COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 9 MAY 1953 ==================================================================== Source: Australian Government publications THE SENATE ==================================================================== TASMANIA (Six senators to be elected) ==================================================================== Enrolled voters: 168,496 +02.7 Votes cast: 162,061 96.2 -00.5 Informal votes: 8,256 05.1 -06.5 Formal votes: 153,805 94.9 +06.5 Quota for election: 21,973 14.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert WORDSWORTH * Lib 36,673 23.8 ELECTED 2 John Marriott * Lib 16,925 11.0 Group A Robert Wardlaw Lib 10,037 06.5 Q:3.335 Cedric Moore Lib 9,648 06.3 George COLE * ALP 40,014 26.0 ELECTED 1 Justin O'Byrne * ALP 8,508 05.5 Group B Reginald Murray ALP 4,216 02.7 Q:3.214 William Aylett * ALP 17,875 11.6 William Morrow * 7,813 05.1 Group C Andrew Graham 540 00.4 Q:0.409 Ian Pearson 637 00.4 Max Bound CPA 408 00.3 Q:0.019 Robert McEwin 511 00.3 Q:0.023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tasmania elected six Senators because of the death of John Chamberlain, a long-term Senator, in 1953. The sixth Senator elected filled the remainder of Chamberlain's term. 2. Morrow had lost his ALP endorsement. His group stood as the Tasmanian Labor Party. 3. Murray was a Senator for Tasmania 1947-51. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Cole's 18,041 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 36,673 23.8 ELECTED 2 Marriott * 75 00.4 17,000 11.1 Wardlaw 18 00.1 10,055 06.5 Moore 18 00.1 9,666 06.3 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * 15,817 87.7 24,325 15.8 ELECTED 4 Murray 683 03.8 4,899 03.2 Aylett * 1,319 07.3 19,194 12.5 Morrow * 82 00.5 7,895 05.1 Graham 8 00.0 548 00.4 Pearson 14 00.1 651 00.4 Bound 4 00.0 412 00.3 McEwin 3 00.0 514 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 18,041 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Since Cole was elected first, his surplus is shown here as being distributed before Wordsworth's (in fact they were distributed simultaneously), creating the impression that O'Byrne was elected before Marriott. The "ELECTED" numbers on the right give the correct order of election. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Wordsworth's 14,700 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * 12,341 84.0 29,341 19.1 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 1,579 10.7 11,634 07.6 Moore 673 04.6 10,339 06.7 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * 36 00.2 24,361 15.8 ELECTED 4 Murray 12 00.1 4,911 03.2 Aylett * 23 00.2 19,217 12.5 Morrow * 19 00.1 7,914 05.1 Graham 4 00.0 552 00.4 Pearson 2 00.0 653 00.4 Bound 4 00.0 416 00.3 McEwin 7 00.0 521 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 14,700 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Marriott's 7,368 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 6,810 92.4 18,444 12.0 Moore 535 07.3 10,874 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 24,361 15.8 ELECTED 4 Murray 12 00.2 4,923 03.2 Aylett * 4 00.1 19,221 12.5 Morrow * 3 00.0 7,917 05.1 Graham 1 00.0 553 00.4 Pearson 2 00.0 655 00.4 Bound 0 00.0 416 00.3 McEwin 1 00.0 522 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,368 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: O'Byrne's 2,388 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 6 00.3 18,450 12.0 Moore 1 00.0 10,875 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 Murray 2,260 94.6 7,183 04.7 Aylett * 116 04.9 19,337 12.6 Morrow * 4 00.2 7,921 05.2 Graham 0 00.0 553 00.4 Pearson 1 00.0 656 00.4 Bound 0 00.0 416 00.3 McEwin 0 00.0 522 00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,388 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Bound's 416 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 10 02.4 18,460 12.0 Moore 3 00.7 10,878 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 Murray 16 03.8 7,199 04.7 Aylett * 9 02.2 19,346 12.6 Morrow * 200 48.1 8,121 05.3 Graham 7 01.7 560 00.4 Pearson 19 04.6 675 00.4 McEwin 152 36.5 674 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 416 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th count: Graham's 560 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 14 02.5 18,474 12.0 Moore 9 01.6 10,887 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 Murray 43 07.7 7,242 04.7 Aylett * 32 05.7 19,378 12.6 Morrow * 303 54.1 8,424 05.5 Pearson 155 27.7 830 00.5 McEwin 4 00.7 678 00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 560 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th count: McEwin's 678 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 229 33.8 18,703 12.2 Moore 70 10.3 10,957 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 Murray 83 12.2 7,325 04.8 Aylett * 47 06.9 19,425 12.6 Morrow * 151 22.3 8,575 05.6 Pearson 98 14.5 928 00.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 678 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th count: Pearson's 928 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 45 04.8 18,748 12.2 Moore 14 01.5 10,971 07.1 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 Murray 78 08.4 7,403 04.8 Aylett * 79 08.5 19,504 12.7 Morrow * 712 76.7 9,287 06.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 928 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th count: Murray's 7,403 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 180 02.4 18,928 12.3 Moore 40 00.5 11,011 07.2 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 AYLETT * 7,060 95.4 26,564 17.3 ELECTED 5 Morrow * 123 01.7 9,410 06.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7,403 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th count: Aylett's 4,591 surplus votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 Wardlaw 1,151 25.1 20,079 13.1 Moore 284 06.2 11,295 07.3 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 AYLETT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 5 Morrow * 3,156 68.7 12,566 08.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,591 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th count: Moore's 11,295 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDSWORTH * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 2 MARRIOTT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 3 WARDLAW 11,221 99.3 31,300 20.4 ELECTED 6 COLE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 1 O'BYRNE * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 4 AYLETT * E 21,973 14.3 ELECTED 5 Morrow * 74 00.7 12,640 08.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 11,295 153,805 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Senators' terms began 1 July 1953. Aylett, Cole, Marriott, O'Byrne and Wordsworth elected for a term ending 30 June 1959. Wardlaw elected for a term ending 30 June 1956 (remainder of Chamberlain's term). Continuing Senators (term to end 30 June 1956): Hon Allan GUY (Lib), Denham HENTY (Lib), Hon Nicholas McKENNA (ALP), Reginald WRIGHT (Lib). -------------------------------------------------------------------- > William Edward Aylett (1900-76): Elected 1937, 1943, 1949, 1951, 1953 > George Ronald Cole (1908-69): Elected 1949, 1951, 1953 > James Allan Guy (1890-1979): Elected 1949, 1951 > Norman Henry Denham Henty (1903-78): Elected 1949, 1951 > Nicholas Edward McKenna (1895-1974): Elected 1943, 1949, 1951 > John Edward Marriott (1913-94): Appointed 1953. Elected 1953 > William Morrow (1891-1980): Elected 1946, 1951. Defeated 1953 Died 12 July 1980 > Justin Hilary O'Byrne (1912-93): Elected 1946, 1951, 1953 > Robert Wardlaw (1889-1964): Elected 1953 Born: 5 August 1889, Mathinna, Tasmania Career: Educated state schools. Military Service 1914-20. Shopkeeper, Ringarooma, Tasmania. Farmer and pig breeder. President Tasmanian Farmers Federation 1949-51. Company director. > Robert Hurley Wordsworth (1894-1984): Elected 1949, 1951, 1953 > Reginald Charles Wright (1905-90): Elected 1949, 1951 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cole was expelled from the Tasmanian branch of the ALP in August 1955 and joined the ALP (Anti-Communist). --------------------------------------------------------------------