REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 28 OCTOBER 2007 ===================================================================== Source: Argentine government website Parties --------------------------------------------------------------------- * CCC - Confederación Coalición Cívica (Confederation Coalition Civic) * FJUL - Frente Justicia, Unión y Libertad (Front for Justice, Union and Liberty) * FplV - Frente Para La Victoria (Front for Victory) * MPU - Movimiento de las Provincias Unidas (Movement of the United Provinces) * PSA - Partido Socialista Auténtico (Authentic Socialist Party) * RPC - Recrear Para el Crecimiento (Re-Create for Growth) * UNA - Una Nación Avanzada (An Advanced Nation) NATIONAL SUMMARY ===================================================================== Voters: 27,090,236 Total votes cast 19,452,594 71.8 Invalid votes 1,187,544 06.1 Valid votes: 18,265,050 93.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % --------------------------------------------------------------------- Elisa Carrio CCC 4,191,361 22.9 Cristina FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER FplV 8,204,624 44.9 Roberto Lavagna UNA 3,083,577 16.9 Ricardo Lopez Murphy RPC 264,746 01.5 Alberto J Rodriguez Saa FJUL 1,408,736 07.7 Jorge Omar Sobisch MPU 284,161 01.6 Fernando Solanas PSA 292,933 01.6 7 others polling less than 1% 534,912 02.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 18,265,050 ---------------------------------------------------------------------