REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 23 OCTOBER 2011 ======================================================================== Source: Argentina government website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ACR - Acuerdo Republicano Federal (Federal Republican Agreement) * CC - Coalicion Civica (Civic Coalition) * CF - Compromiso Federal (Federal Compromise) * CPT - Cambio Popular Tucumano (Popular Change of Tucuman) * EP - Es Posible (It Is Possible) * EPop - Encuentro Popular (Popular Encounter) * FAP - Frent Amplio Progresista (Broad Progressive Front) * FES - Frente Encuentro Sur (South Encounter Front) * FCS - Frente Civico y Social (Civic and Social Front) * FCpS - Frente Civico por Santiago (Civic Front for Santiago) * FIT - Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (Front of the Left and the Workers) * FP - Frente Popular (Popular Front) * FPCS - Frente Pampeano Civico y Social (Civic and Social Front of La Pampa) * FPJ - Frente Primero Jujuy (Jujuy First Front) * FpV - Frente para la Victoria (Front for Victory) * FRC - Frente Renovador de la Concord (Reformist Concord Front) * FS - Frente Salteño (Salta Front) * IUOS - Izquierda por Una Opcion Socialista (Left for a Socialist Option) * MPF - Movimiento Popular Fueguino (Popular Movement of Tierra del Fuego) * MIJD - Movimiento Independiente de Jubilados y Desocupados (Independent Movement of Pensioners and Unemployed) * MIR - Movimiento Independiente Renovador (Independent Reform Movement) * MLS - Movimiento Libres Del Sur (Free Movement of the South) * MPC - Movimiento de Participación Ciudadana (Movemement of Citizens' Participation) * MPN - Movimiento Popular Neuquino (Popular Movement of Neuquen) * MST - Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores (Socialist Movement of the Workers) * NI - Nueva Izquierda (New Left) * PA - Partido Autonomista (Autonomist Party) * PCA - Partido de la Ciudad en Accion (Party of the Citizen in Action) * PCD - Partido Dignidad Ciudadana (Citizen Dignity Party) * PDC - Partido Democrata Cristiano (Christian Democratic Party) * PF - Partido Fortaleza (Fortaleza Party) * PFed - Partido Federale (Federal Party) * PGER - Partido General de Entre Ríos (General Party of Entre Rios) * PH - Partido Humanista (Humanist Party) * PIC - Partido Independente del Chubut (Independent Party of Chubut) * PJ -Partido Justicialista (Justicialist Party) * PO - Partido Obrero (Workers' Party) * PP - Partido Popular (Popular Party) * PPR - Partido Popular de la Reconstrucción (Popular Party of Reconstruction) * PR - Propuesta Republicana (Republican Proposal) * PS - Proyecto Sur (Project South) * PSoc - Partido Socialista (Socialist Party) * PSP - Partido Social Patagónico (Social Party of Patagonia) * PUP - Partido Union Popular (Popular Union Party) * UCR - Unión Civica Radical (Radical Civic Union) * UDESO - Unión para el Desarrollo Social (Union for Social Development) * UP - Unión Popular (Popular Union) * UPER - Unión Provincial de Entre Ríos (Provincial Union of Entre Rios) * UpL - Unión por la Libertad (Union for Liberty) CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES ======================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 28,918,335 Votes cast: 22,955,275 79.4 Invalid votes: 2,356,202 10.3 Valid votes: 20,599,073 89.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 599,966 02.9 1 Federal Compromise (CF) 1,192,771 05.8 6 Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 2,568,457 12.5 14 Civic and Social Front (FCS) 93,442 00.5 1 Civic Front for Santiago (FCpS) 280,201 01.4 4 Popular Front (FP) 759,593 03.7 3 Front for Victory (FpV) 10,121,311 49.1 76 Reformist Concord Front (FRC) 249,429 01.2 3 Popular Movement of Tierra del Fuego (MFP) 13,788 00.1 1 Popular Movement of Neuquen (MPN) 88,197 00.4 1 Humanist Party (PH) 88,347 00.4 1 Justicialist Party (PJ) 11,695 00.1 1 Republican Proposal (PR) 471,851 02.3 3 Radical Civic Union (UCR) 1,016,285 04.9 5 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 1,667,828 08.1 9 Others 1,375,912 06.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 20,599,073 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOTING BY STATE ======================================================================== FEDERAL CAPITAL ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 2,511,197 Votes cast: 1,934,230 77.0 Invalid votes: 54,004 02.8 Valid votes: 1,880,226 97.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 124,245 06.6 1 Federal Compromise (CF) 108,663 05.8 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 316,476 16.8 2 Front of the Left (FIT) 105,168 05.6 - Front for Victory (FpV) 548,305 29.2 5 Autonomist Party (PA) 29,160 01.6 - Party of the Citizen in Action (PCA) 947 00.1 - Republican Proposal (PR) 373,566 19.9 3 Project South (PS) 33,229 01.7 - Popular Union Party (PUP) 108,418 05.8 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 132,049 07.0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,880,226 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mara Brawer (FpV) Manuel Garrido (UDESO) Patricia Bullrich (CC) Andrés Larroque (FpV) Roy Cortina (FAP) Claudio Lozano (FAP) Juan Cúneo (FpV) Federico Pinedo (PR) María Marta Bianchi (FpV) Cornelia Schmidt-Liermann (PR) Roberto Feletti (FpV) Pablo Tonelli (PR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUENOS AIRES ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 10,841,711 Votes cast: 8,951,905 82.6 Invalid votes: 909,461 10.2 Valid votes: 8,042,444 89.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 204,917 02.5 - Federal Compromise (CF) 447,291 05.6 2 Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 1,043,165 13.0 5 Front of the Left (FIT) 285,582 03.6 - Popular Front (FP) 541,408 06.7 2 Front for Victory (FpV) 4,592,054 57.1 22 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 928,027 11.5 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 8,042,444 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cristina Alvarez Rodríguez (FpV) Andrea García (FpV) Santiago Aragón (FpV) Graciela Giannettassio (FpV) Andrés Arregui (FpV) Carlos Gdansky (FpV) Alberto Asseff (CF) Leonardo Grosso (FpV) María Esther Balcedo (FpV) Jorge Landau (FpV) Miguel Bazze (UDESO) Virginia Linares (FAP) Gloria Bidegain (FpV) Mayra Mendoza (FpV) Carlos Brown (FP) Facundo Moyano (FpV) Eric Calcagno (FpV) Graciela Ocaña (UDESO) Graciela Camaño (FP) Mario Oporto (FpV) Ricardo Cuccovillo (FAP) Horacio Pietragalla (FpV) Víctor De Gennaro (FAP) Ramona Pucheta (CF) Eduardo De Pedro (FpV) Adriana Puiggrós (FpV) José María Diaz Bancalari (FpV) Carlos Raimundi (FpV) Julián Domínguez (FpV) Jorge Rivas (FpV) Victoria Donda (FAP) Alberto Roberti (UDESO) Omar Duclós (FAP) Adela Segarra (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATAMARCA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 258,405 Votes cast: 196,139 75.9 Invalid votes: 15,343 07.8 Valid votes: 180,796 92.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 5,079 02.8 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 7,312 04.0 - Civic and Social Front (FCS) 40,338 22.3 - Front for Victory (FpV) 123,706 68.4 2 Christian Democratic Party (PDC) 4,361 02.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 180,796 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isauro Molina (FpV) Marcia Ortiz Iramaín (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORDOBA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 2,505,346 Votes cast: 1,893,167 75.6 Invalid votes: 80,457 04.2 Valid votes: 1,812,710 95.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 50,064 02.8 - Federal Compromise (CF) 215,816 11.9 1 Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 366,754 20.2 2 Front of the Left (FIT) 78,373 04.3 - Popular Front (FP) 99,372 05.5 - Front for Victory (FpV) 633,868 35.0 4 Radical Civic Union (UCR) 368,463 20.3 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,812,710 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nora Bedano (FpV) Edgar Müller (CF) Patricia De Ferrari (UCR) Mario Negri (UCR) Fabián Francioni (FpV) Jorge Valinotto (FAP) Daniel Giacomino (FpV) Graciela Villatta (FAP) Mónica Gutiérrez (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORRIENTES ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 699,791 Votes cast: 526,210 75.2 Invalid votes: 79,039 15.0 Valid votes: 447,171 85.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 15,356 03.4 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 24,878 05.6 - Popular Front (FP) 26,511 05.9 - Front for Victory (FpV) 294,306 65.8 3 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 86,120 19.3 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 447,171 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Araceli Ferreyra (FpV) Agustín Portela (UDESO) Ana María Perroni (FpV) Fabián Ríos (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHACO ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 762,198 Votes cast: 573,592 75.3 Invalid votes: 52,428 09.1 Valid votes: 521,164 90.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 15,694 03.0 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 35,439 06.8 - Popular Front (FP) 31,359 06.0 - Front for Victory (FpV) 323,418 62.1 2 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 115,254 22.1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 521,164 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hugo Maldonado (UDESO) Gladys Soto (FpV) José Mongeló (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHUBUT ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 360,769 Votes cast: 284,695 78.9 Invalid votes: 32,216 11.3 Valid votes: 252,479 88.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 7,398 02.9 - Front for Victory (FpV) 153,206 60.7 3 Independent Movement of Unemployed (MIJD) 8,197 03.2 - Socialist Movement of the Workers (MST) 6,427 02.5 - Independent Party of Chubut (PIC) 45,351 18.0 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 31,900 12.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 252,479 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlos Eliceches (FpV) Cristina Ziebart (FpV) Mario Pais (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENTRE RIOS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 922,398 Votes cast: 759,562 82.4 Invalid votes: 180,100 23.6 Valid votes: 579,462 76.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front for Victory (FpV) 340,282 58.7 3 General Party of Entre Rios (PGER) 40,314 07.0 - Popular Party of Reconstruction (PPR) 20,918 03.6 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 44,824 07.7 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 104,565 18.0 1 Provincial Union of Entre Rios (UPER) 20,494 03.5 - Union for Liberty (UpL) 8,065 01.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 579,462 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Osvaldo Elorriaga (FpV) Fabián Rogel (UCR) Liliana Ríos (FpV) Julio Solanas (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FORMOSA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 360,443 Votes cast: 277,018 76.9 Invalid votes: 47,037 17.0 Valid votes: 229,981 83.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Republican Agreement (ARF) 1,344 00.6 - Front for Victory (FpV) 183,412 79.8 3 Fortaleza Party (PF) 1,531 00.7 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 43,694 19.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 229,981 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luis Eugenio Basterra (FpV) Inés Lotto de Vecchietti (FpV) Carlos Guillermo Donkin (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUJUY ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 444,592 Votes cast: 360,034 81.0 Invalid votes: 83,282 24.1 Valid votes: 276,752 76.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It Is Possible (EP) 5,684 02.1 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 11,408 04.1 - Front of the Left (FIT) 7,233 02.6 - Jujuy First Front (FPJ) 25,025 09.0 - Front for Victory (FpV) 152,726 55.4 2 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 71,168 25.7 1 Popular Union (UP) 3,397 01.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 276,752 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miguel Giubergia (UDESO) Rubén Rivarola (FpV) Mariela Ortiz (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA PAMPA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 250,334 Votes cast: 206,978 82.7 Invalid votes: 51,761 25.0 Valid votes: 155,217 75.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 2,118 01.4 - Federal Compromise (CF) 8,131 05.2 - Civic and Social Front (FPCS) 53,104 34.2 1 Humanist Party (PH) 88,347 56.9 1 Union for Social Development (UDESO) 3,517 02.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 155,217 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ María Luz Alonso (PH) Daniel Kroneberger (FPCS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PH was a pro-Kirchner party. LA RIOJA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 232,010 Votes cast: 179,140 77.2 Invalid votes: 33,771 19.8 Valid votes: 145,369 81.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Popular Front (FP) 42,736 29.4 1 Front for Victory (FpV) 55,716 38.3 1 Republican Proposal (PR) 11,698 08.0 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 35,219 24.2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 145,369 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inés Brizuela y Doria (UCR) Javier Tineo (FpV) Griselda Herrera (FP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENDOZA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 1,234,251 Votes cast: 1,000,538 81.1 Invalid votes: 177,416 17.7 Valid votes: 823,122 82.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 22,510 02.7 - Federal Compromise (CF) 139,732 17.0 1 Front of the Left (FIT) 15,604 01.9 - Front for Victory (FpV) 384,892 47.7 3 Federal Party (PFed) 16,416 02.0 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 50,595 06.1 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 183,822 22.3 1 Popular Union (UP) 9,551 01.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 823,122 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guillermo Carmona (FpV) Roberto Pradines (CF) Anabel Fernández Sagasti (FpV) Enrique Vaquié (UDESO) Dante González (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISIONES ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 723,136 Votes cast: 559,593 77.4 Invalid votes: 52,433 09.4 Valid votes: 507,160 90.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 14,530 02.9 - Front for Victory (FpV) 97,451 19.2 1 Reformist Concord Front (FRC) 249,429 49.2 3 Republican Proposal (PR) 44,422 08.8 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 26,168 05.2 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 75,160 14.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 507,160 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ José Guccione (FRC) Julia Perié (FpV) Stella Maris Leverberg (FRC) Oscar Redczuk (FRC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEUQUEN ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 407,160 Votes cast: 335,478 82.4 Invalid votes: 62,831 18.7 Valid votes: 272,647 81.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 9,712 03.6 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 32,152 11.8 - Front for Victory (FpV) 90,475 33.2 1 Left for a Socialist Option (IUOS) 13,315 04.9 - Popular Movement of Neuquen (MPN) 88,197 32.5 1 New Left (NI) 3,510 01.3 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 25,893 09.5 - Popular Union (UP) 9,393 03.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 272,647 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alberto Ciampini (FpV) Alicia Comelli (MPN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RIO NEGRO ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 439,560 Votes cast: 344,941 78.5 Invalid votes: 55,538 16.1 Valid votes: 289,403 83.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 9,409 03.3 - Front for Victory (FpV) 202,873 70.1 3 Workers' Party (PO) 8,806 03.0 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 33,527 11.6 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 34,788 12.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 289,403 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herman Avoscan (FpV) Silvina García Larraburu (FpV) Jorge Cejas (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALTA ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 819,834 Votes cast: 627,030 76.5 Invalid votes: 38,307 06.1 Valid votes: 588,723 93.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 10,037 01.7 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 27,042 04.6 - Front for Victory (FpV) 332,671 56.5 3 Salta Front (FS) 50,894 08.6 - Independent Movement of Unemployed (MIJD) 14,684 02.5 - Workers' Party (PO) 50,233 08.5 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 103,162 17.5 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 588,723 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bernardo Biella (UDESO) Pablo Kosiner (FpV) Cristina Fiore (FpV) José Vilariño (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN JUAN ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 469,231 Votes cast: 369,865 78.8 Invalid votes: 58,103 15.7 Valid votes: 311,762 84.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 60,240 19.3 - Popular Front (FP) 5,726 01.8 - Front for Victory (FpV) 216,015 69.3 3 Citizen Dignity Party (PCD) 7,491 02.4 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 22,290 07.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 311,762 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graciela Caselles (FpV) José Villa (FpV) Rubén Uñac (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN LUIS ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 312,226 Votes cast: 252,161 80.8 Invalid votes: 49,437 19.6 Valid votes: 202,724 80.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal Compromise (CF) 120,570 59.5 2 Front for Victory (FpV) 59,725 29.5 - Union for Social Development (UDESO) 22,429 11.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 202,724 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Lino Aguilar (CF) Ivana Bianchi (CF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANTA CRUZ ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 199,870 Votes cast: 152,991 76.6 Invalid votes: 38,558 25.2 Valid votes: 114,433 74.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 6,278 05.5 - South Encounter Front (FES) 4,720 04.1 - Front for Victory (FpV) 74,846 65.4 2 Workers' Party (PO) 2,599 02.3 - Socialist Party (PSoc) 3,474 03.0 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 22,516 19.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 114,433 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ana María Iannis (FpV) Mario Metaza (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANTA FE ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 2,443,308 Votes cast: 1,854,207 75.9 Invalid votes: 102,734 05.4 Valid votes: 1,751,473 94.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 115,741 06.7 - Federal Compromise (CF) 77,798 04.4 - Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 623,357 35.6 5 Front for Victory (FpV) 725,380 41.4 5 Independent Reform Movement (MIR) 14,924 00.9 - Autonomist Party (PA) 16,469 00.9 - Christian Democratic Party (PDC) 20,229 01.2 - Republican Proposal (PR) 42,165 02.4 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 115,440 06.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,751,473 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Omar Barchetta (FAP) Fabián Peralta (FAP) Marcos Cleri (FpV) Élida Rasino (FAP) Claudia Giaccone (FpV) Antonio Riestra (FAP) Omar Perotti (FpV) Silvia Simoncini (FpV) Oscar Martínez (FpV) Juan Carlos Zabalza (FAP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 601,490 Votes cast: 419,531 69.8 Invalid votes: 25,036 06.0 Valid votes: 394,495 94.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Front for Santiago (FCpS) 280,201 71.0 4 Popular Front (FP) 12,481 03.2 - Front for Victory (FpV) 58,652 14.9 - Free Movement of the South (MLS) 13,625 03.5 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 29,536 07.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 394,495 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ José Herrera (FCpS) Jorge Omar Pérez (FCpS) Mirta Pastoriza (FCpS) Aída Ruiz (FCpS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FCpS was a pro-Kirchner party. TIERRA DEL FUEGO ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 100,096 Votes cast: 73,356 73.3 Invalid votes: 12,186 16.6 Valid votes: 61,170 83.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Civic Coalition (CC) 1,408 02.3 - Popular Encounter (EPop) 6,851 12.0 - Front for Victory (FpV) 15,101 24.7 1 Popular Movement of Tierra del Fuego (MFP) 13,788 22.5 1 Justicialist Party (PJ) 11,695 19.1 1 Popular Party (PP) 1,363 02.2 - Social Party of Patagonia (PSP) 4,712 07.7 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 4,880 08.0 - Popular Union (UP) 1,372 02.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 61,170 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Julio Catalán Magni (FpV) Rubén Sciutto (PJ) Jorge Garramuño (MPF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TUCUMAN ======================================================================== Enrolled voters: 1,018,979 Votes cast: 822,914 80.8 Invalid votes: 64,823 07.9 Valid votes: 758,190 92.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Deputies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broad Progressive Front (FAP) 80,474 10.6 - Front of the Left (FIT) 23,090 03.0 - Front for Victory (FpV) 462,231 61.0 4 Independent Movement of Unemployed (MIJD) 36,787 04.9 - Movemement of Citizens' Participation (MPS) 9,716 01.3 - Popular Change of Tucuman (CPT) 21,161 02.8 - Radical Civic Union (UCR) 124,231 16.4 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 758,190 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deputies elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamín Bromberg (FpV) Luis Sacca (UCR) Alfredo Carlos Dato (FpV) Marcelo Santillán (FpV) Beatriz Mirkin (FpV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------