ARGENTINE NATION PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF APRIL-MAY 2003 ==================================================================== Source: website of the newspaper La Nacion Parties -------------------------------------------------------------------- * ARI - Afirmación para una República de Iguales (Affirmation for a Republic of Equals) * FL - Frente por la Lealtad (Front for Loyalty) * FV - Frente para la Victoria (Front for Victory) * IU - Izquierda Unida (United Left) * MFRC - Movimiento Federal Recrear el Crecimiento (Federal Movement to Recreate Growth) * MID - Movimiento de Integracion and Desarrollo (Movement for Integration and Development) * MNP - Movimiento Nacional y Popular (National and Popular Movement) * MODIN - Movimiento por la Dignidad y la Independencia (Movement for Dignity and Independence) * PDC - Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Christian Democratic Party) * PH - Partido Humanista (Humanist Party) * PO - Partido Obrero (Labour Party) * PPR - Partido Popular de la Reconstrucción (Popular Party for Reconstruction) * PS - Partido Socialista (Socialist Party) * PSA - Partido Socialista Auténtico (Authentic Socialist Party) * TC - Tiempos de Cambio (Time for Change) * UCR - Union Civica Radical (Radical Civic Union) * UD - Unidos o Dominados (Union of the Dominated) FIRST ROUND: 27 APRIL 2003 ==================================================================== NATIONAL SUMMARY ==================================================================== Voters: 25,479,366 Total votes cast 19,594,199 76.9 Invalid votes 353,895 01.8 Valid votes: 19,240,304 98.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jorge Altamira PO 143,013 00.7 Juan Carlos Arcagni TC 66,575 00.3 Aldredo Bravo PS 217,670 01.1 Elisa Carrio ARI 2,720,692 14.1 Manuel Herrera PDC 49,247 00.2 Nestor Kirchner FV 4,232,052 22.0 Ricardo Lopez Murphy MFRC 3,144,528 16.3 Mario Mazitelli PSA 51,371 00.3 Carlos Saul Menem FL 4,686,646 24.4 Leopoldo Moreau UCR 450,489 02.3 Juan Ricardo Mussa UD 40,337 00.2 Gustavo Breide Obeid PPR 48,956 00.2 Adolfo Rodriguez Saa MNP 2,715,799 14.1 Guillermo Sulings PH 106,859 00.5 Ricardo Teran MODIN 33,636 00.2 Enrique Venturino MODIN 146,292 00.8 Patricia Walsh IU 337,285 01.7 Carlos Zaffore MID 48,857 00.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 19,240,304 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A second round between Menem and Kirchner was scheduled for 18 May, but on 15 May Menem, who was trailing badly in opinion polls, withdrew from the race, leaving Kirchner elected unopposed.