AUSTRALIAN SENATE ELECTION OF 10 DECEMBER 1955 ======================================================================================== Source: Australian Government publications NATIONAL SUMMARY ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 5,172,443 Votes counted: 4,914,094 95.0 Informal votes: 473,069 09.6 +05.0 Formal votes: 4,441,025 90.4 -05.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change 1955 + 1953 = Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal CP coalition 2,161,460 48.6 +04.2 17 + 13 = 30 Australian Labor Party 1,803,335 40.6 -10.0 12 + 16 = 28 ALP (Anti-Communist) 271,067 06.1 1 + 1 = 2 Others 205,163 04.6 - + - = - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,441,025 30 + 30 = 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This table shows the number of seats won by each party at this election, plus the seats won in 1953, to give the total number of seats held by each party in the new Senate. Voting figures are compared with the 1953 Senate election. One of the ALP Senators elected in 1953 joined the ALP(AC) in 1955.