AUSTRALIAN LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 5 MAY 1917 ======================================================================================== THE SENATE ======================================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY ======================================================================================== Enrolled voters: 2,839,327 Votes counted: 2,202,901 77.6 Informal votes: 86,111 03.9 -00.3 Formal votes: 2,116,790 96.1 +00.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Change 1917 + 1914 = Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nationalist Party 1,172,118 55.4 +07.6 18 + 6 = 24 Australian Labor Party 925,549 43.7 -08.4 - + 12 = 12 Others 19,123 00.9 - + - = - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,116,790 18 + 18 = 36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This table shows the number of seats won by each party at this election, plus the seats won in 1914, to give the total number of seats held by each party in the new Senate.