REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 9 APRIL 2009 ========================================================================================== Source: Indonesia Election Commission website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * PAN - Partai Amanat Nasional (National Mandate Party) * PBB - Partai Bulan Bintang (Crescent Star Party) * PBR - Partai Bintang Reformasi (Reform Star Party) * PDI-P - Partai Demokrasi Indonesia - Perjuangan (Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle * PDS - Partai Damai Sejahtera (Prosperous Peace Party) * PGIR - Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia Movement Party) * PGK (Golkar) - Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) (Functional Groups Party) * PHNR - Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (People's Conscience Party) * PKB - Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (National Awakening Party) * PKNU - Partai Kebangkitan Nasional Ulama (Ulema National Awakening Party) * PKPB - Partai Karya Peduli Bangsa (Concern for the Nation Functional Party) * PKS - Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (Prosperous Justice Party) * PPP - Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party) * PPRN - Partai Peduli Rakyat Nasional (National People's Concern Party) VOTES AND SEATS BY ELECTORAL DISTRICT ========================================================================================== * Members are listed in the order of their personal vote totals. * There has been a redistribution of electoral districts in some provinces since the 2004 election. Votes and seats won in each district are compared with those won in 2004 in the district which most closely corresponds to the current districts. ACEH I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,137,755 Invalid votes: 154,841 13.6 Valid votes: 982,914 86.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 12,082 01.2 -00.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 24,924 02.5 -03.2 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 375,185 38.2 +32.8 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 97,390 09.9 -04.1 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 16,914 01.7 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 16,488 01.7 -02.2 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 37,220 03.8 +00.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 65,160 06.6 -07.1 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 15,322 01.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 20,838 02.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 8,508 00.9 +00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 79,981 08.1 -02.7 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 20,304 02.1 -05.1 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 12,523 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 67,330 06.9 -06.8 1 Others 115,745 11.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 982,914 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teuku Riefky Harsa (PD) Ir Azwar Abubakar (PAN) Muhammad Nasir Djamil (PKS) Tgk Mohd Faisal Amin (PPP) Sayed Fuad Zakaria (PGK) Ali Yacob (PD) Ir Nova Iriansyah (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. ACEH II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,128,958 Invalid votes: 272,957 24.2 Valid votes: 856,001 75.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 10,592 01.2 -00.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 19,181 02.2 -02.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 376,290 44.0 +37.0 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 96,241 11.2 -07.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 20,304 02.4 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 25,770 03.0 -01.3 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 9,717 01.1 -03.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 42,793 05.0 -07.8 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 8,875 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 23,397 02.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 994 00.1 00.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 50,297 05.9 -01.2 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 19,902 02.3 -05.3 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 11,404 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 46,250 05.4 -08.6 1 Others 93,994 11.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 856,001 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mirwan Amir (PD) Teuku Irwan (PD) Ir Muhammad Azhari (PD) Raihan Iskandar (PKS) Drs Marzuki Daud (PGK) Drs Teuku Taufiqulhadi (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. BALI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,045,675 Invalid votes: 346,207 16.9 Valid votes: 1,699,468 83.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 24,861 01.5 -02.7 - -1 Crescent Star Party (PBB) 1,605 00.1 -00.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 298,602 17.6 +11.2 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 327,124 19.2 +02.4 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 47,327 02.8 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 681,089 40.1 -12.4 4 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 18,958 01.1 -00.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 7,216 00.4 -00.7 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,552 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 35,074 02.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 7,232 00.4 -00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 28,472 01.7 +00.7 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 1,358 00.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,632 00.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 14,568 00.9 00.0 - Others 188,798 11.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,699,468 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Ir Wayan Koster (PDI-P) I Gusti Agung Rai Wirajaya (PDI-P) Drs I Made Urip (PDI-P) I Gusti Ketut Adhiputra (PGK) Gde Sumarjaya Linggih (PGK) Drs I Wayan Sugiana (PD) Ir Jero Wacik (PD) Agung Jelantik Sanjaya (PGIR) Nyoman Dhamantra (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. BANGKA BELITUNG ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 545,812 Invalid votes: 86,585 15.9 Valid votes: 459,227 84.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 5,267 01.1 +00.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 46,435 10.1 -11.3 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 47,373 10.3 +05.1 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 93,836 20.4 +02.1 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 18,958 04.1 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 96,873 21.1 +01.9 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 5,862 01.3 -02.2 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 22,322 04.9 00.0 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 4,551 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 15,615 03.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,331 00.3 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 33,677 07.3 +01.7 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,857 01.1 -01.5 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,806 00.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 23,181 05.0 -02.5 - Others 36,283 07.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 459,227 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Rudianto Tjen (PDI-P) Paiman (PD) Ir Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. BANTEN I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,238,394 Invalid votes: 142,254 11.5 Valid votes: 1,096,140 88.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 27,293 02.5 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 22,322 02.0 -00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 219,696 20.0 +08.0 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 116,088 10.6 -07.2 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 36,849 03.4 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 120,399 11.0 -02.7 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 40,616 03.7 -00.5 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 22,080 02.0 -04.4 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,733 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 41,938 03.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,057 01.0 -02.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 69,677 06.4 -09.0 - -2 Reform Star Party (PBR) 26,111 02.4 -01.7 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 7,150 00.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 207,334 18.9 +10.9 2 +1 Others 122,797 11.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,096,140 6 -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Irna Narulita (PPP) Tb Dedi Gumelar (PDI-P) Hj Iti Octavia Jayabaya (PD) Mamat Rahayu Abdullah (PGK) Dra Hj Ratu Siti Romlah (PD) Achmad Dimyati (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the southern two-thirds of the previous Banten II. BANTEN II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,124,902 Invalid votes: 243,363 21.6 Valid votes: 881,539 78.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 18,306 02.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 25,436 02.9 - Democrat Party (PD) 137,740 15.6 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 226,599 25.7 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 39,573 04.5 1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 65,920 07.5 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 19,075 02.2 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 41,534 04.7 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 8,131 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 34,093 03.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,545 00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 107,578 12.2 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 16,927 01.9 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,465 00.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 47,681 05.4 - Others 83,936 09.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 881,539 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Hikmat Tomet (PGK) Adiyaman Amir Saputra (PD) Tubagus Iman Ariyadi (PGK) Murdaya Widyawimarta Poo (PDI-P) Dr ZulkieflimansyahB (PKS) Idin Rosyidin (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a new district taking in the northern third of the previous Banten II. BANTEN III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,352,812 Invalid votes: 339,533 14.4 Valid votes: 2,013,279 85.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 27,158 01.3 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 34,493 01.7 -02.8 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 546,454 27.1 +22.1 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 231,917 11.5 -14.2 1 -2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 112,267 05.6 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 215,641 10.7 -03.6 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 43,591 02.2 -02.3 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 66,925 03.2 -01.1 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 20,730 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 91,678 04.6 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 39,145 01.9 +01.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 265,020 13.2 +05.4 2 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 30,657 01.5 -02.7 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 19,241 01.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 91,050 04.5 -08.5 1 Others 177,314 08.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,013,279 10 -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jazuli Juwaini (PKS) Dra Hj Yoyoh Yusroh (PKS) Hartanto Edhie Wibowo (PD) Budi Heryadi (PGIR) Ahmed Zaki Iskandar Zulkarnain (PGK) Irgan Chairul Mahfiz (PPP) Hj Himmatul Alyah Setiawaty (PD) Drs Malawati (PDI-P) Ferrari Romawi (PD) Iqbal Alan Abdullah (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Banten I. BENGKULU ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 907,816 Invalid votes: 149,120 16.4 Valid votes: 758,696 83.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 16,994 02.2 -02.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 15,768 02.1 -01.9 - Democrat Party (PD) 151,401 20.0 +14.8 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 91,870 12.1 -11.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 32,463 04.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 35,577 04.7 -03.7 - -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 23,106 03.0 -00.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 74,407 09.8 +00.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 19,879 02.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 37,997 05.0 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 5,544 00.7 -00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 65,187 08.6 +00.4 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 9,727 01.3 -01.9 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 4,588 00.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 29,918 03.9 -04.4 - -1 Others 144,260 19.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 758,696 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Mohammad Syahfan B Sampurno (PKS) Ir Rully Chairul Azwar (PGK) Patrice Rio Capella (PAN) Dr Dian Syakhroza (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. GORONTALO ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 572,519 Invalid votes: 40,464 07.1 Valid votes: 532,055 92.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 5,175 01.0 00.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 14,517 02.7 -02.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 68,196 12.8 +11.9 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 159,623 30.0 -23.1 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 11,392 02.1 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 16,553 03.1 -03.0 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 6,271 01.2 -02.2 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 36,746 06.9 +02.5 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 7,135 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 63,361 11.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,291 00.2 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 28,598 05.4 +02.0 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 5,440 01.0 -02.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,141 01.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 77,186 14.5 +01.5 1 Others 25,430 04.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 532,055 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Roem Kono (PGK) Kasma Bouty (PD) Dr Aw Thalib (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAKARTA I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: - (unknown) Invalid votes: - (no figure given) Valid votes: 1,124,602 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 4,593 00.4 -01.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,546 00.9 -00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 407,344 36.2 +15.8 3 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 73,181 06.5 -03.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 57,845 04.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 105,439 09.4 -04.3 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 16,765 01.5 -01.9 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 50,870 04.5 -02.5 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 4,315 00.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 23,376 02.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 37,425 03.3 -02.0 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 214,541 19.1 -02.4 1 -2 Reform Star Party (PBR) 8,788 00.8 -01.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,386 00.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 51,751 04.6 -03.5 - -1 Others 51,437 04.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,124,602 6 -6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tri Yulianto (PD) Agung Laksono (PGK) Hayono Isman (PD) Dr Ratnawati Wijana (PD) Ahmad Zainuddin (PKS) Adang Ruchiatna Puradiredja (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the southern three-quarters of the previous Jakarta I. JAKARTA II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,335,008 Invalid votes: 99,567 07.5 Valid votes: 1,235,441 92.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 6,091 00.5 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 13,688 01.1 -00.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 420,028 34.0 +14.3 3 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 71,388 05.8 -02.8 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 77,507 06.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 126,020 10.2 -04.4 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 14,879 01.2 -01.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 50,277 04.1 -02.9 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 5,864 00.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 28,730 02.3 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 33,544 02.7 -02.7 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 236,239 19.1 -04.2 1 -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 10,472 00.8 -03.0 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 9,635 00.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 76,262 06.2 -02.1 1 Others 54,817 04.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,235,441 7 -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hj Melani Leimena Suharli (PD) Nurcahyo Anggorojati (PD) Dr Nova Riyanti Yusuf (PD) Ir Fayakhun Andriadi (PGK) Dr Mohamad Sohibul Iman (PKS) Dra Hj Okky Asokawati (PPP) Ir Eriko Sotarduga (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the southern half of the previous Jakarta II plus part of the northern area of Jakarta I. JAKARTA III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,538,825 Invalid votes: 110,799 07.2 Valid votes: 1,428,026 92.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 6,039 00.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,628 00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 499,526 35.0 3 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 90,691 06.4 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 80,971 05.7 1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 192,415 13.5 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 23,916 01.7 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 41,337 02.9 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 6,188 00.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 35,174 02.5 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 61,186 04.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 245,926 17.2 2 Reform Star Party (PBR) 16,124 01.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,952 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 46,362 03.2 - Others 64,591 04.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,428,026 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Adang Daradjatun (PKS) Hj Vera Febyanthy (PD) Marzuki Alie (PD) Achmad Rilyadi (PKS) Drs Effendi Simbolon (PDI-P) Drs Ade Surapriatna (PGK) Drs Eddy Sadeli (PD) Drs Harun Al Rasyid (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a new district taking in most of the nothern part of the previous Jakarta I and the northern half of the former Jakarta II. JAMBI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,556,080 Invalid votes: 263,430 16.9 Valid votes: 1,292,650 83.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 31,720 02.5 -02.8 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 32,110 02.5 -00.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 219,446 17.0 +11.2 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 169,254 13.1 -11.6 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 51,173 04.0 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 116,184 09.0 -02.2 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 36,354 02.8 -02.2 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 242,576 18.8 +01.2 2 +1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 19,132 01.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 87,019 06.7 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 7,729 00.6 +00.7 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 65,651 05.1 -00.3 - -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 26,366 02.0 -01.5 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,689 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 46,661 03.6 -02.2 - -1 Others 135,586 10.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,292,650 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ratu Munawarah Zulkifli (PAN) Selina Gita (PGK) Dr Indrawati Sukadis (PD) Drs As'ad Syam (PD) Irsal Yunus (PDI-P) Bakri Hm (PAN) Drs Murady Darmansjah (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA BARAT I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,465,457 Invalid votes: 106,171 07.2 Valid votes: 1,359,286 92.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 7,343 00.5 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 26,030 01.9 -01.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 527,624 38.8 +23.1 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 131,368 09.7 -07.3 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 54,349 04.0 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 132,204 09.7 -04.8 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 18,182 01.3 -01.2 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 47,064 03.5 -05.9 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 7,177 00.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 23,260 01.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 32,841 02.4 -01.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 230,906 17.0 -03.4 2 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 3,887 00.3 -01.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,885 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 52,703 03.9 -01.4 - -1 Others 58,462 04.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,359,286 7 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agung Budi Santoso (PD) Hj Ledia Hanifa Amaliah (PKS) Daday Hudaya (PD) Dra Popong Otje Djundjunan (PGK) Drs Suharna Surapranata (PKS) Drs Setia Permana (PDI-P) Yetti Heryati (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA BARAT II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,374,747 Invalid votes: 264,183 11.1 Valid votes: 2,110,564 88.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 28,002 01.3 +00.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 61,183 02.9 -00.4 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 605,702 28.7 +13.0 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 309,886 14.7 -02.3 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 94,970 04.5 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 335,005 15.9 +01.4 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 60,400 02.9 +00.4 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 84,562 04.0 -05.5 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 13,083 00.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 60,112 02.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 12,762 00.6 -02.8 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 222,361 10.5 -09.9 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 5,465 00.3 -01.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 11,387 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 85,216 04.0 -01.3 1 Others 120,468 05.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,110,564 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hj Dr Adjeng Ratna Suminar (PD) Dr Ir Lili Asdjudiredja (PGK) Rieke Diah Pitaloka (PDI-P) Ma'mur Hasanuddin (PKS) Taufiq Kiemas (PDI-P) Nu'man Abdul Hakim (PPP) Drs Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita (PGK) Rachel Mariam Sayidina (PGIR) Ir Roestanto Wahidi (PD) Theresia Pardede (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA BARAT III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,475,680 Invalid votes: 190,527 12.9 Valid votes: 1,285,153 87.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 26,363 02.1 -00.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 51,086 04.0 +01.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 364,250 28.3 +22.9 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 164,098 12.8 -23.0 1 -3 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 55,467 04.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 167,780 13.1 -02.5 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 26,761 02.1 -00.8 1 +1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 27,744 02.2 -01.0 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 13,990 01.1 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 47,150 03.7 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 9,125 00.7 +00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 135,404 10.5 +03.0 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,339 00.3 -01.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,497 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 85,646 06.7 -09.8 1 -1 Others 100,453 07.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,285,153 9 -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Syarifuddin Hasan (PD) Dr Deding Ishak (PGK) Sri Hidayati (PD) Prof Dr Adinajani Mohdi (PD) Dr Ir Arif Budimanta (PDI-P) Erik Satrya Wardhana (PHNR) Suryadharma Ali (PPP) Drs Otong Abdurrahman (PKB) Ecky Awal Mucharam (PKS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the eastern half of the former Jawa Barat III, plus the city of Bogor from the previous Jawa Barat IV. It is compared with Jawa Barat III. JAWA BARAT IV ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,299,949 Invalid votes: 161,838 12.4 Valid votes: 1,138,111 87.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 41,535 03.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 14,094 01.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 311,424 27.4 2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 165,552 14.5 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 62,938 05.5 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 136,730 12.0 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 17,999 01.6 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 58,550 05.1 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 9,281 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 41,535 03.6 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,904 00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 109,489 09.6 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 7,140 00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 4,426 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 84,528 07.4 1 Others 70,986 06.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,138,111 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pasha Ismaya Sukardi (PD) Ingrid Maria Palupi Kansil (PD) Hj Dewi Asmara (PGK) Dr Ribka Tjiptaning (PDI-P) Ir Yudi Widiana Adia (PKS) Reni Marlinawati (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a new district taking in the western half of the former Jawa Banten III plus some southern areas of the former Jawa Barat IV. JAWA BARAT V ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,113,904 Invalid votes: 256,876 12.2 Valid votes: 1,857,028 97.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 33,207 01.8 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 29,495 01.6 -00.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 553,302 29.8 +19.1 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 254,193 13.7 -14.2 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 131,507 07.1 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 227,866 12.3 -02.0 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 17,718 01.0 -00.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 67,976 03.7 -00.5 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 11,732 00.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 48,210 02.6 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 12,506 00.7 -00.7 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 193,649 10.4 -04.5 1 -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 10,085 00.5 -01.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,322 00.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 147,824 08.0 -04.3 1 -1 Others 109,436 05.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,857,028 9 -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Max Sopacua (PD) Drs Helmi Fauzy (PDI-P) Achmad Farial (PPP) Hm Syaiful Anwar (PD) Drs Muchamad Ruslan (PGK) Tb Soenmandjaja (PKS) Anton Sukartono Suratto (PD) Widjono Harjanto (PGIR) Ir Airlangga Hartarto (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat IV, minus the city of Bogor and some southern areas. JAWA BARAT VI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,712,111 Invalid votes: 170,619 10.0 Valid votes: 1,541,492 90.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 9,427 00.6 -02.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 20,004 01.3 -00.8 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 478,826 31.1 +17.4 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 131,563 08.5 -10.6 1 -2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 92,841 06.0 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 162,902 10.6 -02.1 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 25,773 01.7 -01.4 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 80,391 05.2 -02.6 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 5,765 00.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 39,818 02.6 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 38,764 02.5 -00.9 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 302,977 19.7 -01.2 1 -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 9,213 00.6 -01.7 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,254 00.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 69,539 04.5 - -1 Others 68,735 04.5 -02.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,541,492 6 -6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mahfudz Abdurrahman (PKS) Harry Witjaksono (PD) Sukur Nababan (PDI-P) Drs Zulkarnaen Djabar (PGK) Drs Parlindungan Hutabarat (PD) Ir Nuroji (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the eastern half of the former Jawa Barat V. JAWA BARAT VII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,551,802 Invalid votes: 400,302 15.7 Valid votes: 2,151,500 84.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 39,767 01.8 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 61,541 03.0 -00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 467,708 21.7 +15.5 3 +3 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 362,247 16.8 -18.0 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 127,469 05.9 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 297,215 13.8 -04.7 2 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 66,293 03.1 -02.6 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 82,725 03.8 -00.1 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,222 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 80,959 03.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 18,036 00.8 -06.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 246,722 11.5 +04.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 21,101 01.0 -00.5 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 9,981 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 113,641 05.3 -01.8 1 Others 139,873 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,151,500 10 +4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nurul Arifin (PGK) Drs Arifinto (PKS) Ir Hari Kartana (PD) Rahadi Zakaria (PDI-P) Saan Mustofa (PD) Ir Daniel Lumban Tobing (PDI-P) Dra Hj Wardatul Asriah (PPP) Putih Sari (PGIR) Drs Ade Komarudin (PGK) Dhiana Anwar (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat VI plus the western half of the former Jawa Barat V. It is compared to Jawa Barat VI. JAWA BARAT VIII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,057,115 Invalid votes: 292,689 14.2 Valid votes: 1,764,426 85.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 31,543 01.8 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 33,467 01.9 -00.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 263,111 14.9 +07.1 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 408,802 23.2 -10.6 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 74,415 04.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 358,942 20.3 +16.9 2 +2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 107,128 06.1 -12.5 1 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 42,877 02.4 -02.5 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 22,075 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 93,697 05.3 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 6,054 00.3 -00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 134,525 07.6 -00.4 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 2,319 00.1 -01.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 31,614 01.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 48,590 02.8 -03.1 - -1 Others 105,267 06.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,764,426 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Enggartiasto Lukita (PGK) Drs Mahfudz Siddiq (PKS) Nurul Qomar (PD) Hj Tetty Kadi Bawono (PGK) Sidarto Danusubroto (PDI-P) Miryam Haryani (PHNR) Yoseph Umar Hadi (PDI-P) Ir Herman Khaeron (PD) Dedi Wahidi (PKB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat VII. JAWA BARAT IX ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,144,095 Invalid votes: 290,592 13.6 Valid votes: 1,853,503 86.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 54,088 02.9 +00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 28,626 01.5 -01.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 283,817 15.3 +10.3 2 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 237,886 12.8 -16.4 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 79,196 04.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 408,657 22.0 -02.1 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 69,690 03.8 -01.4 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 191,144 10.3 +04.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 19,210 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 71,249 03.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,375 00.2 00.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 138,582 07.5 +00.4 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 12,747 00.7 -01.2 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 12,176 00.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 114,627 06.2 -01.1 1 Others 128,433 00.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,853,503 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maruarar Sirait (PDI-P) Tb Hasanuddin (PDI-P) Drs Endang Sukandar (PPP) Drs Eldie Suwandie (PGK) Primus Yustisio (PAN) Nurhasan Zaidi (PKS) Yusyus Kuswandana (PD) Linda Megawati (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat VIII. JAWA BARAT X ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,553,547 Invalid votes: 160,998 10.4 Valid votes: 1,392,549 89.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 22,958 01.6 +00.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 28,358 02.0 -01.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 282,826 20.3 +15.6 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 226,994 16.3 -12.5 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 52,069 03.7 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 299,829 21.5 -02.9 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 43,225 03.1 -01.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 73,224 05.3 +00.3 1 +1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,575 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 54,281 03.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,982 00.1 00.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 131,101 09.4 -00.6 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 3,913 00.3 -01.0 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 3,151 00.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 70,525 05.1 -06.7 - -1 Others 83,538 06.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,392,549 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puti Guntur Soekarno (PDI-P) Kh Dr Surahman Hidayat (PKS) Drs Agun Gunanjar Sudarsa (PGK) Drs Nurdin (PDI-P) Didi Irawadi Syamsudin (PD) Ir Chandra Tirta Wijaya (PAN) Amin Santono (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat IX. JAWA BARAT XI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,456,098 Invalid votes: 258,106 10.5 Valid votes: 2,197,992 89.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 39,449 01.8 +00.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 52,881 02.4 -01.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 480,685 21.9 +17.7 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 283,433 12.9 -14.5 1 -2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 68,592 03.1 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 223,175 10.2 -00.6 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 144,986 06.6 -01.3 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 159,249 07.2 +00.5 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 25,998 01.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 64,454 02.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,498 00.2 00.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 180,039 08.2 -00.2 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 17,254 00.8 -02.0 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 8,711 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 311,541 14.2 -08.1 2 Others 133,047 06.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,197,992 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kh Asep Ahmad Maoshul Affandy (PPP) Kemal Azis Stamboel (PKS) Syarif Bastaman (PDI-P) Prof Drs Cecep Syarifudin (PKB) Yahya Sacawiria (PD) Drs Ahmad Kurdi Moekri (PPP) Nurul Imam Mustofa (PD) Siti Mufattahah (PD) Ferdiansyah (PGK) Ir Eri Purnomohadi (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Barat X. JAWA TENGAH I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,957,199 Invalid votes: 355,686 18.2 Valid votes: 1,601,513 81.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 21,307 01.3 +01.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 9,030 00.6 -00.6 - Democrat Party (PD) 373,092 23.3 +11.3 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 173,415 10.8 -04.1 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 101,700 06.4 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 260,566 16.3 -09.2 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 112,669 07.0 -06.0 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 89,918 05.6 -01.4 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 11,875 00.7 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 60,407 03.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 28,812 01.8 -01.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 141,323 08.8 +02.4 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,754 00.3 -00.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 20,707 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 92,315 05.8 -02.3 1 Others 99,623 06.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,601,513 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agus Hermanto (PD) Zuber Safawi (PKS) Alamuddin Dimyati Rois (PKB) Jamal Mirdad (PGIR) Tjahjo Kumolo (PDI-P) Drs Machmud Yunus (PPP) Dr Ir Siswono Yudo Husodo (PGK) Muhammad Baghowi (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,601,222 Invalid votes: 352,619 22.0 Valid votes: 1,248,603 78.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 30,506 02.4 +00.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 8,563 00.7 -00.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 145,527 11.7 +04.4 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 258,412 20.7 +11.0 2 +1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 94,716 07.6 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 143,589 11.5 -09.1 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 85,823 06.9 -12.4 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 89,229 07.1 +02.4 1 +1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 9,865 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 60,261 04.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 9,036 00.7 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 65,376 05.2 +00.7 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 5,070 00.4 -01.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 26,596 02.1 - United Development Party (PPP) 134,400 10.8 -09.5 1 -1 Others 81,634 06.5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,248,603 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nusron Wahid (PGK) Drs Hisyam Alie (PPP) Nasrullah (PAN) M Busro (PGK) Abdul Wachid (PGIR) Hj Noor Hani’ah (PDI-P) Subyakto (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,376,143 Invalid votes: 594,747 25.0 Valid votes: 1,781,396 75.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 36,764 02.1 +01.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 36,342 02.0 00.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 298,282 16.7 +10.6 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 231,484 13.0 -03.3 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 86,093 04.8 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 380,083 21.3 -09.9 2 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 164,450 09.2 -06.7 1 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 42,539 02.3 -00.7 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,330 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 59,637 03.3 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 5,819 00.3 -00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 85,038 04.8 +02.1 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 9,652 00.5 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 28,318 01.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 108,952 06.1 -02.4 1 Others 191,613 10.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,781,396 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Imam Suroso (PDI-P) Firman Soebagyo (PGK) Marwan Jafar (PKB) Ignatius Mulyono (PD) Ir Djoko Udjianto (PD) Dr Sumarjati Arjoso (PGIR) Evita Nursanty (PDI-P) Gamari (PKS) Muhamad Arwani Thomafi (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH IV ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,957,199 Invalid votes: 355,686 18.2 Valid votes: 1,601,503 81.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 21,307 01.3 -01.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 9,030 00.6 00.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 373,092 23.3 +16.8 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 173,415 10.8 -09.7 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 101,700 06.4 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 260,566 16.3 -25.5 2 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 112,669 07.0 +04.4 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 89,918 05.6 -00.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 11,875 00.7 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 60,407 03.8 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 28,812 01.8 +00.9 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 141,323 08.8 +02.3 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,754 00.3 -00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 20,707 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 92,315 05.8 +03.4 - Others 99,623 06.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,601,513 7 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bambang Wuryanto (PDI-P) Drs Martri Agoeng (PKS) Rinto Subekti (PD) Abdul Rozaq Rais (PAN) Mangara Siahaan (PDI-P) Susaningtyas Nefo Handayani Kertapati Drs Hajriyanto Thohari (PGK) (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH V ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,049,889 Invalid votes: 360,177 17.6 Valid votes: 1,689,712 82.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 24,380 01.4 +00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 238,283 14.1 +07.6 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 215,619 12.8 -03.2 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 68,174 04.0 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 496,176 29.4 -04.8 3 National Awakening Party (PKB) 60,907 03.6 -01.7 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 117,126 06.9 -08.3 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 12,707 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 53,654 03.2 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 18,582 01.1 -01.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 197,555 11.7 +05.6 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 8,661 00.5 -00.7 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 20,856 01.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 57,553 03.4 -01.6 - Others 99,479 05.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,689,712 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puan Maharani (PDI-P) Drs Mohammad Toha (PKB) Dr Hidayat Nur Wahid (PKS) Dr Marwoto Mitrohardjono (PAN) Dra Gray Koes Moertiyah (PD) Nusyirwan Soejono (PDI-P) Ir Eko Sarjono Putro (PGK) Aria Bima (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH VI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,146,403 Invalid votes: 351,933 16.4 Valid votes: 1,794,470 83.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 20,142 01.1 -00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 19,777 01.1 -00.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 320,275 17.8 +11.0 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 175,811 09.8 -05.3 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 90,844 05.1 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 310,945 17.3 -05.9 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 204,959 11.4 -08.9 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 141,141 07.9 -00.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 21,352 01.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 51,650 02.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 7,932 00.4 -00.6 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 113,389 06.3 +02.0 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,858 00.3 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 63,698 03.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 157,002 08.7 -03.3 1 Others 90,695 05.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,794,470 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Angelina Sondakh (PD) Lukman Hakim Saifudin (PPP) Abdul Kadir Karding (PKB) Ina Ammania (PDI-P) Ir Tjatur Sapto Edy (PAN) Ir Bambang Sutrisno (PGK) Ir Sudjadi (PDI-P) Ir Rosyid Hidayat (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH VII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,656,717 Invalid votes: 292,377 17.6 Valid votes: 1,364,340 82.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 20,191 01.5 +00.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,645 00.8 -00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 213,444 15.6 +10.5 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 172,747 12.7 -05.8 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 58,829 04.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 304,822 22.3 -09.7 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 83,026 06.1 -06.7 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 134,273 09.8 +00.7 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,276 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 28,966 02.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,188 00.2 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 85,904 06.3 +02.2 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 6,557 00.5 -00.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 37,396 02.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 93,969 06.9 -01.3 1 Others 96,107 07.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,364,340 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Taufik Kurniawan (PAN) M Romahurmuziy (PPP) Ganjar Pranowo (PDI-P) Drs Utut Adianto (PDI-P) Sudewa (PD) Ir Sugihono Karyosuwondo (PKS) Bambang Soesatyo (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH VIII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,835,060 Invalid votes: 220,226 12.0 Valid votes: 1,614,834 88.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 26,490 01.6 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,612 00.7 -00.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 293,221 18.2 +11.8 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 191,284 11.8 -08.5 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 85,788 05.3 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 419,362 26.0 -09.0 2 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 77,540 04.8 -07.8 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 147,859 09.2 -01.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 29,012 01.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 68,394 04.2 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,913 00.2 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 89,762 05.6 +01.9 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 2,743 00.2 -00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 22,663 01.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 62,572 03.9 -01.8 - Others 84,619 05.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,614,834 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Budiman Sudjatmiko (PDI-P) Dito Ganinduto (PGK) Fardan Fauzan (PD) Khatibul Umam Wiranu (PD) Adisatrya Suryo Sulisto (PDI-P) Tossy Aryanto (PKS) Ahmad Mumtaz Rais (PAN) Suwardjono (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH IX ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,715,582 Invalid votes: 313,299 18.3 Valid votes: 1,402,283 81.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 22,990 01.6 +00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 8,254 00.6 -00.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 193,631 13.8 +08.9 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 139,513 09.9 -03.9 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 57,758 04.1 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 333,789 23.8 -03.3 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 201,408 14.4 -09.7 1 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 87,157 06.2 -01.4 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 21,013 01.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 47,638 03.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,239 00.2 -00.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 96,162 06.9 +01.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 6,261 00.4 -00.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 20,247 01.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 77,127 05.5 -01.7 1 Others 86,096 06.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,402,283 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bachrudin Nasori (PKB) Ir Teguh Juwarno (PAN) Dr Muhammad Prakosa (PDI-P) Ir Idris Sugeng (PP) Dewi Aryani Hilman (PDI-P) Drs Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi (PPP) Ir Suswono (PKS) Nasrudin (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TENGAH X ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,669,140 Invalid votes: 426,257 25.5 Valid votes: 1,272,883 74.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - -01.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 7,255 00.6 -00.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 131,741 10.3 +05.7 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 168,201 13.2 -00.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 54,458 04.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 270,666 21.3 -05.9 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 160,863 12.6 -08.0 1 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 110,090 08.6 +01.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 13,620 01.1 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 49,744 03.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,954 00.2 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 73,153 05.7 +02.3 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 2,291 00.2 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 26,733 02.1 - United Development Party (PPP) 121,779 09.6 -04.6 1 Others 79,335 00.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,272,883 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Sumaryoto (PDI-P) Drs Abdul Hakam Naja (PAN) Muhammed Hanif Dhakiri (PKB) Prof Dr Hendrawan Supratikno (PDI-P) Drs Akhmad Muqowam (PPP) Ir Sutarip Tulis Widodo (PD) Budi Supriyanto (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,964,848 Invalid votes: 274,900 14.0 Valid votes: 1,689,948 86.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 8,607 00.5 -01.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 8,168 00.5 -00.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 518,275 30.7 +17.4 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 124,779 07.4 +01.2 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 81,171 04.8 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 277,625 16.4 -08.1 2 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 166,921 09.9 -18.0 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 102,628 06.1 -01.3 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 8,288 00.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 40,523 02.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 55,566 03.3 -01.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 113,042 06.7 +01.2 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 12,998 00.8 00.0 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 33,252 02.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 38,220 02.3 00.0 - Others 99,885 05.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,689,948 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M Guruh Irianto Sukarno Putra (PDI-P) Dra Lucy Kurniasari (PD) Gondo Radityo Gambiro (PD) Suhartono Wijaya(PD) Drs Muhaimin Iskandar (PKB) Ir Sunartoyo (PAN) Drs Priyo Budi Santoso (PGK) Sigit Sosiantomo (PKS) Indah Kurnia (PDI-P) Rindoko (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,583,386 Invalid votes: 352,567 22.3 Valid votes: 1,230,819 77.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 19,869 01.6 -01.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,437 00.8 -00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 189,439 15.4 +09.4 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 116,682 09.5 -02.8 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 61,431 05.0 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 188,396 15.3 +04.7 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 204,470 16.6 -26.8 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 29,416 02.4 +00.2 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 2,410 00.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 49,083 04.0 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,388 00.3 -00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 72,194 05.9 +03.9 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 3,662 00.3 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 80,453 06.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 128,532 10.4 +01.9 1 Others 70,957 05.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,230,819 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Samiadji Massaid (PD) Mukhamad Misbakhun (PKS) Mustofa Assegaf (PPP) Dra Hj Harbiah Salahuddin (PGK) Hj Rukmini Buchori (PDI-P) Kh Yunus Roichan (PD) Hj Lili Chodidjah Wahid (PKB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,601,539 Invalid votes: 282,343 17.6 Valid votes: 1,319,196 82.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - -01.8 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 11,030 00.8 -07.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 213,063 16.2 +11.4 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 126,876 09.6 -02.9 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 64,290 04.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 202,055 15.3 -01.4 2 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 153,493 11.6 -28.2 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 35,709 02.7 -00.1 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 15,934 01.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 42,423 03.2 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,068 00.2 -00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 45,302 03.4 +02.0 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 5,054 00.4 -00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 197,972 15.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 126,876 09.6 -02.1 1 Others 79,051 06.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,319,196 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Azam Azman Natawijaya (PD) Nursuhud (PDI-P) Hardisoesilo (PGK) Sholeh Soe'aidy (PD) Drs Zaini Rahman (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR IV ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,623,575 Invalid votes: 241,867 14.9 Valid votes: 1,381,708 85.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 27,263 02.0 -00.5 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 22,996 01.7 +00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 265,943 19.2 +13.0 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 98,220 07.1 -06.2 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 76,179 05.5 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 218,551 15.8 -03.9 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 248,110 18.0 -16.5 2 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 43,332 03.1 -01.0 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,620 01.1 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 42,173 03.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 4,597 00.3 -00.3 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 68,560 05.0 +02.7 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 6,183 00.4 -00.7 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 79,319 05.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 56,938 04.1 -04.3 - -1 Others 108,724 07.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,381,708 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Muhammad Nazaruddin (PD) Drs Taufiq Hidayat (PGK) Hj Masitah (PKB) Ir Dadoes Soemarwanto (PDI-P) Ir Nur Yasin (PKB) Dr Subagyo Partodiharjo (PD) Arif Wibowo (PDI-P) Dhohir Farisi (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR V ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,674,791 Invalid votes: 227,616 13.6 Valid votes: 1,447,175 86.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - -01.9 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 12,207 00.8 -00.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 349,346 24.1 +13.5 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 147,844 10.2 -05.8 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 66,036 04.6 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 302,410 20.9 -06.7 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 150,148 10.4 -12.3 1 -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 43,036 03.0 -01.0 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 11,357 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 58,858 04.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 24,827 01.7 -00.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 93,018 06.4 +02.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,287 00.3 -00.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 27,953 01.9 - United Development Party (PPP) 53,668 03.7 00.0 - Others 102,150 07.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,447,175 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dra Sri Rahayu (PDI-P) Hj Endang Agustini Syarwan (PGK) Nurhayati Aliaseggaf (PD) Dr Pieter Zulkifli Simabuea (PD) Prof Dr Topane Gayus Lumbuun (PDI-P) Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq (PKS) Dr Ali Maschan Moesa (PKB) Sapto Murtiono (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR VI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,244,809 Invalid votes: 411,627 18.3 Valid votes: 1,833,182 81.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 22,052 01.2 -00.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 15,323 00.8 -00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 417,529 22.8 +22.1 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 175,020 09.5 -03.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 76,465 04.2 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 469,160 25.6 -07.8 3 National Awakening Party (PKB) 176,234 09.6 -17.5 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 105,872 05.8 +02.7 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 15,433 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 62,508 03.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 11,243 00.6 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 67,648 03.7 +01.4 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 5,692 00.3 -00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 58,913 03.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 45,934 02.5 -00.3 - Others 108,156 05.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,833,182 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anas Urbaningrum (PD) Zainudin Amali (PGK) Pramono Anung Wibowo (PDI-P) Venna Melinda(PD) Ir Theodorus Jakob Koekerits (PDI-P) Noura Dian Hartarony (PGIR) Riski Sadig (PAN) Ach Fadil Muzakki Syah (PKB) Dra Eva Kusuma Sundari (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR VII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,168,810 Invalid votes: 464,375 21.4 Valid votes: 1,704,435 78.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - -01.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,210 00.6 -00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 590,005 34.6 +23.9 3 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 197,120 11.6 -07.3 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 42,134 02.5 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 259,808 15.2 -10.8 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 110,830 06.5 -09.6 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 85,957 05.0 -01.0 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,076 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 56,038 03.3 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,638 00.2 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 91,933 05.4 +02.1 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 12,823 00.8 -00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 31,338 01.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 44,563 02.6 -01.0 - Others 154,962 09.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,704,435 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (PD) Drs Ibnu Multazam (PKB) Ir Heri Akhmadi (PDI-P) Rusminiati (PD) Mustokoweni Murdi (PGK) Rofi' Munawar (PKS) Drs Ramadhan Pohan (PD) Dra Mardiana Indraswati (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR VIII ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,460,973 Invalid votes: 597,276 24.3 Valid votes: 1,863,697 75.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - -01.8 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 24,842 01.3 -00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 383,140 20.6 +11.6 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 199,520 10.7 -03.2 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 90,771 04.9 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 383,509 20.6 -05.7 2 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 187,837 10.1 -14.5 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 131,814 07.1 +03.5 1 +1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 17,499 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 74,316 04.0 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 9,779 00.5 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 95,083 05.1 +01.4 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 7,270 00.4 -00.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 48,950 02.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 63,223 03.4 +01.9 - -1 Others 146,144 07.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,863,697 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hj Sadarestuwati (PDI-P) Drs Guntur Sasono (PD) Sutjipto (PD) Hayani Isman (PGK) Eko Hendro Purnomo (PAN) Lukman Hakim (PGIR) Ir Mindo Sianipar (PDI-P) Ir Memed Sosiawan (PKS) Dra Hj Ida Fauziyah (PKB) Dra Hj Soemintarsih Muntoro (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. JAWA TIMUR IX ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,346,174 Invalid votes: 306,992 22.8 Valid votes: 1,039,182 77.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 16,528 01.6 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 14,346 01.4 +00.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 163,761 15.8 +11.0 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 183,514 17.7 +00.8 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 57,042 05.5 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 102,499 09.9 -06.2 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 131,929 12.7 -21.7 1 -3 National Mandate Party (PAN) 88,579 08.5 -00.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 15,925 01.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 31,429 03.0 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,552 00.2 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 48,725 04.7 +02.3 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 13,992 01.3 00.0 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 49,738 04.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 33,956 03.3 -01.0 - -1 Others 84,669 08.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,039,182 6 -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hj Anna Mu'awanah (PKB) Drs Soewarno (PDI-P) Yudha (PGK) Muhammad Najib (PAN) Ida Ria (PD) Dr Muhammad As Hikam (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the western half of the former Jawa Timur IX, with which it is compared. JAWA TIMUR X ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,328,177 Invalid votes: 287,839 21.7 Valid votes: 1,040,338 78.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) - - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 7,475 00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 171,519 16.5 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 130,397 12.5 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 61,784 05.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 126,571 12.2 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 163,106 15.7 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 110,268 10.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 13,522 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 29,112 02.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,985 00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 40,950 03.9 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 3,737 00.3 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 72,399 07.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 37,446 03.6 1 Others 70,066 06.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,040,338 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viva Yoga Mauladi (PAN) Drs Mahrus Munir (PD) Dr Effendy Choirie (PKB) Zainun Ahmadi (PDI-P) Eddy Kuntadi (PGK) Iskandar Syaichu (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the eastern half of the former Jawa Barat IX, and is treated as a new district. JAWA TIMUR XI ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,204,688 Invalid votes: 464,764 21.1 Valid votes: 1,739,924 78.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 11,094 00.6 -01.5 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 39,001 02.2 -01.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 319,627 18.4 +15.6 2 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 81,319 04.7 -02.0 - Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 146,820 08.4 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 101,417 05.8 +01.2 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 233,471 13.4 -27.1 1 -2 National Mandate Party (PAN) 132,565 07.6 +03.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 10,415 00.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 83,897 04.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 1,565 00.1 -00.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 132,398 07.6 +05.5 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 26,573 01.5 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 68,493 03.9 - United Development Party (PPP) 236,035 13.6 -09.6 1 -1 Others 115,234 06.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,739,924 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Acmad Syafi'i (PD) Mh Said Abdullah (PDI-P) Soepriyatno (PGIR) Ir Abdul Azis Suseno (PKS) Drs Ach Rubaie (PAN) Achsanul Qosasi (PD) Mochammad Mahfudh (PPP) Kh Muh Unais Ali Hisyam (PKB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the former Jawa Timur X. KALIMANTAN BARAT ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,324,404 Invalid votes: 277,700 11.9 Valid votes: 2,036,704 88.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 38,103 01.9 -00.5 - -1 Crescent Star Party (PBB) 33,030 01.6 -00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 230,639 11.3 +05.2 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 288,112 14.1 -10.4 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 60,071 02.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 466,012 22.9 +05.3 3 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 36,499 01.8 -01.0 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 105,797 05.2 +01.0 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,801 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 73,870 03.6 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 57,475 02.8 -01.3 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 80,784 04.0 +00.5 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 32,297 01.6 -02.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 16,016 00.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 120,945 05.9 -02.5 1 Others 380,253 18.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 2,036,704 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rahman Amin (PKS) Dr Karolin Margret Natasa (PDI-P) Sukiman (PAN) Lasarus (PDI-P) Ir Zulfadhli (PGK) Ir Dolfie Ofp (PDI-P) Drs Kamaruddin Sjam (PGK) Drs Henri Usman (PD) Usman Ja'far (PPP) Lim Sui Khiang (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. KALIMANTAN SELATAN I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,017,170 Invalid votes: 182,485 17.9 Valid votes: 834,685 82.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 16,667 02.0 -00.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 41,373 05.0 -00.1 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 108,714 13.0 +08.2 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 143,462 17.2 -03.6 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 35,036 04.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 42,523 05.1 -03.7 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 61,972 07.4 00.0 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 39,671 04.8 -03.2 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,059 01.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 30,543 03.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,141 00.3 -00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 94,392 11.3 +00.6 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 37,110 04.4 -02.0 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,854 00.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 98,003 11.7 -02.5 1 -1 Others 60,165 07.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 834,685 6 -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aboe Bakar (PKS) Syaifullah Tamliha (PPP) Drs Taufiq Effendi (PD) Drs Bambang Heri Purnama (PKB) Ir Ahmadi Noor Supit (PGK) Royani Haminullah (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the western half of the former Kalimantan Selatan, with which it is compared. KALIMANTAN SELATAN II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 752,358 Invalid votes: 123,553 16.4 Valid votes: 628,805 83.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 8,677 01.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 13,698 02.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 119,241 19.0 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 102,096 16.2 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 30,718 04.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 60,368 09.6 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 14,644 02.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 33,190 05.3 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 5,889 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 28,535 04.5 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 4,578 00.7 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 61,966 09.9 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 36,510 05.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 4,252 00.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 53,469 08.5 1 Others 50,974 08.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 628,805 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Asfihani (PD) Aditya Mufti Ariffin (PPP) Gusti Iskandar S A (PGK) Bahrudin Syarkawie (PDI-P) Hb Ir Nabiel Al Musawa (PKS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the eastern half of the former Kalimantan Selatan, and is treated as a new district. KALIMANTAN TENGAH ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,044,569 Invalid votes: 172,207 16.5 Valid votes: 872,362 83.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 10,685 01.2 -00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 16,470 01.9 -01.1 - Democrat Party (PD) 113,378 13.0 +05.4 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 124,344 14.3 -11.3 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 36,386 04.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 217,606 24.9 +03.1 2 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 28,210 03.2 -01.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 43,291 05.0 -00.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 10,556 01.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 40,757 04.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 17,546 02.0 -01.8 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 35,721 04.1 +01.2 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 8,575 01.0 -02.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 3,347 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 53,138 06.1 +03.1 1 Others 112,352 12.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 872,362 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asdy Narang (PDI-P) Didik Salmijardi (PD) Sugianto (PDI-P) Norhasanah (PPP) Dra Hj Chairun Nisa (PGK) Hang Ali Saputra Syah Pahan (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. KALIMANTAN TIMUR ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,578,755 Invalid votes: 223,683 14.2 Valid votes: 1,355,072 85.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 13,493 01.0 -00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 31,581 02.3 -01.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 241,543 17.8 +12.2 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 245,714 18.1 -09.3 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 64,390 04.8 1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 156,998 11.6 -02.3 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 21,013 01.6 -02.0 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 61,705 04.6 -01.1 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 12,442 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 41,687 03.1 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 45,493 03.4 -00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 126,416 09.3 -00.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 12,358 00.9 -01.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,304 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 76,718 05.7 -02.3 1 Others 197,217 14.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,355,072 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mahyudin (PGK) Hj Adji Farida Padmo Ardan (PD) Aus Hidayat Nur (PKS) Nanang Sulaeman (PPP) Ir Emir Moeis (PDI-P) Dr Ir Hetifah (PGK) Drs Yusran Aspar (PD) Desmond Junaidi Mahesa (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. KEPULAUAN RIAU ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 673,412 Invalid votes: 79,844 11.9 Valid votes: 593,568 88.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 5,472 00.9 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 7,612 01.3 -01.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 98,995 16.7 +10.2 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 102,296 17.2 +01.3 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 17,412 02.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 66,126 11.1 -03.3 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 17,147 02.9 -00.9 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 33,529 05.6 -05.9 - -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 25,276 04.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 20,098 03.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 12,253 02.1 -04.7 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 69,747 11.8 +00.9 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 6,780 01.1 -01.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 7,861 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 23,809 04.0 -02.0 - Others 79,155 13.3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 593,568 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Harry Azhar Azis (PGK) Hj Herlini Amran (PKS) Hj Nany Sulistyani Herawati (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. LAMPUNG I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,870,973 Invalid votes: 257,796 13.8 Valid votes: 1,613,177 86.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 36,642 02.3 -01.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 30,130 01.9 +00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 334,367 20.7 +12.6 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 164,829 10.2 -10.4 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 72,696 04.5 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 209,498 13.0 -05.1 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 64,981 04.0 -01.6 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 196,330 12.2 +05.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,660 01.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 73,523 04.6 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 9,200 00.6 -00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 132,732 08.2 -01.1 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 37,936 02.4 -01.1 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 24,880 01.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 48,395 03.0 -03.0 - -1 Others 160,378 09.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,613,177 9 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zulkifli Hasan (PAN) Dra Tri Hanurita (PGK) Darwin Saleh (PD) Ir Isma Yatun (PDI-P) Drs Al Muzzammil Yusuf (PKS) Ahmad Muzani (PGIR) Heriyanto (PD) Ferdinand Sampurna Jaya (PHNR) Sudin (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. LAMPUNG II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,107,531 Invalid votes: 229,442 10.9 Valid votes: 1,878,089 89.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 56,776 03.0 -01.8 - -1 Crescent Star Party (PBB) 28,964 00.2 -01.9 - Democrat Party (PD) 379,840 20.2 +14.7 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 256,831 13.7 -08.8 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 120,236 06.4 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 239,299 12.7 -06.8 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 94,731 05.0 -04.0 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 88,018 04.7 -00.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 21,506 01.1 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 83,475 04.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 22,176 01.2 +00.5 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 170,909 09.1 +02.0 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 27,880 01.5 -01.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 27,559 01.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 57,049 03.0 -00.8 - Others 202,840 10.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,878,089 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Azis Syamsuddin (PGK) Usmawarnie Peter (PD) Ir Atte Sugandi (PD) Gunadi Ibrahim (PGIR) Kh Ir Abdul Hakim (PKS) Ir Alimin Abdullah (PAN) Drs Riswan Tony (PGK) Chusnunia (PKB) Itet Tridjajati Sumarijanto (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. MALUKU ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 827,591 Invalid votes: 55,012 06.7 Valid votes: 772,579 93.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 7,749 01.0 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 8,684 01.1 -03.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 126,663 16.4 +12.4 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 132,395 17.1 -03.6 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 20,889 02.7 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 72,972 09.4 -09.1 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 99,059 12.8 +10.6 1 +1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 52,254 06.8 +01.5 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 4,469 00.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 44,756 05.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 15,664 02.0 -06.6 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 42,182 05.5 -01.8 - -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 15,355 02.0 -01.9 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 9,529 01.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 13,460 01.7 -04.1 - Others 106,499 13.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 772,579 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mirati Dewaningsih (PKB) Sonny Waplau (PD) Edison Betaubun (PGK) Alexander Litaay (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. MALUKU UTARA ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 550,236 Invalid votes: 30,501 05.5 Valid votes: 519,735 94.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 6,470 01.2 -00.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 13,692 02.6 -01.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 56,353 10.8 +04.4 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 101,937 19.6 -03.9 1 +1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 21,837 04.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 39,139 07.5 -01.6 1 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 7,398 01.4 +00.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 30,339 05.8 -00.1 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 6,685 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 35,591 06.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 25,443 04.9 -03.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 33,063 06.4 -04.2 - -1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 10,766 02.1 -00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) - - United Development Party (PPP) 11,029 02.1 -04.6 - Others 119,993 23.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 519,735 3 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hj Nurokhmah Ahmad Hidayat Mus (PGK) Hayu Anggara Shelomita (PDI-P) Bokiratu Nitabudhi Susanti (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. NUSA TENGGARA BARAT ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,354,271 Invalid votes: 391,971 16.7 Valid votes: 1,962,300 83.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 47,908 02.4 +00.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 125,586 06.4 -05.2 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 352,801 18.0 +13.6 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 291,452 14.9 -09.5 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 74,613 03.8 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 92,052 04.7 -02.2 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 41,040 02.1 -02.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 94,355 04.8 -01.4 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 39,741 02.0 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 92,756 04.7 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 3,572 00.2 -03.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 157,591 08.0 +02.5 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 83,688 04.3 -03.6 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 33,969 01.7 - United Development Party (PPP) 102,307 05.2 -03.5 1 Others 328,969 16.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,962,300 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Nanang Samodra Ka (PD) Rachmat Hidayat (PDI-P) Fahri Hamzah (PKS) Sunardi Ayub (PHNR) Adi Putra Darmawan Tahir (PGK) Muhammad Syafrudin (PAN) Izzul Islam (PPP) I Wayan Gunastra (PD) Muhammad Lutfi (PGK) Dr Abdurrahman Abdullah (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,041,287 Invalid votes: 76,103 07.3 Valid votes: 965,184 92.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 14,361 01.5 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 10,673 01.1 -00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 105,925 11.0 +07.5 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 179,436 18.6 -14.3 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 49,344 05.1 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 93,761 09.7 -10.1 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 25,858 02.7 +00.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 28,514 03.0 +01.2 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 22,886 02.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 47,206 04.9 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 28,037 02.9 -00.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 25,331 02.6 +00.9 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 14,937 01.5 +00.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 3,062 00.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 19,494 02.0 -00.9 - Others 296,359 30.7 - -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 965,184 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Benny Kabur Harman (PD) Honing Sanny (PDI-P) Drs Josef Nae Soi (PGK) Pius Lustrilanang (PGIR) Melchias Marcus Mekeng (PGK) Stephanus Pelor (PHNR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,205,770 Invalid votes: 119,372 09.9 Valid votes: 1,086,398 90.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 21,241 02.0 +00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 4,849 00.4 -00.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 204,102 18.8 +13.9 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 181,982 16.8 -23.6 2 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 56,419 05.2 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 142,878 13.2 -06.7 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 29,061 02.7 -00.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 36,103 03.3 +02.2 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,243 01.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 51,526 04.7 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 57,662 05.3 -03.0 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 10,666 01.0 +00.7 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 6,344 00.6 +00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,760 00.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 6,299 00.6 -00.2 - Others 258,263 23.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,086,398 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Setya Novanto (PGK) Dr Charles Mesang (PGK) Herman Hery (PDI-P) Fary Djemy Francis (PGIR) Anita Jacoba Gah (PD) Saleh Husin (PHNR) Jefirstson Riwu Kore (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. PAPUA ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,851,783 Invalid votes: 132,202 07.1 Valid votes: 1,719,581 92.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 14,965 00.9 -02.5 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 9,023 00.5 -00.5 - Democrat Party (PD) 337,302 19.6 +15.0 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 337,757 19.6 -05.1 3 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 44,316 02.6 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 52,567 03.1 -05.0 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 88,628 05.2 +00.1 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 144,261 08.4 +03.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 5,493 00.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 127,306 07.4 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 112,015 06.5 +00.2 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 40,955 02.4 +00.1 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 14,782 00.9 +00.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,314 00.1 - United Development Party (PPP) 32,263 01.9 +00.4 - Others 355,634 20.7 - -2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,719,581 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paskalis Kossay (PGR) Freddy Numberi (PD) Drs Ali Kastella (PHNR) Jamaluddin Jafar (PAN) Etha Bulo (PD) Agustina Basik-Basik (PGR) Yorrys Raweyai (PGR) Peggi Patricia Pattipi (PKB) Diaz Gwijangge (PD) Manuel Kaisiepo (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. PAPUA BARAT ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 423,752 Invalid votes: 42,631 10.1 Valid votes: 381,121 89.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 4,122 01.1 -00.7 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 6,305 01.7 -02.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 39,967 10.5 +06.7 1 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 120,380 31.6 +03.2 2 +1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 8,309 02.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 22,106 05.8 -07.3 - -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 5,695 01.5 -00.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 20,904 05.5 -02.9 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 6,939 01.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 11,217 02.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 19,936 05.2 -03.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 11,670 03.1 +00.3 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 8,080 02.1 +00.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 764 00.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 20,343 05.3 -00.5 - Others 74,384 19.5 - -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 381,121 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Irene Manibuy (PGK) Michael Wattimena (PD) Robert Joppy Kardinal (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. RIAU I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,263,289 Invalid votes: 132,636 10.5 Valid votes: 1,130,653 89.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 11,247 01.0 -00.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 28,672 02.5 -01.5 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 186,477 16.5 +12.7 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 222,213 19.7 -10.2 1 -2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 41,028 03.6 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 81,935 07.2 -03.0 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 31,436 02.8 -00.5 - -1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 79,846 07.1 -00.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 31,487 02.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 31,484 02.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 35,345 03.1 +00.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 103,617 09.2 +02.6 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 22,895 02.0 -03.7 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 14,170 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 88,418 07.8 +00.3 1 Others 120,383 10.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,130,653 6 -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Wan Abu Bakar (PPP) Sutan Sukarnotomo (PD) Ir Arsyad Juliandi Rachman (PGK) Asman Abnur (PAN) Drs Chairul Anwar (PKS) Ian Siagian (PDI-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the northern half of the former Riau, with which it is compared. RIAU II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,029,604 Invalid votes: 125,608 12.2 Valid votes: 903,996 87.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 12,091 01.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 25,759 02.8 - Democrat Party (PD) 117,928 13.0 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 254,636 28.2 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 34,275 03.8 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 64,799 07.2 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 62,747 06.9 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 53,486 05.9 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 13,033 01.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 34,535 03.8 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 9,866 01.1 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 46,120 05.1 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 28,797 03.2 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 8,406 00.9 - United Development Party (PPP) 57,621 06.4 - Others 79,897 08.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 903,996 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ir Idris Laena (PGK) Hj Nurliah (PGK) Muhamad Nasir (PD) Marsiaman Saragih (PDI-P) Ir Lukman Edy (PKB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the southern half of the former Riau, and is treated as a new district. SULAWESI BARAT ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 587,334 Invalid votes: 55,790 09.5 Valid votes: 531,544 90.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 8,386 01.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 11,717 02.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 78,032 14.7 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 109,192 20.5 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 12,193 02.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 48,983 09.2 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 6,992 01.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 73,601 13.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 7,583 01.4 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 14,244 02.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 7,368 01.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 34,529 06.5 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 9,542 01.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,174 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 16,729 03.1 - Others 90,279 17.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 531,544 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Salim Mengga (PD) Hendra S Singkarru (PAN) Drs Ibnu Munzir (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a new district created from the western part of the former Sulawesi Selatan II. SULAWESI SELATAN I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,422,956 Invalid votes: 191,692 13.5 Valid votes: 1,231,264 86.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 14,032 01.1 -00.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 17,522 01.4 -00.9 - Democrat Party (PD) 221,228 18.0 +14.4 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 293,147 23.8 -20.6 3 -2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 43,712 03.6 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 33,274 02.7 -01.5 - -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 15,112 01.2 -00.6 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 107,564 08.7 +01.0 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 9,543 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 47,516 03.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 21,513 01.7 +00.6 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 127,570 10.4 +02.8 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 16,843 01.4 -01.4 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 6,217 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 80,679 06.6 -00.5 1 Others 175,792 14.3 - -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,231,264 8 -4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anis Matta (PKS) Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul (PAN) Reza Ali (PD) Drs H Ambas Syam (PGK) Emil Abeng (PGK) Dr Ahmad Nizar Shihab (PD) Dra Hj Oelfah Syahrullah Harmanto (PGK) Achmad Dg Sere (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the western two-thirds of the former Sulawesi Selatan I, with which it is compared. SULAWESI SELATAN II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,518,983 Invalid votes: 161,893 10.7 Valid votes: 1,357,090 89.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 21,177 01.6 00.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 21,809 01.6 -01.5 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 177,529 13.1 +10.7 2 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 416,072 30.7 -13.6 4 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 35,699 02.6 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 37,429 02.8 -02.0 - -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 35,720 02.6 +00.9 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 121,815 09.0 +03.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 19,814 01.5 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 65,649 04.8 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 2,086 00.2 -02.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 110,105 08.1 +01.1 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 42,699 03.1 00.0 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 8,072 00.6 - United Development Party (PPP) 42,310 03.1 -03.0 - -1 Others 199,105 14.7 - -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,357,090 9 -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Malkan Amin (PGK) Taufan Tiro (PAN) Tamsil Linrung (PKS) Halim Kalla (PGK) Dr Ir Mohammad Jafar Hafsah (PD) Drs Abdul Gafar Patappe (PD) Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi (PGK) Drs Akbar Faisal (PHNR) Syamsul Bachri (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This district is the eastern third of the former Sulawesi Selatan I and the southern half of the former Sulawesi Selatan II, with which it is compared. SULAWESI SELATAN III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,191,023 Invalid votes: 90,607 07.6 Valid votes: 1,100,416 92.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 12,361 01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 57,315 05.2 - Democrat Party (PD) 179,713 16.3 2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 216,623 19.7 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 48,596 04.4 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 49,042 04.5 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 17,371 01.6 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 64,403 05.9 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 14,156 01.3 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 60,079 05.5 1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 55,326 05.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 55,862 05.1 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 16,076 01.5 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 14,927 01.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 28,635 02.6 - Others 209,931 19.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,100,416 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Idrus Marham (PGK) Ir Markus Nari (PGK) Ir Bahrum Daido (PD) Drs Muchtar Amma (PHNR) Ir Hj Timo Pangerang (PD) Amran (PAN) Andi Rahmat (PKS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a new district created from the north-eastern part of the former Sulawesi Selatan II. SULAWESI TENGAH ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,296,819 Invalid votes: 96,989 07.5 Valid votes: 1,199,830 92.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 28,550 02.4 00.0 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 22,565 01.9 -03.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 213,637 17.8 +12.5 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 221,597 18.5 -20.1 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 49,938 04.2 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 70,606 05.9 -01.0 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 28,831 02.4 -00.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 55,352 04.6 -00.1 - National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 31,478 02.6 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 77,230 06.4 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 51,554 04.3 -02.0 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 113,760 09.5 +05.7 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 25,983 02.2 -00.2 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 9,328 00.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 38,176 03.2 -03.8 - -1 Others 161,245 13.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,199,830 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Syarifuddin Sudding (PHNR) Drs Murad Nasir (PGK) Dr Adhyaksa Dault (PKS) Ir Rendy Affandy Lamadjido (PDI-P) Muhidin Mohamad Said (PGK) Dr Verna Gladies Merry Inkiriwang (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SULAWESI TENGGARA ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,120,277 Invalid votes: 126,685 11.3 Valid votes: 993,592 88.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 27,423 02.8 +01.3 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 41,381 04.2 -02.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 207,497 20.9 +18.8 2 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 147,986 14.9 -21.9 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 18,592 01.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 41,954 04.2 -03.5 - -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 23,092 02.3 +00.1 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 89,280 09.0 +01.7 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 31,990 03.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 46,335 04.7 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 6,674 00.7 00.0 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 55,234 05.6 +01.2 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 22,946 02.3 -00.9 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 4,636 00.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 40,132 04.0 -07.3 - -1 Others 188,440 19.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 993,592 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andi Rachmat (PD) Wa Ode Nurhayati (PAN) Drs Umar Arsal (PD) Yan Herizal (PKS) Muhammad Oheo Sinapoy (PGK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SULAWESI UTARA ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,323,131 Invalid votes: 83,739 06.3 Valid votes: 1,239,392 93.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 12,711 01.0 -00.9 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 7,728 00.6 -00.6 - Democrat Party (PD) 191,573 15.5 +01.2 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 304,098 24.5 -07.8 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 36,419 02.9 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 290,448 23.4 +07.2 2 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 8,796 00.7 -01.5 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 66,479 05.4 +03.9 1 +1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 9,313 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 28,472 02.3 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 80,016 06.5 -08.3 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 30,622 02.5 +00.9 - Reform Star Party (PBR) 13,991 01.1 -00.2 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 379 00.0 - United Development Party (PPP) 21,590 01.7 -01.6 - -1 Others 136,757 11.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,239,392 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mangindaan (PD) Ir Edwin Kawilarang (PGK) Aditya Anugrah Moha (PGK) Vanda Sarundajang (PDI-P) Olly Dondokambey (PDI-P) Dra Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA BARAT I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,254,481 Invalid votes: 106,778 08.5 Valid votes: 1,147,703 91.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 12,814 01.1 -01.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 31,166 02.7 -02.4 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 300,199 26.2 +20.2 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 207,241 18.1 -10.0 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 51,115 04.5 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 43,790 03.8 -00.2 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 21,396 01.9 +00.7 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 111,772 09.7 -04.8 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 8,809 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 41,866 03.6 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 6,250 00.5 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 110,964 09.7 -02.9 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 24,022 02.1 -02.6 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 994 00.1 - United Development Party (PPP) 65,108 05.7 -03.6 1 Others 131,593 11.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,147,703 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dasrul Djabar (PD) Dr Zulmiar Yanri (PD) Jeffrie Geovanie (PGK) Ichlas El Qudsi (PAN) Prof Dr Irwan Prayitno (PKS) Dr Azwir Dainy Tara (PGK) Darizal Basir (PD) Epyardi Asda (PPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA BARAT II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: Invalid votes: 93,920 09.7 Valid votes: 874,838 90.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 15,693 01.8 -00.4 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 30,307 03.5 -03.5 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 238,576 27.3 +23.3 2 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 139,323 15.9 -15.0 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 34,966 04.0 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 36,539 04.2 +00.6 - National Awakening Party (PKB) 21,165 02.4 +00.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 87,878 10.0 -04.4 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 7,034 00.8 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 34,399 03.9 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 950 00.1 -00.2 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 69,062 07.9 -03.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 15,364 01.8 -01.6 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 563 00.1 - United Development Party (PPP) 72,597 08.3 -07.2 1 Others 70,422 08.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 874,838 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drs Djufri (PD) Refrizal (PKS) Ir Mulyadi (PD) Muhammad Iqbal (PPP) Nudirman Munir (PGK) Taslim (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA SELATAN I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,796,393 Invalid votes: 243,268 13.5 Valid votes: 1,552,125 84.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 24,652 01.6 -00.6 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 21,692 01.4 -01.4 - Democrat Party (PD) 211,217 13.6 -01.3 1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 372,826 24.0 +03.7 3 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 96,430 06.2 1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 200,893 12.9 -03.7 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 24,995 01.6 -02.7 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 74,217 04.8 -02.3 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 26,946 01.7 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 61,633 04.0 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 11,110 00.7 -00.6 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 95,779 06.2 -01.3 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 46,727 03.0 -00.8 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 22,845 01.5 - United Development Party (PPP) 68,061 04.4 -01.5 - Others 193,102 12.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,553,125 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edhy Prabowo (PGIR) Drs Kahar Muzakir (PGK) Mustafa Kamal (PKS) Masagus Uzwar Fatommy (PGK) Achmad Hafisz Tohir (PAN) Ir Nazarudin Kiemas (PDI-P) Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin (PGK) Syofwatillah Mohzaib (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA SELATAN II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,186,252 Invalid votes: 281,127 12.9 Valid votes: 1,905,125 87.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 34,600 01.8 +00.2 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 71,977 03.8 -01.3 - -1 Democrat Party (PD) 283,625 14.9 +07.6 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 363,332 19.1 -02.8 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 110,040 05.8 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 250,350 13.1 -04.4 1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 45,483 02.4 -01.8 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 98,919 05.2 -01.6 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 16,674 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 95,518 05.0 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 4,762 00.2 -00.4 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 122,323 06.4 +01.4 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 93,094 04.9 -01.7 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 14,474 00.8 - United Development Party (PPP) 69,727 03.7 -03.2 - -1 Others 230,227 12.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,905,125 9 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tantowi Yahya (PGK) Hanna Gayatri (PAN) Prof Dr Mahyuddin (PD) Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi (PGK) Dudhhie Makmun Murod (PDI-P) Drs Fauzi Achmad (PHNR) Nuriswanto (PGIR) Juhaini Alie (PD) Kh Bukhori (PKS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA UTARA I ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,916,199 Invalid votes: 188,192 09.8 Valid votes: 1,728,007 90.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 9,343 00.5 -00.9 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 21,929 01.3 -01.0 - Democrat Party (PD) 584,755 33.8 +22.7 5 +4 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 155,549 09.0 -07.3 1 -1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 49,182 02.8 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 151,631 08.8 -05.9 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 17,342 01.0 -01.9 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 89,306 05.2 -02.5 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 49,727 02.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 55,619 03.2 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 72,703 04.2 -02.4 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 201,804 11.7 -01.1 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 25,940 01.5 -02.1 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 5,890 00.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 65,215 03.8 -02.7 - Others 172,072 10.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,728,007 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdul Wahab Dalimunthe (PD) Ibrahim Sakty Batubara (PAN) Ir Tifatul Sembiring (PKS) Sri Novida (PD) Panda Nababan (PDI-P) Ir Nurdin Tampubolon (PHNR) Drs Ir Sutan Bhatoegana (PD) Drs Jafar Nainggolan (PD) Drs Burhanuddin Napitupulu (PGK) Lisa Ratnadeli (PD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA UTARA II ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,124,745 Invalid votes: 292,561 13.7 Valid votes: 1,832,184 86.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 17,158 00.9 -00.9 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 16,503 00.9 -01.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 436,856 23.8 +18.2 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 262,751 14.3 -08.3 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 61,070 03.3 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 227,510 12.4 -00.1 2 +1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 31,136 01.7 -00.3 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 72,674 04.0 +00.1 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 94,372 05.2 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 79,965 04.4 1 +1 Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 76,704 04.2 -02.2 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 80,706 04.4 +00.7 1 +1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 26,896 01.5 -02.9 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 7,654 00.4 - United Development Party (PPP) 68,350 03.7 -03.7 - -1 Others 271,589 14.8 - -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,832,184 10 +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drh Jhoni Allen Marbun (PD) Drs Amrun Daulay (PD) Dr Yassonna Laoly (PDI-P) Ir Neil Iskandar Daulay (PGK) Trimedya Panjaitan (PDI-P) Iskan Qolba Lubis (PKS) Chairuman Harahap (PGK) Herry Lontung Siregar (PHNR) Fondraradodo Ndruru (PD) Ahmad Khadafi Wibowo Lubis (PAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. SUMATERA UTARA III ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 1,959,012 Invalid votes: 238,137 12.2 Valid votes: 1,720,875 87.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 26,931 01.6 -00.1 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 41,542 02.4 -00.3 - Democrat Party (PD) 421,921 24.5 +18.7 3 +2 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 239,809 13.9 -09.2 2 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 57,698 03.4 1 +1 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 180,230 10.5 -06.6 1 -1 National Awakening Party (PKB) 20,701 01.2 -00.5 - National Mandate Party (PAN) 112,441 06.5 +01.3 1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 28,430 01.7 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 52,972 03.0 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 84,722 04.9 -00.4 - -1 Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 104,506 06.1 +00.5 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 22,966 01.3 -03.2 - -1 Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 2,744 00.2 - United Development Party (PPP) 87,803 05.1 -02.6 1 Others 235,409 13.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,720,875 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ruhut Poltak Sitompul (PD) Maiyasyak Johan (PPP) Nasril Bahar (PAN) Ansory Siregar (PKS) Edi Ramli Sitanggang (PD) Dr Capt Anthon Sihombing (PGK) Ir Ali Wongso Halomoan Sinaga (PGK) Imran Muchtar (PD) Tri Tamtomo (PDI-P) Martin Hutabarat (PGIR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged. YOGYAKARTA ========================================================================================== Votes cast: 2,007,359 Invalid votes: 254,584 12.7 Valid votes: 1,752,775 87.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) 30,282 01.7 -01.8 - Crescent Star Party (PBB) 16,071 00.9 +00.7 - Democrat Party (PD) 327,799 18.7 +13.2 2 +1 Functional Groups Party (PGK, Golkar) 258,800 14.8 +01.0 1 Great Indonesia Movement Party (PGIR) 78,254 04.5 - Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle (PDI-P) 274,679 15.7 -10.4 2 National Awakening Party (PKB) 80,285 04.6 -05.5 1 National Mandate Party (PAN) 243,416 13.9 -03.9 1 -1 National People's Concern Party (PPRN) 15,279 00.9 - People's Conscience Party (PHNR) 41,321 02.4 - Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 14,756 00.8 -00.9 - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 159,132 09.1 +01.8 1 Reform Star Party (PBR) 4,820 00.3 -00.4 - Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU) 22,896 01.3 - United Development Party (PPP) 61,344 03.5 -01.4 - Others 123,641 07.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 1,752,775 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members elected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roy Suryo Notodiprojo (PD) Dra Eddy Mihati (PDI-P) Totok Daryanto (PAN) Agoes Poernomo (PKS) Gandung Pardiman (PGK) Agus Bastian (PD) Djuwarto (PDI-P) Agus Sulistiyono (PKB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ District boundaries unchanged.