REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 14 NOVEMBER 2021 ================================================================================= Elections to the Congreso de la Nacion Argentina Source: La Nacion Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * AL - Avanza Libertad (Freedom Advances) * CF - Consenso Federal (Federal Consensus) * FIT - Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (Workers' Left Front): coalition of three Trotskyist communist parties * FdT Frente de Todos (Front for Everyone): coalition of the Partido Justicialista (Justicialist Party) and many smaller parties including the Partido Comunista de la Argentina (Communist Party of Argentina) * FRCS - * Frente Renovador de la Concordia Social (Social Concord Renewal Front) * JC - Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change): coalition of Propuesta Republicana (Republican Proposal), Union Civica Radical (Radical Civic Union) and other parties * JSRN - Juntos Somos Rio Negro (Together we are Rio Negro) * MPN - Movimiento Popular Neuquino (Neuquen People's Movement) In legislative elections the custom is for each party to campaign under different names in each province. In these tables I have indicated which lists are affiliated to Frente por Todos and which are affiliated to Juntos por el Cambio. CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS (Chamber of Deputies) ================================================================================= The Chamber of Deputies has 257 members, serving four-year terms. Half the Chamber is elected every two years. These tables show the number of Deputies elected at this election (when 129 were elected) and in 2019 (when 130 were elected), to give the total number of Deputies for each province and nationally. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: 34,413,824 Votes cast: 24,406,798 70.9 Invalid votes: 1,167,942 04.8 Valid votes: 23,238,856 95.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats Party Votes % 2021 2019 Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Together for Change (FdT) 9,752,860 42.0 +01.6 60 56 116 Workers' Left Front (FIT) 1,373,548 05.9 +02.9 4 - 4 Front for Everyone (JC) 7,801,805 33.6 -13.0 50 68 118 Others 4,310,348 18.6 15 6 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 23,238,856 129 130 259 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SENADO ARGENTINA (SENATE OF ARGENTINA) ================================================================================= The Senate has 72 members, three from each Province regardless of population. Senators serve six-year terms, with one-third of the Provinces holding Senate elections every two years. Agentinian electoral law states that the leading party in a Province receives two Senate seats and the second party receives the third seat. Provinces electing Senators in 2021 were Catamarca, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, La Pampa, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tucuman. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================================= Enrolled voters: Votes cast: 7,354,025 Invalid votes: 394,299 05.4 Valid votes: 6,959,726 94.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seats Party Votes % 2021 2019 2017 Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Together for Change (FdT) 3,260,964 46.9 14 9 12 35 Workers' Left Front (FIT) 237,797 03.4 - - - - Front for Everyone (JC) 1,916,759 27.5 9 15 10 34 Others 1,544,206 22.2 1 - 2 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,959,726 24 24 24 72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------