COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 5 MARCH 1983 ==================================================================== THE SENATE ==================================================================== AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Two senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 137,405 +01.1 Votes cast: 131,533 95.7 +01.4 Informal votes: 4,287 03.3 +00.5 Formal votes: 127,246 96.7 -00.5 Quota for election: 42,416 33.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Susan RYAN * ALP 68,868 54.1 ELECTED 1 Marc Robinson ALP 1,565 01.2 Group A > Q:1.661 Margaret Reid * Lib 39,561 31.1 Group B John Munro Lib 731 00.6 Q:0.950 Charles Price AD 14,748 11.6 Group C Dimmen de Graaff AD 393 00.3 Q:0.357 Brian Scott 425 00.3 Q:0.010 Ian Rout 955 00.8 Q:0.023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Ryan's 26,452 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 24,747 93.6 26,312 20.7 Reid * 794 03.0 40,355 31.7 Munro 159 00.6 890 00.7 Price 607 02.3 15,355 12.1 De Graaff 51 00.2 444 00.3 Scott 41 00.2 466 00.4 Rout 53 00.2 1,008 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 26,452 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: de Graaff's 444 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 60 13.5 26,372 20.7 Reid * 44 09.9 40,399 31.7 Munro 15 03.4 905 00.7 Price 274 61.7 15,629 12.3 Scott 24 05.4 490 00.4 Rout 27 06.1 1,035 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 444 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Scott's 490 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 44 09.0 26,416 20.8 Reid * 48 09.8 40,447 31.8 Munro 24 04.9 929 00.7 Price 75 15.3 15,704 12.3 Rout 299 61.0 1,334 01.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 490 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Munro's 929 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 121 13.0 26,537 20.9 Reid * 584 62.9 41,031 32.2 Price 169 18.2 15,873 12.5 Rout 55 05.9 1,389 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 929 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Rout's 1,389 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 387 27.9 26,924 21.2 Reid * 310 22.3 41,341 32.5 Price 692 49.8 16,565 13.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,389 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Price's 16,565 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- RYAN * E 42,416 33.3 ELECTED 1 Robinson 9,474 57.2 36,398 28.6 REID * 7,091 42.8 48,432 38.1 ELECTED 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 16,565 127,246 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators' terms began 5 March 1983. Reid and Ryan elected for a term ending upon the dissolution of the House of Representatives. -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Margaret Elizabeth Reid (born 1935): Appointed 1981. Elected 1983 > Susan Maree Ryan (1942-2020): Elected 1975, 1977, 1980, 1983 Minister for Education and Youth Affairs from 11 March 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------