REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 23 OCTOBER 2011 ======================================================================== Source: Argentina government website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ACR - Acuerdo Republicano Federal (Federal Republican Agreement) * CC - Coalicion Civica (Civic Coalition) * CF - Compromiso Federal (Federal Compromise) * CPT - Cambio Popular Tucumano (Popular Change of Tucuman) * EP - Es Posible (It Is Possible) * EPop - Encuentro Popular (Popular Encounter) * FAP - Frent Amplio Progresista (Broad Progressive Front) * FES - Frente Encuentro Sur (South Encounter Front) * FCS - Frente Civico y Social (Civic and Social Front) * FCpS - Frente Civico por Santiago (Civic Front for Santiago) * FIT - Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (Front of the Left and the Workers) * FP - Frente Popular (Popular Front) * FPCS - Frente Pampeano Civico y Social (Civic and Social Front of La Pampa) * FPJ - Frente Primero Jujuy (Jujuy First Front) * FpV - Frente para la Victoria (Front for Victory) * FRC - Frente Renovador de la Concord (Reformist Concord Front) * FS - Frente Salteño (Salta Front) * IUOS - Izquierda por Una Opcion Socialista (Left for a Socialist Option) * MPF - Movimiento Popular Fueguino (Popular Movement of Tierra del Fuego) * MIJD - Movimiento Independiente de Jubilados y Desocupados (Independent Movement of Pensioners and Unemployed) * MIR - Movimiento Independiente Renovador (Independent Reform Movement) * MLS - Movimiento Libres Del Sur (Free Movement of the South) * MPC - Movimiento de Participación Ciudadana (Movemement of Citizens' Participation) * MPN - Movimiento Popular Neuquino (Popular Movement of Neuquen) * MST - Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores (Socialist Movement of the Workers) * NI - Nueva Izquierda (New Left) * PA - Partido Autonomista (Autonomist Party) * PCA - Partido de la Ciudad en Accion (Party of the Citizen in Action) * PCD - Partido Dignidad Ciudadana (Citizen Dignity Party) * PDC - Partido Democrata Cristiano (Christian Democratic Party) * PF - Partido Fortaleza (Fortaleza Party) * PFed - Partido Federale (Federal Party) * PGER - Partido General de Entre Ríos (General Party of Entre Rios) * PH - Partido Humanista (Humanist Party) * PIC - Partido Independente del Chubut (Independent Party of Chubut) * PJ -Partido Justicialista (Justicialist Party) * PO - Partido Obrero (Workers' Party) * PP - Partido Popular (Popular Party) * PPR - Partido Popular de la Reconstrucción (Popular Party of Reconstruction) * PR - Propuesta Republicana (Republican Proposal) * PS - Proyecto Sur (Project South) * PSoc - Partido Socialista (Socialist Party) * PSP - Partido Social Patagónico (Social Party of Patagonia) * PUP - Partido Union Popular (Popular Union Party) * UCR - Unión Civica Radical (Radical Civic Union) * UDESO - Unión para el Desarrollo Social (Union for Social Development) * UP - Unión Popular (Popular Union) * UPER - Unión Provincial de Entre Ríos (Provincial Union of Entre Rios) * UpL - Unión por la Libertad (Union for Liberty) SENATE ======================================================================== One-third of the states elect Senators at each election. NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 13,583,219 Votes cast: 11,102,707 81.7 Invalid votes: 2,480,512 09.8 Valid votes: 10,018,914 90.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 686,740 06.9 3 Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 1,114,596 11.1 1 Popular Front (FP) 665,193 06.6 2 Front for Victory (FpV) 5,470,241 54.6 13 Reformist Concord Front (FRC) 256,137 02.6 2 Radical Civic Union (UCR) 186,962 01.8 2 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 1,007,833 10.1 1 Others 631,212 06.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 10,018,914 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTING BY STATE ======================================================================== BUENOS AIRES ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 10,841,711 Votes cast: 8,951,905 82.6 Invalid votes: 781,449 08.7 Valid votes: 8,170,456 91.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 191,336 02.3 - Federal Compromise (CF) 484,318 05.9 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 1,092,503 13.4 1 Front of the Left (FIT) 278,617 03.4 - Popular Front (FP) 603,236 07.4 - Front for Victory (FpV) 4,639,554 56.8 2 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 880,892 10.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 8,170,456 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anibal Fernández (FpV) Maria Laura Leguizamón (FpV) Jaime Linares (FAP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FORMOSA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 360,443 Votes cast: 277,018 76.9 Invalid votes: 47,404 17.1 Valid votes: 229,614 82.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Republican Agreement (ARF) 1,441 00.6 - Front for Victory (FpV) 179,985 78.4 2 Fortaleza Party (PF) 1,456 00.6 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 46,732 20.4 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 229,614 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ José Mayans (FpV) Graciela de la Rosa (FpV) Luis Naidenoff (UCR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUJUY ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 444,069 Votes cast: 324,285 73.0 Invalid votes: 43,914 13.5 Valid votes: 280,371 86.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It Is Possible (EP) 5,492 02.0 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 11,220 04.0 - Front of the Left (FIT) 6,548 02.3 - Jujuy First Front (FPJ) 23,080 08.2 - Front for Victory (FpV) 148,495 53.0 2 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 82,361 29.4 1 Popular Union (UP) 3,175 01.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 280,371 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Barrionuevo (FpV) Liliana Fellner (FpV) Gerardo Morales (UDESO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA RIOJA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 232,010 Votes cast: 179,140 77.2 Invalid votes: 19,862 11.1 Valid votes: 159,278 88.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Popular Front (FP) 56,409 35.4 2 Front for Victory (FpV) 53,865 33.8 1 Republican Proposal (PR) 11,527 07.2 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 37,477 23.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 159,278 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlos Menem (FP) Hilda Aguirre de Soria (FP) Teresita Luna (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISIONES ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 723,136 Votes cast: 559,593 77.4 Invalid votes: 45,091 08.1 Valid votes: 514,502 91.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 14,542 02.8 - Front for Victory (FpV) 98,769 19.2 1 Reformist Concord Front (FRC) 256,137 49.8 2 Republican Proposal (PR) 43,496 08.5 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 25,958 05.0 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 75,600 14.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 514,502 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandra Giménez (FRC) Salvador Cabral Arrechea (FRC) Juan Manuel Irrazábal (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN JUAN ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 469,231 Votes cast: 369,865 78.8 Invalid votes: 48,530 13.1 Valid votes: 321,335 86.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 60,238 18.7 1 Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 10,873 03.4 - Popular Front (FP) 5,548 01.7 - Front for Victory (FpV) 214,776 66.8 2 Citizen Dignity Party (PCD) 7,450 02.3 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 22,450 07.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 321,335 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruperto Godoy (FpV) Marina Riofrio (FpV) Roberto Basualdo (CF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN LUIS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 312,226 Votes cast: 252,161 80.8 Invalid votes: 41,873 16.6 Valid votes: 210,288 83.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 127,642 60.7 2 Front for Victory (FpV) 60,516 28.8 1 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 22,130 10.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 210,288 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adolfo Rodriguez Saá (CF) Liliana Negre de Alonso (CF) Daniel Pérsico (UDESO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANTA CRUZ ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 199,870 Votes cast: 152,991 76.6 Invalid votes: 34,077 22.3 Valid votes: 118,914 77.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Senators ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 4,697 03.9 - South Encounter Front (FES) 2,151 01.8 - Front for Victory (FpV) 74,281 62.5 2 Workers' Party (PO) 3,026 02.5 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 3,606 03.3 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 27,153 22.8 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 118,914 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Senators elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pablo González (FpV) María Labado (FpV) Alfredo Martinez (UCR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------