PRINCIPALITY OF ANDORRA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 1 March 2015 ================================================================== Elections to the Consell General (General Council) Source: Andorra government website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------ * DA - Demòcrates per Andorra (Democrats for Andorra) * LA - Liberals d'Andorra (Liberals of Andorra) * PS - Partit Socialdemòcrata (Social-Democratic Party) * SDP - Socialdemocràcia i Progrés (Social Democracy and Progress) The General Council consists of 28 members, 14 elected on a national basis by proportional representation, and 14 elected from seven two-member parròquies (parishes). NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ================================================================== Registered voters: 24,512 Votes cast: 16,084 65.6 Invalid votes: 1,373 08.5 valid votes: 14,711 91.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------ Democrats for Andorra (DA) 5,448 37.0 -18.2 15 -5 Liberals of Andorra (LA) 4,073 27.7 8 +8 Social-Democratic Party (PS) 3,462 23.5 -11.3 3 -3 Social Democracy and Progress 1,728 11.7 2 +2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14,711 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------ NATIONAL SUMMARY OF SEATS ================================================================== Party Parish National Total ------------------------------------------------------------------ Democrats for Andorra 10 5 15 Liberals of Andorra 4 4 8 Social-Democratic Party - 3 3 Social Democracy and Progress - 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 14 14 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------