COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 9 DECEMBER 1961 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Government publications THE SENATE ==================================================================== QUEENSLAND (Five Senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 826,128 +05.3 Votes cast: 782,676 94.7 -00.3 Informal votes: 66,798 08.5 +01.3 Formal votes: 715,878 91.5 -01.3 Quota for election: 119,314 16.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hon Walter COOPER * CP 301,464 42.1 ELECTED 1 Annabelle Rankin * Lib 12,234 01.7 Group A Robert Sherrington Lib 3,545 00.5 Q:2.659 Hon Vincent Gair QLP 82,112 11.5 Group B John Williams QLP 1,251 00.2 Q:0.705 Anne Wenck QLP 749 00.1 Archibald BENN * ALP 297,632 41.6 ELECTED 2 Dr Maxwell Poulter ALP 2,506 00.4 Group C Alfred Arnell ALP 2,306 00.3 Q:2.349 Patrick Curtis 1,323 00.2 Group D Charles Stuckey 295 00.0 Q:0.014 Claude Jones CPA 4,566 00.6 Group E John Nolan CPA 254 00.0 Q:0.042 Patricia Pastourel CPA 243 00.0 James Dwyer 1,417 00.2 Q:0.012 Damien Kennedy 2,977 00.4 Q:0.025 Lyndon Barker 1,004 00.1 Q:0.008 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Gair, See Senate Queensland 1964. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Cooper's 182,150 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * 178,879 98.2 191,113 26.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 1,027 00.6 4,572 00.6 Gair 1,422 00.8 83,534 11.7 Williams 326 00.2 1,577 00.2 Wenck 61 00.0 810 00.1 BENN * E 297,632 41.6 ELECTED 2 Poulter 154 00.1 2,660 00.4 Arnell 39 00.0 2,345 00.3 Curtis 54 00.0 1,377 00.2 Stuckey 16 00.0 311 00.0 Jones 56 00.0 4,622 00.6 Nolan 12 00.0 266 00.0 Pastourel 9 00.0 252 00.0 Dwyer 25 00.0 1,442 00.2 Kennedy 54 00.0 3,031 00.4 Barker 16 00.0 1,020 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 182,150 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Benn's 178,318 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * 223 00.1 191,336 26.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 32 00.0 4,604 00.6 Gair 439 00.2 83,973 11.7 Williams 80 00.0 1,657 00.2 Wenck 24 00.0 834 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER 176,815 99.2 179,475 25.1 ELECTED 4 Arnell 443 00.2 2,788 00.4 Curtis 94 00.1 1,471 00.2 Stuckey 26 00.0 337 00.0 Jones 51 00.0 4,673 00.7 Nolan 14 00.0 280 00.0 Pastourel 11 00.0 263 00.0 Dwyer 19 00.0 1,461 00.2 Kennedy 35 00.0 3,066 00.4 Barker 12 00.0 1,032 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 178,318 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Rankin's 72,022 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 71,769 99.6 76,373 10.7 Gair 175 00.2 84,148 11.8 Williams 19 00.0 1,676 00.2 Wenck 11 00.0 845 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 179,475 25.1 ELECTED 4 Arnell 20 00.0 2,808 00.4 Curtis 7 00.0 1,478 00.2 Stuckey 2 00.0 339 00.0 Jones 3 00.0 4,676 00.7 Nolan 2 00.0 282 00.0 Pastourel 0 00.0 263 00.0 Dwyer 2 00.0 1,463 00.2 Kennedy 8 00.0 3,074 00.4 Barker 4 00.0 1,036 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 72,022 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Poulter's 60,161 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 15 00.0 76,388 10.7 Gair 28 00.0 84,176 11.8 Williams 4 00.0 1,680 00.2 Wenck 2 00.0 847 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 60,088 99.9 62,896 08.8 Curtis 14 00.0 1,492 00.2 Stuckey 1 00.0 340 00.0 Jones 4 00.0 4,680 00.7 Nolan 0 00.0 282 00.0 Pastourel 0 00.0 263 00.0 Dwyer 2 00.0 1,465 00.2 Kennedy 3 00.0 3,077 00.4 Barker 0 00.0 1,036 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 60,161 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Pastourel's 263 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 14 05.3 76,402 10.7 Gair 10 03.8 84,186 11.8 Williams 2 00.8 1,682 00.2 Wenck 18 06.8 865 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 19 07.2 62,915 08.8 Curtis 5 01.9 1,497 00.2 Stuckey 8 03.0 348 00.0 Jones 31 11.8 4,711 00.7 Nolan 102 38.8 384 00.1 Dwyer 30 11.4 1,495 00.2 Kennedy 10 03.8 3,087 00.4 Barker 14 05.3 1,050 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 263 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Stuckey's 348 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 20 05.7 76,422 10.7 Gair 21 06.0 84,207 11.8 Williams 19 05.5 1,701 00.2 Wenck 5 01.4 870 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 28 08.0 62,943 08.8 Curtis 199 57.2 1,696 00.2 Jones 22 06.3 4,733 00.7 Nolan 16 04.6 400 00.1 Dwyer 4 01.1 1,499 00.2 Kennedy 9 02.6 3,096 00.4 Barker 5 01.4 1,055 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 348 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: Nolan's 400 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 26 06.5 76,448 10.7 Gair 12 03.0 84,219 11.8 Williams 8 02.0 1,709 00.2 Wenck 7 01.8 877 00.1 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 20 05.0 62,963 08.8 Curtis 19 04.8 1,715 00.2 Jones 201 50.3 4,934 00.7 Dwyer 51 12.8 1,550 00.2 Kennedy 38 09.5 3,134 00.4 Barker 18 04.5 1,073 00.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 400 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Wenck's 877 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 161 18.4 76,609 10.7 Gair 151 17.2 84,370 11.8 Williams 424 48.3 2,133 00.3 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 62 07.1 63,025 08.8 Curtis 24 02.7 1,739 00.2 Jones 24 02.7 4,958 00.7 Dwyer 13 01.5 1,563 00.2 Kennedy 11 01.3 3,145 00.4 Barker 7 00.8 1,080 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 877 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Barker's 1,080 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 76 07.0 76,685 10.7 Gair 18 01.7 84,388 11.8 Williams 16 01.5 2,149 00.3 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 38 03.5 63,063 08.8 Curtis 24 02.2 1,763 00.2 Jones 37 03.4 4,995 00.7 Dwyer 70 06.5 1,633 00.2 Kennedy 801 74.2 3,946 00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,080 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Dwyer's 1,633 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 53 03.2 76,738 10.7 Gair 50 03.1 84,438 11.8 Williams 20 01.2 2,169 00.3 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 27 01.7 63,090 08.8 Curtis 43 02.6 1,806 00.3 Jones 99 06.1 5,094 00.7 Kennedy 1,341 82.1 5,287 00.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,633 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Curtis's 1,806 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 300 16.6 77,038 10.8 Gair 165 09.1 84,603 11.8 Williams 62 03.4 2,231 00.3 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 355 19.7 63,445 08.9 Jones 645 35.7 5,739 00.8 Kennedy 279 15.4 5,566 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,806 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th count: Williams's 2,231 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 518 23.2 77,556 10.8 Gair 1,329 59.6 85,932 12.0 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 216 09.7 63,661 08.9 Jones 106 04.8 5,845 00.8 Kennedy 62 02.8 5,628 00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,231 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th count: Kennedy's 5,628 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 1,644 29.2 79,200 11.1 Gair 1,074 19.1 87,006 12.2 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 1,088 19.3 64,749 09.0 Jones 1,822 32.4 7,667 01.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,628 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th count: Jones's 7,667 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 Sherrington 1,014 13.2 80,214 11.2 Gair 911 11.9 87,917 12.3 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 Arnell 5,742 74.9 70,491 09.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,667 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th count: Arnell's 70,491 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 1 RANKIN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 3 SHERRINGTON 53,735 76.2 133,949 18.7 ELECTED 5 Gair 16,756 23.8 104,673 14.6 BENN * E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 2 POULTER E 119,314 16.7 ELECTED 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 70,491 715,878 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators' terms began 1 July 1962. Benn, Cooper, Poulter, Rankin and Sherrington elected for a term ending 30 June 1967. Continuing Senators (term to end 30 June 1965): Hon Gordon BROWN (ALP), Felix DITTMER (ALP), Roy KENDALL (Lib), Edmund MAHER (CP), Ian WOOD (Lib). -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Archibald Malcolm Benn (1897-1980): Elected 1949, 1951, 1961 > Gordon Brown (1885-1967): Elected 1931, 1937, 1943, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958 Brown retired at the 1964 election. Died 12 January 1967 > Walter Jackson Cooper (1891-1973): Elected 1928. Defeated 1929. Elected 1934, 1940, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1961 > Felix Cyril Sigismund Dittmer (1904-77): Elected 1958 > Roy Kendall (1899-1972): Elected 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958 Kendall retired at the 1964 election. Died 10 March 1972 > Edmund Bede Maher (1891-1982): Elected 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958 Maher retired at the 1964 election. Died 31 December 1982 > Maxwell William Poulter (1913-62): Elected 1961 Born: 1913, Devonport, Tasmania Career: Educated Devonport High School, University of Tasmania. Teacher, Tasmanian state schools. Studied Columbia University, New York, PhD 1952. Lecturer in education University of Queensland. Died 2 September 1962 (see Appointments) > Annabelle Jane Mary Rankin (1908-86): Elected 1946, 1951, 1955, 1961 > Robert Duncan Sherrington (1902-66): Elected 1961 Born: 21 January 1902, Maryborough, Queensland Career: Educated Maryborough. Sugar mill chemist, field cane inspector. Cane grower from 1943. > Ian Alexander Christie Wood (1901-92): Elected 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958 --------------------------------------------------------------------