib 29,358 42.7 +00.3 Peter Keech ALP 22,431 32.7 +00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 68,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Hope]s 229 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean 94 41.0 11,840 17.2 Dickson 51 22.3 3,144 04.6 Habermann 36 15.7 1,582 02.3 Daniels 19 08.3 305 00.4 Elson * 18 07.9 29,376 42.8 Keech 11 04.8 22,442 32.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 229 68,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Daniels]s 305 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean 60 19.7 11,900 17.3 Dickson 42 13.8 3,186 04.6 Habermann 76 24.9 1,658 02.4 Elson * 83 27.2 29,459 42.9 Keech 44 14.4 22,486 32.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 305 68,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Habermann]s 1,658 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean 200 12.1 12,100 17.6 Dickson 803 48.4 3,989 05.8 Elson * 278 16.8 29,737 43.3 Keech 377 22.7 22,863 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,658 68,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Dickson]s 3,989 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean 691 17.3 12,791 18.6 Elson * 1,675 42.0 31,412 45.7 Keech 1,623 40.7 24,486 35.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,989 68,689 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Dean]s 12,791 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSON * 6,536 51.1 37,948 55.2 Keech 6,255 48.9 30,741 44.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,791 68,689 05.2 06.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kay Selma Elson (born 1947): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- GRIFFITH, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Belmont, Bulimba, Coorparoo, Mansfield -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 01.5 Effect of redistribution: no change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 86,005 +03.8 Votes cast: 81,506 94.8 00.0 Informal votes: 1,986 02.4 00.0 Formal votes: 79,520 97.6 00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Graeme McDougall * Lib 32,018 40.3 -03.5 Iain Renton AD 3,920 04.9 -01.3 Jeni Eastwood 807 01.0 Greg George Grn 2,108 02.6 +00.1 Kevin Rudd ALP 35,121 44.2 +02.9 Neil Jorgensen ON 5,546 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 79,520 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Eastwood]s 807 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDougall 83 10.3 32,101 40.4 Renton 194 24.0 4,114 05.2 George 354 43.9 2,462 03.1 Rudd 145 18.0 35,266 44.3 Jorgensen 31 03.8 5,577 07.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 807 79,520 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: George]s 2,462 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDougall 246 10.0 32,437 40.7 Renton 1,217 49.4 5,331 06.7 Rudd 857 34.8 36,123 45.4 Jorgensen 142 05.8 5,719 07.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,462 79,520 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Renton]s 5,331 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDougall 1,948 36.5 34,295 43.1 Rudd 3,004 56.3 39,127 49.2 Jorgensen 379 07.1 6,098 07.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,331 79,520 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Jorgensen]s 6,098 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- McDougall 3,536 58.0 37,831 47.6 RUDD 2,562 42.0 41,689 52.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,098 79,520 02.4 03.9 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Graeme Robert McDougall (born 1946): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 > Kevin Michael Rudd (born 1957): Elected 1998 Born: 21 September 1957, Nambour, Qld Career: Educated Australian National University, National Taiwan Normal University. Diplomat 1981-89. Chief of Staff and Chief Policy Adviser to Hon Wayne Goss, Premier of Queensland. Director-General, Office of Cabinet 1992-95. Consultant KPMG. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GROOM, Qld ==================================================================== South-east Queensland: Jondaryan, Oakey, Toowoomba, Toowoomba West -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 21.3 Effect of redistribution: no change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,852 -03.5 Votes cast: 76,573 95.9 +00.4 Informal votes: 2,100 02.7 +00.4 Formal votes: 74,473 97.3 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Brown ALP 18,787 25.2 +03.1 Cynthia Mayne 1,629 02.2 Avril Baynes ON 13,382 18.0 Paul Harry CDP 1,409 01.9 Glenn Polson AD 1,993 02.7 -03.0 Bruce Green NPA 11,335 15.2 +08.0 Sarah Moles Grn 1,307 01.7 -00.4 Ian MacFarlane + Lib 24,631 33.1 -24.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Moles's 1,307 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 277 21.2 19,064 25.6 Mayne 214 16.4 1,843 02.5 Baynes 90 06.9 13,472 18.1 Harry 41 03.1 1,450 01.9 Polson 426 32.6 2,419 03.2 Green 85 06.5 11,420 15.3 MacFarlane + 174 13.3 24,805 33.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,307 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Harry's 1,450 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 151 10.4 19,215 25.8 Mayne 185 12.8 2,028 02.7 Baynes 204 14.1 13,676 18.4 Polson 158 10.9 2,577 03.5 Green 268 18.5 11,688 15.7 MacFarlane + 484 33.4 25,289 34.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,450 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Mayne's 2,028 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 366 18.0 19,581 26.3 Baynes 507 25.0 14,183 19.0 Polson 480 23.7 3,057 04.1 Green 367 18.1 12,055 16.2 MacFarlane + 308 15.2 25,597 34.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,028 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Polson's 3,057 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 1,310 42.9 20,891 28.1 Baynes 388 12.7 14,571 19.6 Green 645 21.1 12,700 17.1 MacFarlane + 714 23.4 26,311 35.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,057 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Green's 12,700 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 902 07.1 21,793 29.3 Baynes 1,420 11.2 15,991 21.5 MacFarlane + 10,378 81.7 36,689 49.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,700 74,473 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Baynes's 15,991 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brown 5,729 35.8 27,522 37.0 MacFARLANE + 10,262 64.2 46,951 63.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,991 74,473 13.0 08.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Elgin MacFarlane (born 1955): Elected 1998 Born: 5 April 1955, Kingaroy Qld Career: Farmer. President, Queensland Graingrowers' Association. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Minister for Small Business from 30 January 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------- HERBERT, Qld ==================================================================== North Queensland: Cranbrook, Kirwan, Thuringowa, Townsville -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 06.6 Effect of redistribution: 00.1 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 06.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,783 +01.2 Votes cast: 79,965 95.4 +01.3 Informal votes: 3,091 03.9 +01.3 Formal votes: 76,874 96.1 -01.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebecca Smith Grn 1,747 02.3 Hon Ted Lindsay ALP 28,588 37.2 +00.6 Mark Swain ON 10,991 14.3 Pauline Woodbridge 619 00.8 Althea Smith AD 1,979 02.6 -03.4 John Edmiston CDP 948 01.2 Bob Bradley 503 00.6 Peter Lindsay * Lib 30,683 39.9 +01.3 Elaine Steley 816 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ted Lindsay was MP for Herbert 1983-96. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Bradley]s 503 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- R Smith 31 06.2 1,778 02.3 T Lindsay 47 09.3 28,635 37.2 Swain 46 09.1 11,037 14.4 Woodbridge 11 02.2 630 00.8 A Smith 45 08.9 2,024 02.6 Edmiston 19 03.8 967 01.3 P Lindsay 111 22.1 30,794 40.1 Steley 193 38.4 1,009 01.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 503 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Woodbridge]s 630 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- R Smith 153 24.3 1,931 02.5 T Lindsay 148 23.5 28,783 37.4 Swain 79 12.5 11,116 14.5 A Smith 92 14.6 2,116 02.8 Edmiston 26 04.1 993 01.3 P Lindsay 64 10.2 30,858 40.1 Steley 68 10.8 1,077 01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 630 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Edmiston]s 993 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- R Smith 52 05.2 1,983 02.6 T Lindsay 182 18.3 28,965 37.7 Swain 95 09.6 11,211 14.6 A Smith 94 09.5 2,210 02.9 P Lindsay 466 46.9 31,324 40.7 Steley 104 10.5 1,181 01.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 993 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Steley]s 1,181 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- R Smith 239 20.2 2,222 02.9 T Lindsay 119 10.1 29,084 37.8 Swain 351 29.7 11,562 15.0 A Smith 219 18.5 2,429 03.2 P Lindsay 253 21.4 31,577 41.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,181 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: R Smith]s 2,222 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- T Lindsay 917 41.3 30,001 39.0 Swain 253 11.4 11,815 15.4 A Smith 787 35.4 3,216 04.2 P Lindsay 265 11.9 31,842 41.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,222 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: A Smith]s 3,216 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- T Lindsay 1,621 50.4 31,622 41.1 Swain 468 14.6 12,283 16.0 P Lindsay 1,127 35.0 32,969 42.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,216 76,874 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Swain]s 12,183 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- T Lindsay 6,740 54.9 38,362 49.9 P LINDSAY 5,543 45.1 38,512 50.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 12,283 76,874 00.1 06.6 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter John Lindsay (born 1944): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- HINKLER, Qld ==================================================================== Queensland Coast: Bundaberg, Gladstone, Isis, Mount Morgan -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 10.4 Effect of redistribution: 02.4 shift to ALP New notional majority: NPA over ALP 08.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 78,077 -07.2 Votes cast: 74,735 95.7 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,379 03.2 +00.8 Formal votes: 72,356 96.8 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Neville * NPA 26,471 36.6 -16.1 Cheryl Dorron ALP 29,021 40.1 +01.9 Ray Pearce Grn 1,139 01.6 Marcus Ringuet ON 13,739 19.0 Lance Hall AD 1,677 02.3 -02.8 Cindy Rolls 309 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 72,356 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Rolls]s 309 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neville * 45 14.6 26,516 36.6 Dorron 39 12.6 29,060 40.2 Pearce 48 15.5 1,187 01.6 Ringuet 61 19.7 13,800 19.1 Hall 116 37.5 1,793 02.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 309 72,356 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Pearce]s 1,187 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neville * 223 18.8 26,739 37.0 Dorron 353 29.7 29,413 40.7 Ringuet 169 14.2 13,969 19.3 Hall 442 37.2 2,235 03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,187 72,356 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Hall]s 2,235 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Neville * 807 36.1 27,546 38.1 Dorron 987 44.2 30,400 42.0 Ringuet 441 19.7 14,410 19.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,235 72,356 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Ringuet]s 14,410 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVILLE * 8,877 61.6 36,423 50.3 Dorron 5,533 38.4 35,933 49.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,410 72,356 00.3 07.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Christopher Neville 1940-2019): Elected 1993, 1996, 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------------- KENNEDY, Qld ==================================================================== North-west Queensland: Atherton, Charters Towers, Ingham, Mt Isa -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 14.5 Effect of redistribution: 00.3 shift to ALP New notional majority: NPA over ALP 14.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,680 +01.2 Votes cast: 78,566 93.9 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,970 03.8 +00.9 Formal votes: 75,596 96.2 -00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Pohlmann 2,217 02.9 Steve Theodore 476 00.6 Judy Harris 256 00.3 Jayson Dalton ON 14,237 18.8 Ken Parker Grn 1,034 01.4 -01.0 Alan Isherwood AD 1,907 02.5 -04.1 Kenneth Stark ALP 22,117 29.3 -00.2 Hon Robert Katter * NPA 33,352 44.1 -12.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Harris]s 255 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pohlmann 30 11.8 2,249 03.0 Theodore 77 30.2 553 00.7 Dalton 54 21.2 14,294 18.9 Parker 30 11.8 1,063 01.4 Isherwood 10 03.9 1,917 02.5 Stark 16 06.3 22,126 29.3 Katter * 38 14.9 33,393 44.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 255 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Theodore]s 553 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pohlmann 294 53.2 2,543 03.4 Dalton 138 25.0 14,432 19.1 Parker 25 04.5 1,088 01.4 Isherwood 18 03.3 1,935 02.6 Stark 29 05.2 22,155 29.3 Katter * 49 08.9 33,442 44.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 553 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Parker]s 1,088 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pohlmann 208 19.1 2,751 03.6 Dalton 121 11.1 14,553 19.3 Isherwood 377 34.7 2,312 03.1 Stark 272 25.0 22,427 29.7 Katter * 110 10.1 33,552 44.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,088 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Isherwood]s 2,312 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pohlmann 549 23.7 3,300 04.4 Dalton 171 07.4 14,724 19.5 Stark 1,023 44.2 23,450 31.0 Katter * 569 24.6 34,121 45.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,312 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Pohlmann]s 3,300 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalton 1,183 35.8 15,907 21.0 Stark 724 21.9 24,174 32.0 Katter * 1,393 42.2 35,514 47.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,300 75,596 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Dalton]s 15,907 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stark 5,167 32.5 29,341 38.8 KATTER * 10,740 67.5 46,254 61.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 15,907 75,596 11.2 03.0 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Carl Katter (born 1945): Elected 1993, 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LEICHHARDT, Qld ==================================================================== North Queensland: Cairns, Cooktown, Mossman, Trinity -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 04.2 Effect of redistribution: 00.4 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 04.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 79,568 -04.4 Votes cast: 74,232 93.3 +01.0 Informal votes: 2,938 04.0 +01.1 Formal votes: 71,294 96.0 -01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Harold Salier AD 2,243 03.1 -01.6 Warren Entsch * Lib 29,550 41.4 +09.4 Rob Kenyon 267 00.4 Trudy Alberts 218 00.3 Steve Dimitriou 522 00.7 Chris Lewis ALP 26,361 37.0 -01.5 Elizabeth Hudson ON 9,904 13.9 Steven Nowakowski Grn 2,056 02.9 00.0 Rata Pugh 173 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Pugh]s 173 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 24 13.9 2,267 03.2 Entsch * 14 08.1 29,564 41.5 Kenyon 14 08.1 281 00.4 Alberts 7 04.0 225 00.3 Dimitriou 29 16.8 551 00.8 Lewis 17 09.8 26,378 37.0 Hudson 24 13.9 9,928 13.9 Nowakowski 44 25.4 2,100 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 173 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Alberts]s 225 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 35 15.6 2,302 03.2 Entsch * 31 13.8 29,595 41.5 Kenyon 70 31.1 351 00.5 Dimitriou 42 18.7 593 00.8 Lewis 18 08.0 26,396 37.0 Hudson 17 07.6 9,945 13.9 Nowakowski 12 05.3 2,112 03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 225 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Kenyon]s 351 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 42 12.0 2,344 03.3 Entsch * 82 23.4 29,677 41.6 Dimitriou 135 38.5 728 01.0 Lewis 27 07.7 26,423 37.1 Hudson 35 10.0 9,980 14.0 Nowakowski 30 08.5 2,142 03.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 351 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Dimitriou]s 728 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 105 14.4 2,449 03.4 Entsch * 123 16.9 29,800 41.8 Lewis 173 23.8 26,596 37.3 Hudson 110 15.1 10,090 14.2 Nowakowski 217 29.8 2,359 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 728 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Nowakowski]s 2,359 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Salter 945 40.1 3,394 04.8 Entsch * 309 13.1 30,109 42.2 Lewis 865 36.7 27,461 38.5 Hudson 240 10.2 10,330 14.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,359 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Salter]s 3,394 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Entsch * 1,445 42.6 31,554 44.3 Lewis 1,643 48.4 29,104 40.8 Hudson 306 09.0 10,636 14.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,394 71,294 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Hudson]s 10,636 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Entsch * 6,981 65.6 38,535 54.1 Lewis 3,655 34.4 32,759 45.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,636 71,294 04.1 00.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Warren George Entsch (born 1950): Elected 1996, 1998 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Science and Resources from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LILLEY, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Clayfield, Hamilton, Nudgee, Sandgate -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 00.7 Effect of redistribution: 00.3 shift to ALP New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 85,790 +01.6 Votes cast: 81,102 94.5 -00.1 Informal votes: 2,239 02.8 +00.8 Formal votes: 78,863 97.2 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Warren Bray ON 6,702 08.5 Sue Meehan Grn 1,785 02.3 -00.6 Kirsty Fraser AD 3,863 04.9 -01.7 Elizabeth Grace * Lib 30,185 38.3 -07.8 Wayne Swan ALP 35,617 45.2 +02.0 Gerard O]Keeffe CDP 711 00.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,863 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swan was member for Lilley 1993-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: O]Keeffe]s 711 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bray 104 14.6 6,806 08.6 Meehan 60 08.4 1,845 02.3 Fraser 110 15.5 3,973 05.0 Grace * 276 38.8 30,461 38.6 Swan 161 22.6 35,778 45.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 711 78,863 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Meehan]s 1,845 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bray 174 09.4 6,980 08.9 Fraser 902 48.9 4,875 06.2 Grace * 208 11.3 30,669 38.9 Swan 561 30.4 36,339 46.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,845 78,863 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Fraser]s 4,875 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bray 467 09.6 7,447 09.4 Grace * 1,786 36.6 32,455 41.2 Swan 2,622 53.8 38,961 49.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,875 78,863 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Bray]s 7,447 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Grace * 4,506 60.5 36,961 46.9 SWAN 2,941 53.1 41,902 53.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,447 78,863 03.1 03.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Elizabeth Jane Grace (born 1940): Elected 1996. Defeated 1998 > Wayne Maxwell Swan (born 1954): Elected 1993. Defeated 1996. Elected 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LONGMAN, Qld ==================================================================== North of Brisbane: Burpengary, Caboolture, Deception Bay, Landsborough -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 11.6 Effect of redistribution: 01.6 shift to ALP New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 10.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 75,568 -01.7 Votes cast: 71,837 95.1 -00.5 Informal votes: 2,076 02.9 +00.2 Formal votes: 69,761 97.1 -00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Langford Grn 2,206 03.2 -00.1 Paul Barnes AD 3,477 05.0 -02.6 Malcolm Brough * Lib 27,161 38.9 -01.3 Ian Burgett ALP 24,252 34.8 +02.6 Gavin Badke ON 12,663 18.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 69,761 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Langford]s 2,206 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barnes 1,206 54.7 4,683 06.7 Brough * 315 14.3 27,476 39.4 Burgett 469 21.3 24,723 35.4 Badke 216 09.8 12,879 18.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,206 69,761 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Barnes]s 4,683 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brough * 1,836 39.2 29,312 42.0 Burgett 2,218 47.4 26,941 38.6 Badke 629 13.4 13,508 19.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,683 69,761 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Badke]s 13,508 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- BROUGH * 6,213 46.0 35,525 50.9 Burgett 7,295 54.0 34,236 49.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,508 69,761 00.9 09.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Malcolm Thomas Brough (born 1961): Elected 1996, 1998 Minister for Employment Services from 14 February 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------- McPHERSON, Qld ==================================================================== South-east Queensland: Burleigh Heads, Coolangatta, Currumbin, Palm Beach -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 17.0 Effect of redistribution: 00.1 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 17.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,916 +08.0 Votes cast: 77,020 94.0 00.0 Informal votes: 3,235 04.2 +01.4 Formal votes: 73,785 95.8 -01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Poole ALP 24,441 33.1 +07.0 Margaret May + Lib 33,329 45.2 -16.4 John Palmer Grn 2,390 03.2 -01.2 Lynne Grimsey AD 2,826 03.8 -02.7 Peter Murphy ON 7,065 09.6 Ted Shepherd NPA 3,190 04.3 Kevin Goodwin 544 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 73,785 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Goodwin]s 544 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Poole 102 18.8 24,543 33.3 May 83 15.3 33,412 45.3 Palmer 106 19.5 2,496 03.4 Grimsey 85 15.6 2,911 03.9 Murphy 66 12.1 7,131 09.7 Shepherd 102 18.8 3,292 04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 544 73,785 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Palmer]s 2,496 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Poole 717 28.7 25,260 34.2 May 414 16.6 33,826 45.8 Grimsey 962 38.5 3,873 05.2 Murphy 223 08.9 7,354 10.0 Shepherd 180 07.2 3,472 04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,496 73,785 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Shepherd]s 3,472 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Poole 207 06.0 25,467 34.5 May 2,620 75.5 36,446 49.4 Grimsey 292 08.4 4,165 05.6 Murphy 353 10.2 7,707 10.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,472 73,785 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Grimsey]s 4,165 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Poole 1,985 47.7 27,452 37.2 May 1,666 40.0 38,112 51.7 Murphy 514 12.3 8,221 11.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,165 73,785 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Murphy]s 8,221 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Poole 3,288 40.0 30,740 41.7 MAY 4,933 60.0 43,045 58.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,221 73,785 08.3 08.8 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Margaret Ann May (born 1950): Elected 1998 Born 30 June 1950, Baa, Fiji Career: Eduacted Seaforth TAFE College. Financial administrator. Electorate secretary. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MARANOA, Qld ==================================================================== Western Queensland: Charleville, Dalby, Roma, Warwick -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 25.7 Effect of redistribution: 04.2 shift to ALP New notional majority: NPA over ALP 21.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 82,555 00.0 Votes cast: 78,346 94.9 -00.5 Informal votes: 2,944 03.8 +00.8 Formal votes: 75,402 96.2 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robyn Cadzow ON 16,892 22.4 Elizabeth Pommer ALP 18,936 25.1 +01.1 Kim Olsen Grn 1.066 01.4 Regina Gleeson AD 2,114 02.8 -03.2 Hon Bruce Scott * NPA 34,075 45.2 -21.5 Peter Miller 243 00.3 Lorraine Wheeldon 2,076 02.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 75,402 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Miller]s 243 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadzow 77 31.7 16,969 22.5 Pommer 13 05.3 18,949 25.1 Olsen 12 04.9 1,078 01.4 Gleeson 11 04.5 2,125 02.8 Scott * 56 23.0 34,131 45.3 Wheeldon 74 30.5 2,150 02.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 243 75,402 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Olsen]s 1,078 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadzow 134 12.4 17,103 22.7 Pommer 265 24.6 19,214 25.5 Gleeson 319 29.6 2,444 03.2 Scott * 189 17.5 34,320 45.5 Wheeldon 171 15.9 2,321 03.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,078 75,402 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Wheeldon]s 2,321 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadzow 529 22.8 17,632 23.4 Pommer 331 14.3 19,545 25.9 Gleeson 533 23.0 2,977 03.9 Scott * 928 40.0 35,248 46.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,321 75,402 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Gleeson]s 2,977 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadzow 449 15.1 18,081 24.0 Pommer 1,144 38.4 20,689 27.4 Scott * 1,384 46.5 36,632 48.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,977 75,402 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Cadzow]s 18,081 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pommer 6,137 33.9 26,826 35.6 SCOTT * 11,944 66.1 48,576 64.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 18,081 75,402 14.4 07.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Craig Scott (born 1943): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Veterans] Affairs Minister assisting the Minister for Defence from 21 October 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MONCRIEFF, Qld ==================================================================== South-east Queensland: Broadbeach, Nerang, Southport, Surfers Paradise -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 20.3 Effect of redistribution: 00.2 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 20.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 81,104 +10.1 Votes cast: 75,733 93.4 +00.2 Informal votes: 3,394 04.5 +01.4 Formal votes: 72,339 05.5 -01.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anne Bennett ALP 21,055 29.1 +06.4 Warren Fenton ON 7,357 10.2 Colin O]Brien AD 2,610 03.6 -01.6 Hon Kathy SULLIVAN * Lib 37,527 51.9 -13.1 Julie Falcke CDP 1,615 02.2 +01.5 Sally Spain Grn 2,175 03.0 -01.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 72,339 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Falcke]s 1,615 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bennett 202 12.5 21,257 29.4 Fenton 123 07.6 7,480 10.3 O]Brien 166 10.3 2,776 03.8 SULLIVAN * 938 58.1 38,465 53.2 Spain 186 11.5 2,361 03.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,615 72,339 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Spain]s 2,361 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bennett 684 29.0 21,941 30.3 Fenton 244 10.3 7,724 10.7 O]Brien 898 38.0 3,674 05.1 SULLIVAN * 535 22.7 39,000 53.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,361 72,339 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: O]Brien]s 3,674 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bennett 1,741 47.4 23,682 32.7 Fenton 467 12.7 8,191 11.3 SULLIVAN * 1,466 39.9 40,466 55.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,674 72,339 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Fenton]s 8,191 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bennett 3,207 39.2 26,889 37.2 SULLIVAN * 4,984 60.8 45,450 62.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 8,191 72,339 12.8 07.7 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kathryn Jean Martin Sullivan (born 1942): Elected 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to 16 February 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sullivan retired at the 2001 election. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MORETON, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Eight Mile Plains, Mt Gravatt, Sunnybank, Yeronga -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 05.1 Effect of redistribution: 00.9 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 06.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 85,297 +00.4 Votes cast: 80,653 94.6 -00.2 Informal votes: 2,444 03.0 +00.2 Formal votes: 78,209 97.0 -00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lenore Taylor Grn 2,627 03.4 +00.1 Gary Hardgrave * Lib 33,724 43.1 -07.8 Jim Vote CDP 959 01.2 Kathleen Brookes ALP 31,227 39.9 +04.0 Anthony Lee AD 4,046 05.2 -01.7 Vanessa Stewart ON 5,626 07.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 78,209 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Vote]s 959 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Taylor 92 09.6 2,719 03.5 Hardgrave * 466 48.6 34,190 43.7 Brookes 136 14.2 31,363 40.1 Lee 152 15.8 4,198 05.4 Stewart 113 11.8 5,739 07.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 959 78,209 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Taylor]s 2,719 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardgrave * 543 20.0 34,733 44.4 Brookes 795 29.2 32,158 41.1 Lee 1,236 45.5 5,434 06.9 Stewart 145 05.3 5,884 07.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,719 78,209 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Lee]s 5,434 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardgrave * 1,859 34.2 36,592 46.8 Brookes 3,123 57.5 35,281 45.1 Stewart 452 08.3 6,336 08.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,434 78,209 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Stewart]s 6,336 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- HARDGRAVE * 2,962 46.7 39,554 50.6 Brookes 3,374 53.3 38,655 49.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,336 78,209 00.6 05.4 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary Douglas Hardgrave (born 1960): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- OXLEY, Qld ==================================================================== West of Brisbane: Acacia Ridge, Doolandella, Inala, Ipswich -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Independent over ALP 04.7 Effect of redistribution: 05.1 shift from Independent to ALP (see note below) New notional majority: ALP over Independent 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 78,933 +04.2 Votes cast: 74,952 95.0 +00.1 Informal votes: 3,324 04.4 +01.5 Formal votes: 71,628 95.6 -01.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon Trencher 689 01.0 Anne Scott 3,053 04.3 Maria Forbes Lib 17,538 24.5 Kate Kunzelmann AD 2,773 03.9 -02.7 Colene Hughes ON 12,653 17.7 Dele Rule 614 00.9 John McKeon Grn 1,200 01.7 -01.0 Bernie Ripoll + ALP 32,770 45.7 +01.8 Xuan Thu Nguyen 338 00.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 71,628 08.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The sitting member, Pauline Hanson (ON), contested Blair. The redistribution, by adding territory to the Division, necessarily reduced Hanson’s notional majority, since she could not have polled any votes in 1996 in the added areas. In theory the seat remained marginal between One Nation and the ALP, but since Hanson contested Blair, Oxley was in practice a marginal ALP seat on its new boundaries. Labor is shown as the defending party. 2. Since there was no endorsed Liberal candidate in Oxley in 1996, it is not possible to show a comparison of the Liberal vote. If votes cast for Hanson in 1996 are treated as Liberal votes, the Liberal vote of 24.4% was a decline of 19.1% from the 43.5% polled by Hanson in 1996. On this basis there was a two-party swing of 7.9% to the ALP. 3. Scott was the wife of Les Scott, ALP MP for Oxley 1988-96. She ran as an Independent after failing to gain ALP pre-selection. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Nguyen]s 338 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trencher 39 11.5 728 01.0 Scott 56 16.6 3,109 04.3 Forbes 30 08.9 17,568 24.5 Kunzelmann 12 03.6 2,785 03.9 Hughes 14 04.1 12,667 17.7 Rule 47 13.9 661 00.9 McKeon 47 13.9 1,247 01.7 Ripoll * 93 27.5 32,853 45.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 338 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Rule]s 661 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trencher 40 06.1 768 01.1 Scott 149 22.5 3,258 04.5 Forbes 168 25.4 17,736 24.8 Kunzelmann 58 08.8 2,843 04.0 Hughes 92 13.9 12,759 17.8 McKeon 82 12.4 1,329 01.9 Ripoll * 72 10.9 32,935 46.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 661 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Trencher]s 768 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott 399 52.0 3,657 05.1 Forbes 103 13.4 17,839 24.9 Kunzelmann 61 07.9 2,904 04.1 Hughes 85 11.1 12,844 17.9 McKeon 47 06.1 1,376 01.9 Ripoll * 73 09.5 33,008 46.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 768 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: McKeon]s 1,376 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott 336 24.4 3,993 05.6 Forbes 136 09.9 17,975 25.1 Kunzelmann 303 22.0 3,207 04.5 Hughes 156 11.3 13,000 18.1 Ripoll * 445 32.3 33,453 46.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,376 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Kunzelmann]s 3,207 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott 1,377 42.9 5,370 07.5 Forbes 594 18.5 18,569 25.9 Hughes 292 09.1 13,292 18.6 Ripoll * 944 29.4 34,397 48.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,207 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Scott]s 5,370 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Forbes 2,215 41.2 20,784 29.0 Hughes 780 14.5 14,072 19.6 RIPOLL * 2,375 44.2 36,772 51.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,370 71,628 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Hughes]s 14,072 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Forbes 9,153 65.0 29,937 41.8 RIPOLL * 4,919 35.0 41,691 58.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,072 71,628 08.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bernard Fernando Ripoll (born 1966): Elected 1998 Born: 6 January 1966, Pezenas, France Career: To Australia as child. Educated Queensland Institute of Technology. Military service (RAAF). Electrician. Union organiser, State Public Services Federation of Queensland. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PETRIE, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Aspley, Bracken Ridge, Chermside, Redcliffe -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 07.7 Effect of redistribution: 00.6 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 08.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 84,261 +04.1 Votes cast: 79,942 94.9 -00.1 Informal votes: 2,072 02.6 +00.1 Formal votes: 77,870 97.4 -00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Raymond Bower ON 8,637 11.1 Pamela Stowell AD 3,962 05.1 -01.4 Teresa Gambaro * Lib 32,994 42.4 -09.2 Peter Burgoyne Grn 1,395 01.8 -00.8 Rosemary Hume ALP 30,882 39.7 +03.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 77,870 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Burgoyne]s 1,395 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bower 160 11.5 8,797 11.3 Stowell 600 43.0 4,562 05.9 Gambaro * 218 15.6 33,212 42.7 Hume 417 29.9 31,299 40.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,395 77,870 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Stowell]s 4,562 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bower 593 13.0 9,390 12.1 Gambaro * 1,731 37.9 34,943 44.9 Hume 2,238 49.1 33,537 43.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,562 77,870 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Bower]s 9,390 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMBARO * 4,579 48.8 39,522 50.8 Hume 4,811 50.2 38,348 49.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,390 77,870 00.8 07.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Teresa Gambaro (born 1958): Elected 1996, 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------- RANKIN, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Browns Plains, Marsden, Kingston, Woodridge -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: ALP over Liberal 01.4 Effect of redistribution: 01.8 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 77,614 -01.0 Votes cast: 72,564 93.5 00.0 Informal votes: 3,228 04.4 +01.0 Formal votes: 69,336 95.6 -01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann Hage CDP 1,556 02.2 Brian Norton 456 00.7 Lorraine Barnes 456 00.7 Dr Craig Emerson ALP 32,924 47.5 +04.9 Ron Frood ON 8,749 12.6 Cuong Bui + Lib 20,736 29.9 -12.7 Robert Hernandez AD 2,923 04.2 -04.4 Sara van Tinteren Grn 1,536 02.2 -00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the redistribution, the Liberals are shown as the defending party. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Barnes]s 456 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hage 21 04.6 1,577 02.3 Norton 292 64.0 748 01.1 Emerson 46 10.1 32,970 47.6 Frood 32 07.0 8,781 12.7 Bui + 25 05.5 20,761 29.9 Hernandez 16 03.5 2,939 04.2 Van Tinteren 24 05.3 1,560 02.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 456 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Norton]s 748 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hage 147 19.6 1,724 02.5 Emerson 153 20.5 33,123 47.8 Frood 113 15.1 8,894 12.8 Bui + 84 11.2 20,845 30.1 Hernandez 123 16.4 3,062 04.4 Van Tinteren 128 17.1 1,688 02.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 748 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Van Tinteren]s 1,688 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hage 182 10.8 1,906 02.7 Emerson 400 23.7 33,523 48.3 Frood 169 10.0 9,063 13.1 Bui + 194 11.5 21,039 30.3 Hernandez 743 44.0 3,805 05.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,688 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Hage]s 1,906 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerson 692 36.3 34,215 49.3 Frood 276 14.5 9,339 13.5 Bui + 547 28.7 21,586 31.1 Hernandez 391 20.5 4,196 06.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,906 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Hernandez]s 4,196 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- EMERSON 2,270 54.1 36,485 52.6 Frood 513 12.2 9,852 14.2 Bui + 1,413 33.7 22,999 33.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,196 69,336 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Frood]s 9,852 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- EMERSON 4,206 42.7 40,691 58.7 Bui + 5,646 57.3 28,645 41.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,852 69,336 08.7 09.1 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig Anthony Emerson (born 1954): Elected 1998 Born: 15 November 1954, Baradine, NSW Career: Educated Sydney University, Australian National University (PhD). Economist. Economic analyst, United Nations. Ministerial advisor. Assistant Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 1986. Economic and Environmental Advisor to the Prime Minister 1986-90. Director-General, Queensland Department of the Environment 1990-95. Chief Executive Officer, Seath East Queensland Transit Authority 1995-96. Author. -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN, Qld ==================================================================== Suburban Brisbane: Chapel Hill, Indooroopilly, Oxley, The Gap -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: Liberal over ALP 16.9 Effect of redistribution: 00.1 shift to Liberal New notional majority: Liberal over ALP 17.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 83,255 +00.2 Votes cast: 78,621 94.4 -00.8 Informal votes: 1,821 02.3 +00.6 Formal votes: 76,948 97.7 -00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian Hoepper Grn 2,945 03.8 +00.6 Alan Skyring 353 00.5 Lyn Dengate AD 6,139 08.0 -02.0 Alan Smith ON 4,032 05.2 Teresa Farruggio ALP 23,350 30.3 +05.0 John Barker 158 00.2 Hon John MOORE * Lib 38,785 50.4 -09.2 Peter Mackenzie 1,186 01.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Barker]s 158 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoepper 16 10.1 2,961 03.8 Skyring 8 05.1 361 00.5 Dengate 10 06.3 6,149 08.0 Smith 53 33.5 4,085 05.3 Farruggio 17 10.8 23,367 30.4 MOORE * 34 21.5 38,819 50.4 Mackenzie 20 12.7 1,206 01.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 158 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Skyring]s 361 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoepper 65 18.0 3,026 03.9 Dengate 64 17.7 6,213 08.1 Smith 25 06.9 4,110 05.3 Farruggio 33 09.1 23,400 30.4 MOORE * 46 12.7 38,865 50.5 Mackenzie 128 35.5 1,334 01.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 361 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Mackenzie]s 1,334 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoepper 331 24.8 3,357 04.4 Dengate 183 13.7 6,396 08.3 Smith 164 12.3 4,274 05.5 Farruggio 116 08.7 23,516 30.6 MOORE * 540 40.5 39,405 51.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,334 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Hoeppner]s 3,357 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dengate 1,942 57.8 8,338 10.8 Smith 143 04.3 4,417 05.7 Farruggio 698 20.8 24,214 31.5 MOORE * 574 17.1 39,979 52.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,357 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Smith]s 4,417 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dengate 1,182 26.8 9,520 12.4 Farruggio 1,003 22.7 25,217 32.8 MOORE * 2,232 50.5 42,211 54.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,417 76,948 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Dengate]s 9,520 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Farruggio 5,932 62.3 31,149 40.5 MOORE * 3,588 37.7 45,799 59.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 9,520 76,948 09.5 07.5 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Colinton Moore (born 1936): Elected 1975, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism to 21 October 1998 Vice-President of the Executive Council to 21 October 1998 Minister for Defence 21 October 1998 to 30 January 2001 Resigned seat 5 February 2001: see By-elections -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIDE BAY, Qld ==================================================================== Queensland Coast: Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Monto, Theodore -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 two-party majority: NPA over ALP 18.5 Effect of redistribution: 00.3 shift to ALP New notional majority: NPA over ALP 18.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 77,776 -01.2 Votes cast: 74,164 95.4 +00.2 Informal votes: 2,427 03.3 +00.4 Formal votes: 71,737 96.7 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Desley Fraser Lib 5,937 08.3 Graham Wicks ON 18,891 26.3 Phil Rodhouse AD 1,552 02.2 -04.7 Richard Nielsen Grn 917 01.3 Bob Postle 1,480 02.1 Russ Tremlin ALP 20,391 28.4 +01.1 Hon Warren Truss * NPA 22,569 31.5 -27.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 71,737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Nielsen]s 917 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fraser 63 06.9 6,000 08.4 Wicks 89 09.7 18,980 26.5 Rodhouse 244 26.6 1,796 02.5 Postle 234 25.5 1,714 02.4 Tremlin 216 23.6 20,607 28.7 Truss * 71 07.7 22,640 31.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 917 71,737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Postle]s 1,714 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fraser 128 07.5 6,128 08.5 Wicks 400 23.3 19,380 27.0 Rodhouse 437 25.5 2,233 03.1 Tremlin 326 19.0 20,933 29.2 Truss * 423 24.7 23,063 32.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,714 71,737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Rodhouse]s 2,233 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fraser 356 15.9 6,484 09.0 Wicks 444 19.9 19,824 27.6 Tremlin 795 35.6 21,728 30.3 Truss * 638 28.6 23,701 33.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,233 71,737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Fraser]s 6,484 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wicks 1,164 18.0 20,988 29.3 Tremlin 698 10.8 22,426 31.3 Truss * 4,622 71.3 28,323 39.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,484 71,737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Wicks]s 20,988 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tremlin 11,388 54.3 33,814 47.1 TRUSS * 9,600 45.7 37,923 52.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 20,988 71,737 02.9 15.3 to ALP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Warren Errol Truss (born 1948): Elected 1990, 1993, 1996, 1998 Minister for Customs and Consumer Affairs to 21 October 1998 Minister for Community Services 21 October 1998 to 20 July 1999 Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry from 20 July 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------------