PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 4 MAY 2017 =============================================================================== Elections to the Majlis al-Sha'abi al-Watani (National People's Assembly) Source: Conseil Constitutionnel Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * AC - Alliance de Conquête (Conquest Alliance) (also known as Alliance el- Feth) * ANR - Alliance Nationale Republicaine (National Republican Alliance) * FA - Front de l'Avenir (Future Front) (also known as Le Front el-Moustakbal, FM)) * FFS - Front des Forces Socialistes (Front of Socialist Forces) * FLN - Front pour la Liberation Nationale (Front for National Liberation) * MPA - Mouvement Populaire Algerien (Algerian Popular Movement) * MRI - Mouvement de la Renaissance Islamique (Islamic Renaissance Movement) (also known as an-Nahda, from Harakat an-Nahda al-Islamiyya) * MRN - Mouvement pour la Réforme Nationale (Movement for National Reform) (also known as Harakat al-Islah al-Wataniy) * MSP - Mouvement de la Société pour la Paix (Social Movement for Peace) * PD - Parti de Dignité (Dignity Party) (also known as Parti el-Karama) * PLJ - Parti de la Liberte et de la Justice (Party of Liberty and Justice) * PNA – Parti de la Nouvelle Aube (Party of the New Dawn) (also known as Parti el-Fedjr el-Jadid) * PT - Parti des Travailleurs (Workers’ Party) * RCD - Rassemblement pour la Culture et la Democratie (Rally for Culture and Democracy) * REA - Rassemblement de l'Espoir pour l'Algérie (Rally for Hope for Algeria) (also known as Tajamoua Amel el-Djazair (TAJ)) * RND - Rassemblement National pour la Democratie (National Rally for Democracy) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =============================================================================== Registered voters: 23,251,503 Votes cast: 8,225,223 35.4 Invalid votes: 1,757,043 21.4 Valid votes: 6,468,180 78.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest Alliance (AC) 69,063 01.1 1 National Republican Alliance (ANR) 121,156 01.9 +00.5 6 +03 Future Front (FA/FM) 265,564 04.1 +01.8 14 +12 Front of Socialist Forces (FFS) 152,489 02.4 -00.1 14 -07 Front for National Liberation (FLN) 1,681,321 26.0 +08.6 164 -57 Algerian Popular Movement (MPA) 241,087 03.7 +01.5 13 +07 Islamic Renaissance Movement (MRI) 239,148 03.7 15 Movement for National Reform (MRN) 77,290 01.2 1 Social Movement for Peace (MSP) 393,632 06.1 33 Dignity Party (PD/PK) 81,180 01.3 -00.4 3 +01 Party of Liberty and Justice (PLJ) 88,418 01.4 2 Party of the New Dawn (PNA) 82,993 01.3 1 Workers’ Party (PT) 191,965 03.0 -00.7 11 -06 Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD) 65,841 01.0 9 Rally for Hope for Algeria (REA/TAJ) 270,112 04.2 19 National Rally for Democracy (RND) 964,560 14.9 +08.0 100 +30 Others 1,482,361 22.9 56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6,468,180 462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------